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Posts posted by ColdHeartBreaker

  1. @ST

    The old band performance you provided a link for, Axl sounds bad, like he's got something stuck in his throat lol.

    That was my intention. I wanted to show that even that mediocre performance was better than the new one.

    As bad as Axl sounded in that clip, he was still better than the Korea concert.

    REALLY? I almost find that hard to believe.

    For me, the bad vox ruins it. No contest, sorry.

  2. Maybe we'll get some pictures a few days early? He does after all have to go through LAX to leave the country.

    That is exactly what I'm hoping for. I'm betting the chances are better when he lands, if he's not already there. The one thing that amazes me is how Axl can manage to live under the radar for years at a time. In a place like Malibu no less. I don't think it's because pap's have no interest in him either. If they see him, there is no way they won't take his pic. It must be magic or something, I just can't figure it out.

    Apparently he doesn't leave his house very often.

    Surely something like this could surface soon..: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SCGAnpC3uk

  3. I went to see 2012 the other day, wasn't my first choice but i didn't find it too bad at all, some jaw-dropping visual effects, decent story. The big russian dude (Yuri) was my favourite character. Seeing the animals getting carried through the sky was pretty cool too.

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