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Salman Rushdie

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Posts posted by Salman Rushdie

  1. We are in the midst of a Global Recession. This might have flown in 1991 when tickets were cheaper, the economy was healthier and Guns N' Roses were the biggest band on the Planet.

    Things have changed. 20,000 or so people spent a day's wages to see you perform. Money they earned by showing up on time for work every day.

    I don't blame them for being annoyed.

    Big acts are cancelling tours all over because the demand is down. Axl should be G R A T E F U L for his fans.

  2. None of this would have happened if he had not made an ultimatum to an increasingly angry and drunk audience. Someone was bound to

    break it. He should have just said can you please stop throwing things, thanks, or tried to pick out the person who was throwing things.

    It was not good to punish whole crowd for one drunken guy's mistake. He squandered all the good will that he had even up to half ten,

    when he came on late.

    ok then thank you stop blaming Axl as it was clearly a security issue... it is not Axl's responsibility to pick people out

    Agreed. Since when is it any band's responsibility to act as their own security guards??!

    I just can't believe the amount of negativity on this board, especially towards Axl. Losers throw bottles at him (plastic or otherwise) and it's HIS fault. He hits the stage when he's ready - and when he goes on doesn't just depend on him! - and everyone's throwing a kindergarten hissy fit cause he didn't cater his showtime to perfectly meet each and every concert goers' needs. It's a ROCK CONCERT people, not a bedtime story. And no one turns into a fuckin' pumpkin or however that fairy tale goes if they're not home and snuggled up in bed by midnite. Can some of you just grow the fuck up?

    I swear you are the most biased pro-Axl member on this board, whenever a negative comment is said you are always there to defend your precious Axl. That kind of behavior is downright scary, not to mention creepy.

    No one likes waiting for their favorite band to rock up on stage. When Guns played in Melbourne in 2007 they showed up at 12, yes 12am and finished at 2am. You can say "oh but the fans should know Guns show up late" and thats fine, but Axl should expect some angry fans and emptier arenas. Im not justifying the bottle throwing, its not something i would do, but i can surely understand that fans would be less then impressed. Maybe Axl will learn some discipline and common decency to paying fans when he is playing for 3000 people instead of the 8000 he gets now? That would surely be justified as people are sick of his late shit.

    Im not condoning the bottle throwing, but im not condoning the lateness of the shows either. An hour and a half is a long time to wait between bands, the energy that the front band generated would be long gone. When i saw Megadeth and Slayer there was probably 30 minutes in between them, thats perfectly acceptable, not 1.5 fucken hours...

    Im certainly reconsidering going to see Guns when they come down to Australia at the end of the year in fear of Axl walking off because of a bottle thrown, that would be a huge downer...

    as long as their are people like junglecat, gunsguy, deljames and jarmo condoning axls behavior, encouraging it even, axl will continue to act like a diva.

    these people - the yesmen - are part of the problem.

  3. Del James speaks out on the late starts:

    I've read a few reviews where the reviewer says something along the lines of 'the band came on late but the show was great.' WHOA, WAIT A MINUTE -- who decides what late is? ... This is supposed to be an all night party. When the f*ck did rock n' roll -- and the last time I checked rock music was supposed to be a non-conformist, rebellious, art form -- get a Flavor Flav-sized time clock wrapped around its neck like a hangman's noose? Rebellion and punctuality do not go hand in hand and for those of you too young to remember, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin rarely went on before midnight in their hey day.

    Here's a little insight for you -- a rock band has to do certain things in order to be prepared to hit the stage. It's a lot like a sports team warming up before hitting the field. Axl has to do his vocal warm ups or else he will blow his voice out. ... Some of the band members need chiropractic adjustments or massage therapy. Others need to warm up on their instruments. The list is endless and every night something unexpected always occurs. There's a lot more to it than showing up, grabbing an instrument, and walking onstage. No one is interested in wasting your time or keeping you waiting, but the band goes on when it is 100 percent ready to go on and give it all that they have for that evening and not one minute before. The show starts when the band hits the stage and ends when the final encore is over.

    If, back in the day, Thin Lizzy or Humble Pie or Queen came on at whatever time and gave me two hours of blistering "rawk" like GN'R does every night that would have been a magical evening. A rock concert is supposed to be a celebration where for a few hours people can escape from the pressure of everyday life. Jobs and taxes and homework and traffic are all still going to be there when the show ends so what's the hurry? I mean, GN'R ain't some play by the rules, shake hands and kiss babies for public approval type band. It's Guns N' F*ckin' Roses so please feel free to raise your middle finger with GN'R because Axl, [etc.] will always stand defiant against conformity while doing their best to thoroughly kick every audience's ass. As Axl says onstage from time to time, "This isn't McDonald's or Burger King - it isn't 'Have it your way.'" Anyone who doesn't get that should really just stay the hell home. I've noticed that during our first week on tour, there's a lot of pissing and moaning on the Internet by people who aren't even at the shows. This vocal minority are not what I consider real GN'R fans. They are obsessive pests (go ahead and flame) in need of a real outlet other than GN'R chat rooms and posting on fan sites because the real fans are at the shows having fun. When someone overanalyzes something as ... what Axl says to the audience, the set list from one show to the next, or the tuning of Bumblefoot's fretless guitar, it's time to get a life. Disconnect from the Internet and reconnect with the real world.


  4. You make a alot of sense. But out of all the great guitarists the band has had, cancer boy has contributed the least to the band. Robin was a member much longer than he was. Most of the band has been GN'R longer than the original line-up.

    We have a winner for stupidest mygnr message ever.

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