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Posts posted by zeppelinrocksnexttognr

  1. I'm sitting here watching Stallone's Cobra. N I know he's trying to stop the slasher killings, which he finds out is a whole gang. N this whole gang is going after this chick that saw only one creepy dude standing in the streets. The gang pretty much fucked themselves. Why the hell did they even bother going after her? They had no reason to do so. After she sees that dude n speeds off, she makes no point in reporting it. N they could of kept going about their business in stabbing chicks. 


    But fuck yeah! 80's action movies were flat out full of unlimited bullets n no nonsense explosions . The part where Stallone's in the back of the truck just throwing out lead st the motorcyclist n basically being immune to their bullets is awesome. 

    The movie could of used some Jackie Chan though.

  2. Did cena have a concussion? That whole match just looked sloppy. I mean, cena is tool, but he usually delivers a better show than that. He looked like he could barely stand the whole match. Then he got that calf clapper slapped on him n he barely moved. It just looked like aj had to try to find ways to carry him through it.

  3. I Wonder what fernado could be referring to? But he always throws out some random info that seems to never amount to much. Hopefully it will be something good.

    Also, it may be a bit off topic. that Bon Jovi Commerical for Direct TV or whatever, The first time I heard it, I didn't realize it was Jovi till I looked up. He sounds way to much like Jack Black. I cant be the only one that thinks that.

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