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Posts posted by AnEskimo

  1. Another Bucket thread? Well I think Buckethead rocks whether in or our of GNR so yeah, I still listen to him, and I like his work on the leaks (if they were him).

  2. You could be telling the truth, or you could have just made that up. I don't know either way since there's no proof so for now I'm afraid I don't believe you.

    If you don't beleive me to an indepth people search on Kendra Sorum and Colby Grabill(<---me). both are employed at colonial manor in Anita IA, and you would see that kenda went to the same school as Matt. I would go into detail on our family backgrounds, ages ect but that would be pretty lame to do on an online forum.

    But whether any of you believe me or not is your decision, atleast I know the truth myself, I just thought I would share the info.

  3. hmm..... i am sure that matt sorum gives out information just like that, and to his ex-sister inlaw that he probaly wouldn't consider one of his closest of closest friends.

    Not only is she his ex-sister in law, she was good friends with him in high school. She always tells me stories about how always talked about being famous some day but no one ever believe him.

  4. Talked to her at work today, her names Kendra, his ex sister-in-law. She still talks to him and VR a lot. I asked her about VR breakin up and Slash goin to GNR, but she said that VR is taking a break, cause they do that a lot. She said that it would rock if Slash went back to GNR, because VR doesn't do much anymore, but it isn't true. They are planning a tour atm, and she still promised me back stage passes so that pretty much rocks. But yeah, so don't hope for a summer re-union tour.

  5. Hey.. Village Gorilla Head is even better than Contraband. No joke.


    Did you actually say those words without giggling? :lol:

    Hon - if you had any credibiility before, you just lost it with those words. Anyone who can claim Village Gorilla Head (which has to be the dumbest name for an album) is better than VR's Contraband is clearly so far up Tommy's a** that he can no longer hear or judge music clearly. ... I must say -- it will be interesting to hear you desperately attempt to backpedal if someday Tommy has a falling-out with Axl - or the old band reunites.

    VGH reminds me too much of U2 to be able to enjoy it a lot but its good.... better than Contraband?


    I really do love VGH, but I'm not so sure it tops Contraband. Simply because Contraband has more "rock" into it, and it has a full band's imput in it, unlike the solo VGH.

  6. guys he isn't allowed to talk about guns!, if anyone will break any news you would think it would be axl!, just enjoy the interveiw!.

    oh and the shit music :P

    I think that the music was pretty good. S.A. rocks...I just wish tommy would talk about GNR a bit...maybe towards the end the dj will start sneakin some GNR questions in there...

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