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Posts posted by RocketKing99

  1. I envy you. I'm Uruguayan but I have lived outside of Uruguay for most of my life. I went to two Canadian shows in January and they were the best times of my life, you will love this lineup.

    I looked at the concert map and the stage will be on the Tribuna America??? That's gonna be fucking awesome, the huge Tribuna Olimpica will be in front of the stage. Axl will shit his pants. lol.

    Also, I wonder how's the sound quality in the stadium. They don't usually have concerts that stadium right?

  2. Finally I got to record an announcement/news made by Canal RCN (a local TV channel) on feb 20th about the GNR gig here in Bogota.

    They basically said that Axl hasn't approve yet any of the hotels proposed by the show promoter in Bogota because they doesn't fulfill any of his expectations and requirements. Also they said that Axl is gonna choose the local band opener for the show.


    FLV Video: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=269KDG8X

    omfg, that girl is seriously hot :shock: :shock: :shock:

    those tour videos are pretty cool

  3. xGNRxSTARx stop writing as if you know everything because you don't.

    The old lineup DOES NOT get paid everytime GNR plays one of their songs. The venue every year pays some money to ASCAP. ASCAP every year distributes the money collected based on the historic sales of the artists.

    GNR can play whatever they want, if they play Whole Lotta Rosie they don't have to pay ACDC. ASCAP pays ACDC a % of the total money they collect based on ACDC's historic sales.

  4. Agree.

    These are just warm-up gigs to keep the band playing. Those who fuckin' complain that he's selling out, well, HE JUST PLAYED THE MOTHERFUCKIN CANADIAN AND ASIAN TOUR AND HE'S GONNA PLAY THE SOUTH AMERICAN SHOWS IN MOTHERFUCKIN HUGE FUCKIN ASS STADIUMS!!!!

    Geez, Slashites are killing me.

  5. Any paparazzi hanging out there?

    It is a beautiful crowd I fit right in but I have no reservations, I met a couple of nice girls then I see one of them getting a cab and then a bunch of people surround her and ask her for pictures. I have no idea who she was but I have seen some faces I recognize. Again let me reiterate how hot some of these girls are. I dressed up fir this event cause I knew this was gonna be a pretentious crowd and it is.

    I'm not there, but I can answer that.


    A candid shot of Frank Ferrer could get some decent coin,no?


    SLASH SI THE BEST GUITARIST EVER!!!1!!1 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  6. This band is Guns n Roses in name only.

    In 2001 ECW shut down. Vince McMahon (Billionaire WWE owner) bought the rights to the name of the company that tons of people helped build. He brought ECW back to WWE TV in 2006 but it was so far removed form what made it ECW that virtually nobody cared. Vince finally pulled the plug on ECW a few weeks ago,though true fans knew it had been gone for years.

    Axl is more of a conductor than a frontman in the traditional sense. If you go to see a symphony, doe you bitch that Beethoven didn't make the gig? Fuck no, you just go with it. peace.

    So basically ANYBODY can be brought in by Axl and it is still Guns N' Roses? Sure thing,Brosef.

    Axl is GN'R. For more info, check out Slash's November Rain ft. Jamie Foxx and T-Pain.


  7. I'm absolutely shocked that guys like SunnyDRE and Floyd The Barber are voicing their outrage! Shocked! They came off as such big fans of Axl and the current lineup. Surely they wouldn't be saying they would not look for an excuse to bitch about Axl and the current lineup

    Yeah fuck you too.

    I've never seen anything more disgusting in my life. Hopefully my other favorite musicians aren't a bunch of arrogant jackasses.

    Hey Axl, you fucking suck. You can tell entourage that too.

    AXL SAYS: Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either.

  8. The Internet is an ugly place. This forum is proof. All these cowards that crawl out of the woodwork to insult a former mod... You're excellent Nazi lynchmob material. Axl: Take your secret gigs and shove'em up your arse. I'm outta here.

    See ya!

    I second that. Bye now! :rofl-lol:


    Bye LysanderSky. Nobody fucking cares.

  9. I also have to point out how comical it is that certain posters who for years have talked shit about Axl, Beta, Fernando, Del James, etc. are now in here crying because Axl was so mean to Madison. Pathetic, but not exactly unexpected

    +1! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  10. She had this coming with years. Especially since merck was out of the picture she didn't feel important anymore, getting emails direct to her etc. She's been trying to provoke a reaction outta Axl - well she fucking got one! I can't believe that on a Guns N' Roses forum there are so many giving shit to Axl. Fuck over to the bon jovi forum with chinese democracy on your ipod and maybe you'll convince yourself all is dandy in your idealistic worlds. Fuck i love Guns N' Roses, ya just gotta! :-P


    With all of this Slash t-shirt non-sense she had it coming. However, it was a bit too harsh, but whatever, it was kinda funny.

  11. The U.S. are greedy fucks and they are so negative why would Axl go there when theres so much love everywhere else...doesnt make sense to me...the crowd throws shit at em they are dicks i hope he doesnt do a tour in the U.S...I saw em in toronto last month and the band kicked serious ass..Axl sounded better then ive ever heard him...and you American pricks would probobly still talk shit about his voice...hes older now he doesnt want to deal with your bullshit...i met him backstage in Toronto and he was talking about that... he said Canada is amazing...I hope he comes back here instead of America...


    Americans are so fuckin' negative towards Axl.

    All I can say is we US fans can hope that possibly since the GNR tour seems to be going well, that Axl decides to grant the US a tour. Awhile back, one of the rock stations in Dallas mentioned the GNR tour when it was starting in Asia and they all agreed it was Axl's call on whether or not to show and actually do the tour.

    I'm puzzled as to why Axl doesn't do a full US tour? I can only assume it's because GNR won't sell out large venues and maybe that's what Axl wants. I don't think it's fair since Dallas has many venues all different sizes as I'm sure many US cities do. Maybe Axl would consider doing a summer festival type tour, so GNR won't be the only headliner and they won't have to do a whole hour or more a night?

    There are plenty of tours coming to Dallas this year and it's only February. If Axl and GNR decide to actually tour the US and they do a show in Dallas, I will definitely get tickets, but I'm not going to dwell on whether it's a go or not. Luckily for me, many of my favorite bands are touring this year and making new music, so I'm good.

    There's just not alot of demand, as you've mentioned. Arenas are too big, clubs are too small...its that 5-6k area which hits the mark yet no venues are that size. they're either 12k or 2k

    How is demand estimated? Is it soley based on album sales? This and some other criteria? :question: I should think the huge success in Asia and Canada would drive up interest and "demand" in the US, if there was any question in the first place, -- and in turn the US would be BEGGING for them to come (however, I may be biased) - - but how do they go about measuring this?

    ...all I know is, I cannot wait - but I must - but I don't wanna do it.....

    Edited grammar error and for clarity

    Umm, how about the tour in '06 had piss poor attendance? And nothing else has changed except a hush hush release of an average album that hasn't been promoted? There's no demand for GNR in the US or the world, which is why they don't have good attendance anywhere.

    Yeah, check out the +90% attendance numbers for the Asian, Canadian and the sales for the upcoming South American tour (they are fucking selling out stadiums).

    cupcake. :fuckyou:

  12. Today there was this news article in the largest Argentine newspaper saying that the River Plate stadium (where the GN'R concert will be held) may be shut down for music shows because too many people jumping may cause damages in near buildings.

    Here's the link for those who speak Spanish: http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/02/08/um/m-02135927.htm

    They mention GN'R in that link. They say there is a chance that the show will be canceled, but I'm sure the promoters can bribe the government. :devil:

    So what do they do for a football game. Ban them too. If it a problem take it to Boca...

    From what I read, the problem is too many people jumping on the field. Somehow the vibration from the field affects the buildings nearby. People on the stands are not a problem.

    But I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure the show will go ahead.

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