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Black Horse

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Posts posted by Black Horse

  1. I dont get it, these shots were taken randomly while he was walking, I somehow dont expect to seed a huge smile on his face every second of the day, his mouth being closed does not indicate him being angry at least to me :shrugs:

    I think the same.

  2. they fucked up the caption of the top right picture :thumbsdown:

    yeah i noticed that too :(

    pfffft... only an idiot can't tell the difference between a fortus and an ashba. one is the thin, pale, tattoo'd and pierced, shaggy-haired brunette replacement for slash. the other is a thin, pale, tattoo'd and pierced, shaggy-haired brunette replacement for izzy.

    the giant loser who wrote that article needs to spend more time on the guns n' roses forums.

    But not all the people out there know the names of the band members...although a bit of research wouldn´t have been bad.

  3. ac8o6a.jpg

    That is the guy people are questioning, and it is not Eric.

    Though, he does kind of look like him.


    No, I think they mean the dude pushing a trolley right in front of Axl in the first picture, the dude with a dark green shirt.

  4. He looks pissed.

    imo more sad and depressed partly with an anger inside..like when you want to yell and cry at the same moment..when you feel helpless ..(i don´t know if this is the correct english word - i wanted to say that it´s like you want to do something so much and you can´t, you don´t know how..)

    maybe his underpants were riding up in his arse


    this wasn´t neccessary nor funny

    Neither are your posts.

  5. Isn't that girl in the second photo Beta's daughter? Or maybe Sasha? To be honest it could be a complete random but it's fun to speculate.

    That girl is Vanessa, Beta´s daughter and maybe the mods in here can confirm it but I think she also works as Axl´s personal assistant.

  6. Some promoters are insisting even after Axl´s statement. Here is an exemple:


    In this article, the promoters in Costa Rica are insisting that the show will take place, so, people are very confused.

    Axl will not like this. :unsure:

    People have been fooled and now they are blaiming Axl. And promoters aren´t helping. They are insisting on the dates instead of talking to management and try to solve the situation.

  7. Did someone announce shows in those countries? There must have been some radio ad or newspaper ad somewhere.

    Shows are popping up on arena websites,and in one case,apparantly promoters have confirmed.

    But such is not the case,until confirmation comes from the proper sources.

    The problem is that even after Axl´s notice, some promoters insist on the shows and now people are confused.

  8. I love this sing, it is one of my favourites from the UYI but I don´t think will see it played live again. It would be cool if they played it but I think there´s enough old material yet and the focus now is in Chinese Democracy :thumbsup:

  9. - Lady Gaga, Kanye West and another dickfaces making success and appearing on all these f-talk shows and awards instead of Rock N' Roll.

    Totally agree there. God there's so many worthless acts out there that the teeny-boppers just eat up. On the same token, those same teeny-boppers are bombarded with Shit TV (MTV) that promote the worthlessness and there's usually a TON of acts touring the U.S. constantly. Supply and demand economics again. They're forced to decide to see one concert because that's all they can afford. And with a lineup they're offered they'll usually pick whatever MTV is shoving down their throats.

    Someone mentioned they're sick of people discussing or fantasizing about whether GNR are more popular in one part of the world (within a countries borders) vs. in another. That's simply rubbish. They're popular everywhere equally. Different parts of the world have different scenario's that affect ticket sales. One might argue they'll play a ton of shows in the States so they must be more popular there, right? Wrong. They play so many dates in the States because it's a huge fucking country. Bigger than Europe. When promoters plan these shows they play to the demand of the population and what they figure they can be successful doing. Whether it's a stadium for one large area, or several arena's for a similarly sized area.

    It's economics. Touring is still a business.

    Don't group us all up, I fuckin hate that shit, I wish I lived in a time where I would go to school wearing an AFD cross shirt and not get a "hey why are you wearing skull and crossbones shit" comment...

    Le' sigh, I constantly prove how absolutely garbage every major US act is musically, look at Taylor Swift at the Grammy's that girl couldn't sing in tune inside a bucket, good god...I wish GnR would take over the world again (wishful thinking...)

    Not only GNr but rock & roll in general, and I mean real rock not the crap they sell today as rock :tongue2:

    By the way, congrats to the Argentinians! They were starving for GNR rock1

  10. I bet all the people who disliked him at the time, all those who didn´t want to hang out with him, those who mocked him...etc would be nicer to him now ( in a hypocrite way) just because he is famous.

    Also, it is normal that he described Lafayette in an ugly way since he wan´t happy there and his life there wasn´t a path of glory. Also, bare in mind that the mentality of people in the sixties and seventies was not the same as the one of today. I was bullied and beaten at a school I used to go to when I was a kid, and I don´t care that today that school is one of the best of the city and that there is nice people and stuff;to me, that school was hell and that is how I remember it and that is what that place means to me. So, i guess that Axl´s feelings towards his home town could have been something similar.

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