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Posts posted by Sjakalen

  1. For some reason I am not as excited or giddy when I think about listening to Chinese D anymore. I think 4 factors have played a roll in my declined enthusiasm...

    1. Leaks: While I like the new songs alot, the fact that so much of the album has been leaked has sort of satiated my hunger for GNR. While some think Axl isn't playing material off the new album, those people are dead wrong. This stuff is "the big guns" and I think deep down inside people know that when Chinese D is released, 6 or 7 of the 12-13 tracks will have been heard before.

    2. 4 Years of nothing...So much time has passed and it's been such an exhausting wait with almost 2 of those years with no news what-so-ever.

    3. Same Setlist: It felt like 2002 all over again, minus Buckethead's amazing solos and stage pressence. So to me, the 2006 tour was less exciting, and far more predictable than the 2001-2002 tour. Regardless of what the Axl-lites say (they will say any guitarist Axl picks is the best), the loss of Bucket really hurt this band and destroyed a lot of the excitement I had in it. Axl's #1 choice for a replacement for Slash was Bucket. While Ron is great, he's just not interesting to look at, nor does he have that Bad-ass/Strange element that Slash had, and Bucket had too (obviously Bucket was heavy on the strange, but it worked).

    4. This is GNR, no wait, now THIS is GNR: The constant changing of band members, putting Izzy on stage, having Sebatian Bach up there...I mean, what the fuck is Guns N Fucking Roses these days? The whole thing now looks like Axl's traveling Kareoke act, and anyone can jump on stage and be a part of it, if that pleases Axl.

    Remember when it was cool to be in GNR and when you said that to peopel you never had to defend why...but now, it's a joke amongst the masses to be into GNR..


  2. i mean the totally performance.Axl was standing still and hes voice wasnt god at all. remember better from that show.


    a horrible show of Axl, to be honest!

  3. I have to say Rock in Rio Lisboan. Powerless and bad performance of the band. they were 100 times better when i saw them twice i July.

    to bad it was broadcasted!

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