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Posts posted by ThomasMeadow

  1. I was listening to the new GNR album on a 2 hour ride today (the 1st that i really got to get a good listen), and something happened from a new album that hasn't happened for a while, the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

    But this is a GNR forum that has its own main part, so why not throw other albums and bands that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. the albums that you can listen to 5000 times and never get sick of it. The albums that when you listen to on your IPOD while working out, kick the living fuck out of you, then the next night, you come back wanting it even more. The albums that were not scared to be a little different.

    I'll start it off, but please add:


    My 1st mention is the first album by the "Yeah Yeah Yeahs", titled : "Fever to Tell".


    With the unusual "alternative" line up of just a drum set, 6-string, and singer, the trio hit with all their might in their 2003 album. The only way I can really define their sound is by saying that they sound like the art hooray for tolerance!s I went to school with, but instead of smoking dope all the time, they balanced their time by smoking dope and finding a way to be creative. The guitar playing, if written out (i.e. music notation) doesn't look much more then the average garage band wrote it. But the feeling and motion give it a depth that’s hardly been touched before the album can out in '03. the chords are mostly a simple patterns, but the power behind the art of being simple leaves it so much easier to be aggressive. fuck solos that’s last over 3 mins here. there is no need. songs like "black tongue" , Man" "Date with the night" and even "tick" sound and feel like I ran full speed in to someone swinging a stone brick in to my nose, and feeling fucking great when my nose breaks and my teeth spill out while I choke on my own blood.

    The lead singer , Karen O, made me rethink my thoughts on female vocalist. She is a chic that sounds like a dude. She honestly gives Axl rose more then a run for his more or the democracy of China. She yells (sings) like a woman being raped... but in key! I think in the song "man" is more or less the best example of her pipes. jesus. There is so emotion. But don’t get the idea that they are Emo hooray for tolerance!s. I honestly think this asain girl has balls. To sound this deep she has to.

    however, the flipside, songs like "maps" Has just as much of emotion, but from the other side of the spectrum. Whats great , is that their "softer" songs , like "maps" still sound so hard. Listening to map I feel like that moment right before you get hit in the face. you know its coming, and know you can't stop it, and know you’ll live through it, its just that feeling of anticipation before you get hit that rives you crazy. that’s maps!

    I think the feather on the hat of this album is the song "Y control". you tube the video if you want. Art fags at work! I have no idea what the fuck they are singing about, but god damn if it isn't the pinnacle of the album, if that not the pinnacle of any song that year, or even 5 years before or after it. listening to that song feels like you got kicked in the nuts, not by a person, but by life. knowing that , you as a person can always be better, and always go that extra mile.

    I wish they would title this album as a "Emo" album, because its one of the few that has emotion

  2. its one of (btw im a little drunk as I write this) those things where I see both sides.

    as music goes, I buy a lot of CDs. A LOT!!! but i usally download a song or 2 before I buy a album. I went out and got "the darkness" 1st album after I heard 2 or 3 downloads. Im glad I did to, because I listen to that album a lot now.

    If I was in a band and just came out, I would love people downloading my music and going on my myspace and hearing my shit, its frees Ads.

    but if i was in a band that was around for 20 years, when the internet wasn't around and had a big name, then yes, I can see why they are pissed. they made a career , that when they started free download wasnt allowed. yes they had people bootleging, but lets face it, thats not the same.

    I can honestly say I have never downloaded a movie or a tv show.

    I dont know why though because I hate paying to watch movies that I usally dont like ,and Tv shows now adays suck mostly.

  3. there is/was no point in that man. Also, his ideas don't even make sense, I do wonder what happened to that Liz girl, I saw her in another video about him, its been over 15 years since he died, hopefully she did something right in life since then.

    However, I do think I have a song of his somewhere on my ipod???? dont quote me.

  4. yeah, i went through the jim morrison stage to when i was 13. it opened a lot of bands up to me. im not saying i hate ac/dc or the doors, but there music to me anyway, is something people listen to just to kinda fit in if that makes any sense.

    I think the doors 1st album was "good", then after that the albums had a good song on it or 2 till LA WOMEN. I think La Women was the only "great" album they made. and some of those song, I don't know, I can't even pretend to be like "man, that is sooooo deep" anymore.

    AC/DC, I think they are more then power chords, and even if they are not, who cares, shit, look it the misfits or I could name count less orther power chord bands.

    it just seems like that band "got" picked to be the cool heavy metal band, then every one of their songs sounded a like.

  5. are there any good games out. For any system, incuding PC. I'll play anything but sports. I like RPGs, I was looking into grand theif, but every time I get one of those games, I get bored with it in a month.

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