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sweet child 76

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Posts posted by sweet child 76

  1. I don't get the people complaining about the late starts. It's GNR for fuck sakes. What did you expect? They have always gone on late! Just be happy you get to see them live. Not many people can say that nowadays. I understand if you have to work the next day.... ya, it sucks being tired but at least you have a good excuse. I had to work the next day at the last 2 concerts and I was tired but guess what? I got over it and I have great memories of seeing my favorite band put on an amazing show.

  2. I wouldn't get your hopes up for an explanation either, if any of this was true they'll (GNR camp) just act like it never happened (Hello Philadelphia 2002). If this is all bullshit, then possibly you might hear something from Axl. We'll see, but I'm leaning with the former.

    ^^ This.

    You do realize dj is reading this topic right now?? Lets give it some time. I'm sure we'll get an answer. :)

  3. So I live in Alberta and therefore I'm apparently supposed to like Nickleback.... WTF? Seriously? OK, I didn't mind them when The State was released. Thought it was cool that a band from small town Alberta made it big, but then it got old.... real old. I heard them on the radio AGAIN today. Is it just me or do all these new bands songs sound the same? It's like, I turn the radio on and all I hear is this band called Theoryofastateofnicklehinder. Sorry, I'm just venting I guess but I felt this thread was needed! :lol:

  4. I think GNR was the best rock band to ever come out of the 80's, for those of us that remember the spandex and big hair days of glam metal. when GNR came out they were different, dangerous and Axl scared the crap out of our parents, which is exactly what appealed to kids of the time. I think they injected something into the music industry which was badly needed in the late 80's. Therefore, I think they were the best rock band of their day,best rock band ever? Well it's hard to say, but they were extremely influential on the music scene of the time. I think the Stones or Zeppelin are good candidates, but GNR changed the sound and look of rock music.

  5. because axl is an awesome person, .. and although i may not knjow him, a get a good vibe from him. laaaaa.


    haha ,, has anyone noticed axl's epic thighs? lioke i mean they're great looking. ya just wanna smack em. but anyways, just wanted to mention that. they're always like KA POW! WHADUP BITCH?!

    great thighs/

    :lol: I've always admired them.......

  6. More Bullshit Speculation and lies, she has been photoed with Dan McMillan recently, why do people insist on spreading refuse around the net? It is shit like this that turns up on TMZ and Sludge as "the truth".

    Meds? More crapola,unconfirmed,unknown shit.

    Can't everyone be glad "It is what it is",enjoy the times,the concerts, the tweets, without overanalyzing, posting false assumptions, and Digging up negative nonsense to drag everyone's good spirits down? thought this trend was over.

    Everything is looking up- I'm staying positive, it's a great time to be a GNR fan !!

    unless you are a obsessive deranged cupcake,with an agenda.

    The gigs have been great, the tweets are an added bonus;

    It's all good!!

    +1 :thumbsup:

    Axl is bipolar FACT, read your gnr history, he is manic depressive.

    Axl got hair plugs FACT, didnt he even admit it?

    MEDS, is he on them, who knows, he could be to help with the bipolar, but nothing is wrong with that.

    Stop denying what is already widely known as the truth.

    Just because you dont want to believe it doesnt mean its not true

    Axl is bipolar: I don't give a sh*t: FACT

    Axl got hair plugs: I don't give a sh*t: FACT

    Meds, he's on them: I don't give a sh*t:FACT

    Axl and Guns and roses are touring and connecting with the fanbase: I give a sh*t FACT

    I actually have read and experienced GNR history as I was old enough to appreciate them in '87

    thank you, that is all...

  7. More Bullshit Speculation and lies, she has been photoed with Dan McMillan recently, why do people insist on spreading refuse around the net? It is shit like this that turns up on TMZ and Sludge as "the truth".

    Meds? More crapola,unconfirmed,unknown shit.

    Can't everyone be glad "It is what it is",enjoy the times,the concerts, the tweets, without overanalyzing, posting false assumptions, and Digging up negative nonsense to drag everyone's good spirits down? thought this trend was over.

    Everything is looking up- I'm staying positive, it's a great time to be a GNR fan !!

    unless you are a obsessive deranged cupcake,with an agenda.

    The gigs have been great, the tweets are an added bonus;

    It's all good!!

    +1 :thumbsup:

  8. So sad it's over here... Thanks to GNR for all the great shows here in the great white north! Best of luck to you all on the next leg of the tour! And thanks to all who updated at the shows.Awesome job!

  9. Bubbles is a friend of the band, not only that but they are big here in CANADA where they are currently touring why are people not attending the shows complaining, please explain

    Its like wow they went on early, but I gotta find something to bitch about so hey wait there is this bubbles guy thats not cool! The fans no matter how long you have been on this forum dont dictate what they do, has no one got this through their heads yet?

    Thanx, my point exactly :thumbsup:

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