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Posts posted by AppetiteForSomething

  1. Just a little mini review on the show last night from me.

    Chris Stapleton was a solid opener.

    Ive been to two NuGuns and two Slash shows in the past. This one far exceeded both as far as experience goes. That being said.

    Axl lost his total rasp voice at about Estranged point(less than halfway in).It seems like he brought it back at the end of most songs. It's not nearly as strong as 2010, but he still has flashes of brillance even after it goes clean. His stage presence and energy is still unmatched. I felt every member gave 110%

    Slash, just wow. He definately picks up the slack when needed.

    I like Better and Coma is one my favorite songs.. They just didn't translate well live for me. I could've done without.

    The length of the show was nice and long. Nothing felt rushed. I definately got my money's worth .

    Adler on drums just makes a worlds difference as far as energy and sound.Give him more songs. That's where he's meant to be.

    It was amazing to see a huge stadium packed out with GNR fans. I underestimated the appeal the band still has. I felt like I was in the twilight zone walking down the strip on Nashville with a majority of GNFNR fans. It felt like a big deal. I'm also going to Orlando and Atlanta to experience this again . 

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Jordan Rose said:

    Yeah, i'm more a fan than he and if all these people are gonna pop up having not been around supporting Guns over the past 20 difficult years and bitch about the goddam setlist.

    Congratulations .

    2 hours ago, Jordan Rose said:


    Sweet nightmares, don't piss the bed.

    Too late.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Jordan Rose said:


    It's not rocket science! 

    And a lot of you people complaining about the setlist have very low post counts and/or haven't been around here much over the past 14 years. There are those of us who have been loyal and seen Axl and everyone else live tens of times and heard all the classic material played to death. But we're not complaining about the sets because it's common sense and good business. 

    Jesus, wait til the next tour and you'll all be whining that there's too many Chinese and new album songs. 


    And btw, the UYI tour was IN SUPPORT OF TWO NEW FUCKING CDs. This tour is not!

    This post made me uncomfortable almost .  That's just a weird thing to say .  You're no more or less a fan that anyone on this board .  Get over yourself and stop being so condescending over a band. I woke up at 4am to read the setlist and read this awakard ass comment . I'm not sure if I can even go back to sleep now after reading it. Hope everyone enjoyed the show that went .

    • Like 2
  4. Once again I wasn't referring much to Axl's voice. As much scrutiny as NuGuns and Axl have been under within the past ten years, I find it amazing that the media even didn't harp on him being in a chair and focus solely on the absurdity of the way it looked. That's how well the band functioned as a whole.  I think that's awesome that they didn't give anyone ammunition to reflect them in a negative light.

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  5. Just now, DocArunas said:

    You got that wrong, he did good BECAUSE of that chair. Once he starts dancing and jumping on stage like a monkey, then the shortness of breath starts, loss of stamina, cutting words short, negative effect on voice timbre and strength.

    Agree to disagree. Sure it conserves energy. Sitting down and singing with that range also has it's restrictions I would imagine. I'm no singer, but when I fool around with my guitar and try to sing there is a world's difference between standing up and sitting down. 

  6. The fact that his ass was plastered to the chair for most of the show and still managed still get rave reviews from most of the outlets, still proves that GNR can be a force.  Not many people can pull that off. Kudos to the entire band. That's all.

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