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Posts posted by RocketKing99

  1. I fucking got it to work!!!!!!!

    go to your browser preferences and set it to use a proxy. put in IP: and port 80 and it will think your from the UK so it will allow you to watch the video!

    Where do you find browser preferences?

    Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections tab > LAN Settings button > Check the "Use a proxy server..." box and enter the IP and port hitmanhart408 posted > OK

    Should be working now...

    Just did that but it's still not working. :( Thanks anyways.

    Refresh the website? Open a new browser window?

  2. Of course the Slash fans are in here moaning about DJ :rolleyes: Since when are piercings gay? If I'm not mistakes Slash has a belly botton piercing! You really wanna get into this?!

    And about looking like Slash, what? DJ had his style and hat before he even got in GnR.

    DJ stood up for Axl, he did the right thing imo. And how do you know the promoter didn't have a grudge against them? He can't be lying? But you're so quick to think that DJ and Axl are lying? Give me a break. DJ has nothing to be embaressed about, he's a great guitarist and a really cool person who truly cares about the fans.

    Maybe it's just me, but everyone I've known with a piercing like his have been an over emotional emo chick. That, and DJ looks like he would be covered in a very fine mucus layer.

    Take a joke people

    So you're judging him based on a piercing? That's mature and openminded.

    I only like funny jokes

    I'm judging his appearance by his piercing, and his tats, and his hair...Which is generally what you judge someones appearance on.

    As a guitarist, imo he's meh. I wouldn't know as a person.

    He still reminds me of an earthworm

    You just mad cuz he plays in Guns N' Roses AND he is better than Slash.

  3. I fucking got it to work!!!!!!!

    go to your browser preferences and set it to use a proxy. put in IP: and port 80 and it will think your from the UK so it will allow you to watch the video!

    Where do you find browser preferences?

    Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections tab > LAN Settings button > Check the "Use a proxy server..." box and enter the IP and port hitmanhart408 posted > OK

    Should be working now...

  4. This guy has no clue who the band members are

    I saw this comment posted elsewhere and it is entirely true.

    If Axl isn't proud enough of his band to have promo material and professional band photos of the guys together, why should any journalist care about finding out whose in the band beside Axl when he makes clear though his actions that he is the only one who is important.

    How about the journalist going to the Wikipedia page and seeing who the band-members are?

    It isn't that hard.

  5. And yet, my day goes on knowing that the megaphone PC was more RNR than anything that happened at the Ritz 88.

    Get at me.

    Do you have any videos of that?

    No. The description was good enough to assure my statement.

    Hopefully we'll have it tomorrow in YouTube...

  6. Career Suicide - A novel by Axl Rose.

    You have to be kidding me, if anything, this is Career Revival-A novel by Axl Rose of GUNS N FUCKING ROSES, SUCK THIS DICK BITCH.

    Too bad that it isn't the music doing the talking.

    Think Axl will ever be invited back to play this festival again? Think other festivals will have GnR headline their shows if they have curfews?

    Ya - real rock n roll stuff here. Screwing promotors and fans that support the band. Makes perfect sense to me.

    You people are praising Axl for his antics and NOT for the music the band put out. That is what is wrong with this picture.

    What music has he put out? Im not waiting for an album because I dont believe there will be one anytime soon. This is the stuff that gets the band publicity and fame, this is what I want for guns.

    "That was the best concert I have ever been too. Axl and Guns tore the place up. They kicked serious ass."


    "They went on 90 minutes late, despite being warned against it. They got boo'd for most of the show. Finally got some cheers in late in the show when they played the classic favorites. But the highlight for me was when the show was ENDED EARLY and Axl protested by sitting on the stage."

    Really? You choose option two over option one?

    I'd rather people be talking about what a great show Axl put on. You'd rather the publicity be that GnR got their set ended by the promotor? That's negative publicity - not exactly something that helps GnR out.

    Axl and the boys going onstage on time, playing a kick-ass show.....I'd much rather that be the publicity. Not other antics.

    Man.. your shit gets tiring... no one cares about your opinion.

    Same shit for SunnyDRE (no racist).

  7. Ok, I'm gonna reply properly now...

    I have been watching the festival on the BBC website and all I have to say is that the bands are pure and utter shit. No bands come close to what GN'R is. Most rock bands nowadays are a bunch of generic shit.... GN'R is still one of the only bands that still does something different and rocks your shit out.

    I have been to two shows this tour, I had to wait like 1.5 hours in each show... but you know what... they were the best concerts I have ever been in my life.... nothing comes close to Axl Rose live.

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