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Status Updates posted by Pink_marionette

  1. webcomic ---> invincible.amilova.com

  2. invincible.amilova.com

  3. You're welcome! I'll do my best to think up something good. :)

  4. Thanks for saying so. ^^

  5. 5 stars. Your art kills it. The pencils/charcoals of Axl are beautiful.

  6. Thank you very much! Appreciate it. x

    I just finished drawing a new one. I'm painting it today. ;)

  7. You should do it! I'd love to see ^^

  8. Thank you so much. x

  9. You're most welcome!! Thanks for the comment on my drawing. ^^

    I want to do more...Waiting for the inspiration to hit me. lol

  10. Didn't read it the way you thought I did. : )

    But no problem anyway. Just felt like saying my piece. No harm done.

  11. hehe thanks. No hard feelings man. I just don't go for all that.

    Each to their own.

  12. Thank you. You're too kind. : )

  13. Ahh...you saw?? Thank you so much /emoticons/default_wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

  14. I'm too busy rofl-ing to reply to that thread anymore XDD

    You made me laugh so much thanks for that dude x

  15. That is really quite beautiful.

  16. I could kiss you for that link. This is going to look great alongside the comment below me.

  17. Ok...wow. That was killer.

  18. haha it was set on "approve", sorry. I'll change it. ^^

    I've drawn it already. I just need to paint it. Been listening to his albums while drawing it...now I have Welcome to bucketland going round and round my head...

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