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American Psycho

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Posts posted by American Psycho

  1. Now-ish Axl will never replace Tommy, he has been through the good & bad times with Axl for 12 years without Tommy we wouldt have seen Chinese Democracy, i dont think anyone from the current line-up would/will get replaced, this is GNR, if Duff/former ex-members wants to share the stage with Axl again it would only be in guest-appereances or a reunion world tour.

  2. I do think he is underrated by many on this board.


    Without him where would VR be today? they would still be seaching for a singer, sad but true.

    The scream can be compared to the WTTJ intro scream!

  3. Easy to say for us that ..but imagine what that fucker lost? World fame.. being somebody in the biggest band in the world...friends...money prestige business ties..and ultimately his health. Why wouldnt he wanna be that 87 Adler all over again given the total trainwreck of his life? I know I would...especially just one show..just one single show to show the world that he could do it....for one second to be that guy all over again that was THE drummer on the BIGGEST debut album of all time?? THE drummer on Appetite for Destruction...

    Add 28 ODs, three botched suicides, two heart attacks, a couple of jail stints, and a debilitating stroke.

  4. Yes i did, but still, you have to wonder... i dont think Axl would mind making a guest-appereance at a VR show for a song or two, he has met everyone except Slash, to be honest, i dont think theres much hate for Slash anymore, someone should ask him his opinion on Slash now.

    You never know with Izzy.

  5. Every time he's mentioned it just makes me sad. Why won't he just go away? :lol: If there's any sort of reunion I really can't imagine him having any involvement. He's just embarrassing. :shrugs:

    Why he wont go away? because he is a legendary drummer & a big big big part of GNR history, he has every right to talk about the past if he wants to, i mean the man is Steven Adler.

    If there ever is gonna be a reunion Axl is more likely to pick Steven, but like Matt Sorum said it himself, if there ever will be a reunion both of them should be involved.

    He's embarrassing? Oh My God :rofl-lol:

  6. I find it sad that a GNR cover band is playing better venues, selling more tickets, then the original GNR drummer who has such a big history with the band & drummed on one of the, if not the greatest hard rock album of all time...

    ...and danced a bit to hard with Mr. Brownstone.

    Everyone in the band did it, most if not all rock n roll bands in the 80s did it.

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