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Posts posted by fergus

  1. I really enjoyed The Stage that GnR has been touring with in the last few tours!!

    - Their is a memory of my MTL, Ottawa of the black and red contour!

    - The pyros r awsome

    - The videos on the screens are cool, I liked that You could be mine had a gun in the screen reminded me of the good old days with T2!! :)

    How do you enjoy the GnR stage? I prefer the Illusion stage rock3

  2. During this American Tour is it possible that Axl might add Toronto or MOntreal for his fans in Canada that have been with GNR true the thick and thin and do have Criminal records dating to A.F.D. and cant go across the border....

    Please Axl set a few dates in Canada next to your american tour and us Canucks will travel to see you in a NHL Arena !!

    Ps. God Bless Dijon, I love Axl's favorite Cat!!!!!!

  3. People love Dijon!! He is as close to Axl as anyone...

    I am sure Dijon must have super powers amd could join Axl on his piano!!

  4. Axl now is living the life of Rocky part 3 He got his face all fixed up. Handsome. Nice clothes. What'd he get for Paulie, anything? This! He gave me a lousy, stinkin' Chinese Democracy CD. There!

  5. At first, Axl and Rocky where hungry!

    Mickey responds: You ain’t been hungry since you won that belt! He goes on to explain: “Well Rock, let’s put it this way–3 years ago you were supernatural, you was hard and you was nasty and you had this cast-iron jaw… but then, the worst thing happened to you that could happen to any fighter… you got civilized!”

    Back in the day, axl was champ now he just became civilized!!

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