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Little EMO Annie

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Posts posted by Little EMO Annie

  1. I think there are bigger issues in the world than whether or not GNR has a reunion. When GNR remerges I will be happy to see whoever is in the band. People will complain, no matter what happens. But asking if the world will forgive Axl if he doesn't do a reunion is just a tad dramatic. The only people who won't forgive Axl are forum members of various GNR boards whose main accomplishment in life is hating AXL. I can't understand that. he created some of the best rock music ever that will be remembered by future generations.

    Oh yeah. The "there are more important things in the world than Gn'R and reunions" argument. On a Guns N' Roses forum. People will complain when all they have is 1 album in 24 years. Especially when you take into consideration the output of old Guns.

    He created with the help of others some of the best hard rock music, and that is precisely why many want the people responsible for coming up with the music to be in the band again. That is not very hard to understand.

    The title of the thread was. Would the WORLD forgive Axl, not the members of GNR forums.

    The world doesn't care. We are talking about people who go to Gn'R shows to experience the hits and hardcore fans. Most hardcore fans I know that don't go on the internet don't know or care about any Slashless incarnation and the ones that do gave up long ago.

    There is nothing to forgive, but there is much to complain about. Axl could have stayed somewhat relevant in the eyes of "the world" if he didn't vanish into his crib and released 1 album in 24 years.

    I don't think the world is going to forget that. In fact I think Axl is probably going to be remembered as the drama queen lead singer that broke up Guns N' Roses for no good reason. Personally, I don't really believe I know the full story or that it was all Axl's fault, but the only way the world is gonna accept Axl's new Guns as real Guns is a reunion cause he failed at cementing any of the other line ups as relevant to the legacy in any meaningful way to most fans.

    I guess I just don't get why Axl owes the world anything. He has created some really great music that has stood the test of time. I would love to hear more. Axl is a great artist and a human being. Rock music isn't the big seller right now, so I really think a lot of delays are more on the business side of things with the suits.

  2. I think there are bigger issues in the world than whether or not GNR has a reunion. When GNR remerges I will be happy to see whoever is in the band. People will complain, no matter what happens. But asking if the world will forgive Axl if he doesn't do a reunion is just a tad dramatic. The only people who won't forgive Axl are forum members of various GNR boards whose main accomplishment in life is hating AXL. I can't understand that. he created some of the best rock music ever that will be remembered by future generations.

    Oh yeah. The "there are more important things in the world than Gn'R and reunions" argument. On a Guns N' Roses forum. People will complain when all they have is 1 album in 24 years. Especially when you take into consideration the output of old Guns.

    He created with the help of others some of the best hard rock music, and that is precisely why many want the people responsible for coming up with the music to be in the band again. That is not very hard to understand.

    The title of the thread was. Would the WORLD forgive Axl, not the members of GNR forums.

  3. I don't think you are getting it. This time, either. I am not denying that Axl has referred to Beta as his mother, just the assumption that this means he actually thinks she is his mother, and the conjecture that Beta has deliberately convinced him (by trickery one would presume? Surely she must be some kind of witch :D ) into believing it, which was what "tomfriend" jokingly claimed. I got the joke, just pointed out that it is still based on conjecture. You, Apollo, doesn't seem to get any of this.

    She played the part of his mother when he needed someone to love and trust. Money was involved, and she and her family have benefited from that connection greatly. Axl changed their life completely.

    Still doesn't devalue what Beta gave to him. She was there for him in one of the toughest times in his life. I don't believe there isn't a genuine mutual feeling of trust, love, and respect there. But technically yeah, fake mother. It's like she adopted a grown man, but he's not really a mature person, so I can see how that happened, as weird as it might seem to a lot of people.

    Thankyou both for the 2 bit analysis of a relationship that is very important to all parties invoved. NOT! You don't know any of these people. So you have no right to judge or analyze them in such a hateful manner.

    Who have I analyzed in a hateful manner?

    Do I really need to answer that question. What you said was very passive aggressive.

    No, of course you don't need to do that. But I think you are wrong in your analyses. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that the purposeful portraying of Beta as a person who maliciously has maneuvred herself into a position of power with Axl purely for personal gain, is pure conjecture. I don't buy it. She may not be a great manager but I don't think she deserves to have her intentions written off as solely nefarious. I try to be reasonable on this and I think it is wrong to judge her when we don't have enough evidence either way, and then I must fall down on a conclusion to await any judgment. It basically just common decency. I am not sayign she isn't this witch some people here seem to think, just that I find it implausible based on what we know, and indecent to jump to any comclusions. This is exactly what I feel, any "passive aggressive" tones to my words are completely unintentional and unfortunate.

    That's a little better. The person who responded to your post was really the passive aggressive one making little jabs.

  4. yeah axl is very misunderstood and seems to be very grounded in his morals, glad him and slash have mended it, adler however hasn't really done enough to get back in with those guys...his demented views are just to low

    yes. I think Steven got away with a lot in his youth because he was really good looking back in the day. He is not worthy of being in any reunion real or fantasy. Just my opinion.

    sad but true, considering that without his drumming on appetite it wouldn't be that good of a record

    There are ALOT of talented drummers in LA. Especially back then.

  5. I don't think you are getting it. This time, either. I am not denying that Axl has referred to Beta as his mother, just the assumption that this means he actually thinks she is his mother, and the conjecture that Beta has deliberately convinced him (by trickery one would presume? Surely she must be some kind of witch :D ) into believing it, which was what "tomfriend" jokingly claimed. I got the joke, just pointed out that it is still based on conjecture. You, Apollo, doesn't seem to get any of this.

    She played the part of his mother when he needed someone to love and trust. Money was involved, and she and her family have benefited from that connection greatly. Axl changed their life completely.

    Still doesn't devalue what Beta gave to him. She was there for him in one of the toughest times in his life. I don't believe there isn't a genuine mutual feeling of trust, love, and respect there. But technically yeah, fake mother. It's like she adopted a grown man, but he's not really a mature person, so I can see how that happened, as weird as it might seem to a lot of people.

    Thankyou both for the 2 bit analysis of a relationship that is very important to all parties invoved. NOT! You don't know any of these people. So you have no right to judge or analyze them in such a hateful manner.

    Who have I analyzed in a hateful manner?

    Do I really need to answer that question. What you said was very passive aggressive.

  6. I don't think you are getting it. This time, either. I am not denying that Axl has referred to Beta as his mother, just the assumption that this means he actually thinks she is his mother, and the conjecture that Beta has deliberately convinced him (by trickery one would presume? Surely she must be some kind of witch :D ) into believing it, which was what "tomfriend" jokingly claimed. I got the joke, just pointed out that it is still based on conjecture. You, Apollo, doesn't seem to get any of this.

    She played the part of his mother when he needed someone to love and trust. Money was involved, and she and her family have benefited from that connection greatly. Axl changed their life completely.

    Still doesn't devalue what Beta gave to him. She was there for him in one of the toughest times in his life. I don't believe there isn't a genuine mutual feeling of trust, love, and respect there. But technically yeah, fake mother. It's like she adopted a grown man, but he's not really a mature person, so I can see how that happened, as weird as it might seem to a lot of people.

    Thankyou both for the 2 bit analysis of a relationship that is very important to all parties invoved. NOT! You don't know any of these people. So you have no right to judge or analyze them in such a hateful manner.

    • Like 1
  7. No one but us is paying enough attention to care either way. The only way the mainstream will give enough of a fuck about a reunion is if it actually comes to be. But nobody besides the hard ores are emotionally invested into what Axl is doing right now. And everybody here knows that chances are, he's just going to probably add another two no name guitarists into the band, tour the same nostalgic shows, with the same occasional comment about a new album that will probably never see the light of day. He's never going to admit nu guns is a failure and reunite the real band unless he's in absolute financial ruin, regardless of if he and Slash are civil now.

    That's not true. A lot of people were interested when the speculations first started. And who made you qualified to predict Axl's thought process and what motivates his business decisions? And just who is the real band?

  8. I think there are bigger issues in the world than whether or not GNR has a reunion. When GNR remerges I will be happy to see whoever is in the band. People will complain, no matter what happens. But asking if the world will forgive Axl if he doesn't do a reunion is just a tad dramatic. The only people who won't forgive Axl are forum members of various GNR boards whose main accomplishment in life is hating AXL. I can't understand that. he created some of the best rock music ever that will be remembered by future generations.

  9. The truth is that I saw at least 22 great GNR shows since 2001,. I liked all the lineups. Things change and evolve. No shame in that. The music industry has changed so much in the past 2 decades. I love Chinese Democracy. I think This I love is one of the greatest romantic songs of all time.

  10. Personally I don't get why you would want a friend's autograph. And posting crap on facebook that involves your kids is not cool. As a friend she should know how annoying that has to be for a musician to be signing autographs after performing. She needs to get in the new millennium and just keep her memories to herself. And her mouth shut. Everybody in that crowd did dark shit back in the day.

  11. yeah axl is very misunderstood and seems to be very grounded in his morals, glad him and slash have mended it, adler however hasn't really done enough to get back in with those guys...his demented views are just to low

    yes. I think Steven got away with a lot in his youth because he was really good looking back in the day. He is not worthy of being in any reunion real or fantasy. Just my opinion.

  12. I think that Axl is a good guy and thought that he was doing the right thing by not pressing charges against Steven. Unfortunately it just ended up biting him in the ass .

    • Like 1
  13. Thankyou for sharing that Angelica. I believe Angela's versions as well. Erin is very lucky to be alive or worse brain damaged. You only have 4-6 minutes after suffering a cardiac arrest before permanent brain damage occurs.

  14. There is a lot of truth to that statement. However , if I had been Erins nurse I would have done everything in my power to adviocate for her family to press charges against him. I would have called in the big guns, social work ,chaplains and the ICU medical director to help the family make an informed decision. Part of being a great critical care nurse is assessing why your patient is in ICU and doing everything in your power to keep them safe. Maybe if he had been held accountable for his actions at that time. His life might have taken a different direction.

  15. Didn't he inject Erin Everly with a speedball and put her in an ICU after she suffered a cardiac arrest? Don't think there's a special place in heaven for a guy like that.

    • Like 1
  16. There was only one person in the car and it was him. It was a bright blue Koenig something. that uber expensive Swedish car. Thats what really drew my brother's attention, the car. There were fresh tire tracks in the gravel in the driveway when we drove past. The aggressive driving style alone is pure Axl! Anyway it doesnt matter if you believe me. The point of this story was that I made a musical pilgrimage and came very close to flipping off my idol off.So rock and roll! This was about 4 0r 5 years ago.

  17. I made a pilgrimage to Axl's house several years ago.It was very steep and I was seriously regretting my decision. I heard an engine rev and was passed by a million dollar sports car. I was so startled I almost flipped him off. My bro who was driving saw his face.That would have been funny if I did flip him off! I was like who is this asshole and then I'm like OMG it's Axl!

  18. If I was beaten by a guy like she says she was, I would have burned his image from my head inmediately and never ever come close to anything related to that guy, no matter what.... But last year she was selling stuff, and going to GNR show??

    How do you go to see the guy who beat the hell out of you in a show of whatever?

    I don't get this kind of behavior...

    for closure, perhaps. For some survivors of abuse, it's very important to be able to face their abuser in some way, either in person or in a figurative manner, and prove to themselves that the person has no further power over them. And it can take decades to get to that point. So for Erin to go to a Guns N' Roses show and walk away from it might have been a very powerful healing thing for her. Axl can't hurt her anymore and she doesn't have to be afraid of him.

    Will this put Axl into more years of hiding, thus delaying CD2?

    Maybe it will help him get closure over Erin. I think she inflicted emotional abuse on him. She had alot of unresolved Daddy issues that do not make for a happy relationship. I'm not saying Axl was a saint, but neither was she.

  19. Well if Duswalt can get a book deal I'm pretty sure the inspiration for SCOM can. $1,000.00 that if she does indeed have a book it will be Titled Sweet Child:

    You are CORRECT!!!!

    I think she is writng a book and wants to see if anybody gives a damn about her.

    And the problem with that is?

    No problem, but we who are fans of Axl, KNOW that it will upset him.

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