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Posts posted by Street_Of_Dreams

  1. I'd like to know this as well, the only album I've heard is Yoshimi.

    I know Soft Bulletin is supposed to be there second best.

    The latest album, Embryonic was pretty polarizing to fans. Some loved it and some hated it. I've been told to "experience it for myself"

  2. I left a nasty reply to that guy who said he left the show, haha..."YOU ARE A FUCKING TOOL! FUCK YOU BUDDY!"

    that guy deserved it :)

    Well ya, I would give up a child and my left nut to be there right now, and this guy's just blownin' it off like "Eh, I'm gonna head back to my hotel, got an early wake up call of about 7am, can't wait anymore for lame old GnR.." pisses me off!

    God damn you are a fucking moron


    You would give up your child and left nut? Lol I assume you are joking but come on, thats ridiculous. And did you never stop to think that people have jobs they have to go to the next day? We don't all live in Axl's world.

    That said, this set/setting is pretty cool.

  3. I left a nasty reply to that guy who said he left the show, haha..."YOU ARE A FUCKING TOOL! FUCK YOU BUDDY!"

    that guy deserved it :)

    Well ya, I would give up a child and my left nut to be there right now, and this guy's just blownin' it off like "Eh, I'm gonna head back to my hotel, got an early wake up call of about 7am, can't wait anymore for lame old GnR.." pisses me off!

    God damn you are a fucking moron

  4. Why so many people here are obsessed with a moderator???

    Because she is the most controversial member of all time. She is the most loved as well as the most hated. It begins and ends with her.

    To see her tenure on here as admin end is a shock to everyone

  5. I respect Madison as much as any other person, but it is pleasing to see the shoe on the other foot for once in what seems to be a lifetime.

    As long as this forum has existed, the head moderator has had an Infallibility that allows her to basically walk on water. It's nice to see someone who can never be called out, called out.

    Just pleasing to know we're all on the same page.

    I agree. Madison needed a good verbal smackdown. If she was de-modded because she is a bad mod, then I have no problem with that. If its because Axl doesn't like her, thats pretty bad and (as someone said earlier) we are headed towards HTGTH.

  6. Now, I have no reason to weigh in on the subject but I will anyways.

    Alot of Madison's oppinions are absolutely horseshit.She will get angry at someone and ban them without reason. This special treatment infuriates many.

    That said, she is definetly one of the biggest GNR fans and would NEVER start a rumor to fuck over the band. I just can't in a million years see her trying to hurt this band. She reports what she hears to the masses. Sometimes its right and sometimes its wrong but she always tells us first.

    Also, as far as censorship goes, this forum is FAR better than HTGTH. The zombies over there just lick Axl's balls. Here, Madison allows diversity on the forum and lets people be there own, not some brainless zombie.

    Madison, there is ALOT of beef I have with you (And alot of others do as well). Thats why I'm very shocked in saying this, but I support you 100% :thumbsup:

  7. I'd say tsome of my favorites in no order (Except the first one because that's the one that got me into them in the first place)


    Karma Police

    Everything In Its Right Place


    Paranoid Android

    The National Anthem

    The Bends



    anything off "The Bends" or "OK Computer" are pretty good

  8. :sleeper:

    Well, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest...

    But sunny, thanks for posting all of those songs! A few of them I had never heard before.

    Also, for the haters, I can totally see why you might be turned off of them. There music is VERY difficult to get into

  9. Oh man this band is fantastic. I usually listen to them when Im in a bad mood, I think the screaming is awesome. I don't listen to much hardcore but these guys I love. The Sufferer and The Witness is a fantastic album

  10. Holy cow. Where to begin? This band is absolutely amazing. I can't believe back in the day I despised them. So haunting, so disturbing, so... brilliant!!! Every album I have of theres is gold! I cant believe they continue to reinvent themselves on every album. From the stadium rock of "The Bends" to the freaky music of "Kid A" it just gets better and better. Yorkes voice is in a sense welcoming, but so depraved. I just downloaded HTTT and while most fans rag on it "2+2=5" is an amazing tune.

    Also, for those who think this website is dysfunctional, check out ateaseweb.com. There "Anything goes" section is just full of pyschos!


  11. Hmm Im listening to it now, I forgot all about that song. It's definetly not kanye (Although "Everytime I breathe on the track, I asthma attack it" is awesome).

    Probably jay-z, "You can pay for school but you can't buy class" really sells it for me.

    Fuck upon listening, its most CERTAINTLY not hova. Lol other than that one line, its awful.

    Weezy sucks.

    Fuck they are all pretty awful.

    Thanks to this thread, I now hate a song I used to enjoy, lol

    I'd say T.I. he's pretty good. But wow, this song sucks lol

  12. Houses of the Holy would be my favorite by a long way if "The Crunge" wasn't on it. That was the worst song they had released at that point. Otherwise, the record is pure gold and more of an adventure than their other records.

    I like the way you use the word "Adventure" to describe HoTH. I kind of agree with you. Its so ambitous, and such a change from there previous 4 records. My uncle and I came to the same sentiment about the album (Although he came up with it about 25 years before me) and that is that on first few listens, this album is such a departure from there sound you can't help but be turned off of it. But as you continue to listen there are some amazing tracks, the standouts to me being "Over The Hills and Far Away" and "Dyer Maker."

    Cool record, but idk if it even cracks my top 4. I'd say it goes, in this order:



    Physical Graffiti



    and the rest is kinda irrelevant. I just love the bluesy-ness of old Led Zep :thumbsup:

  13. Kashmir, at least musically, is alot like Stairway to Heaven. It just keeps building and building. The only difference is Stairway comes crashing down to Earth, with good closure, while Kashmir keeps going higher and higher into the sky. Both work and both are fantastic

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