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Posts posted by EhEh

  1. My other favourite bands are Tool and RATM, so for me it is terrible in a way! Tool release a new record about every 5 years and currently haven't released once since 2006. RATM reformed in 07 but haven't looked like putting out any new music and played a few shows a year. With those two bands I pretty much do a bit of search every few weeks to see if anything of note is happening and thats what it is going to become with Guns if no new music is released this year.

  2. At the moment I come here every day to check for news, read interviews, twitters and look at concert footage etc, but if a new album isn't released this year then I would say that I will go back to what I was pre CD which is check in once every month or so. Release some fucking music!!!

  3. AFD

    Favourite: Rocket Queen

    Least favourite: You're Crazy

    GNR Lies

    Favourite: Patience

    Least favourite: Nice Boys

    UYI 1

    Favourite: Nov Rain

    Least favourite: Perfect Crime

    UYI 2

    Favourite: Estranged/YCBM/Yesterdays too close to call

    Least favourite: My World


    Favourite: Ain't It Fun

    Least favourite: You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory


    Favourite: TWAT

    Least favourite: Riad

  4. Came across this story bout Axl not turning up for the show in this interview with Jess Magera who is the drummer for cKy who were opening for GNR. It starts round the 43rd minute mark which you can skip to.


    And then at the 46 min mark theres a story bout Axl getting some chick chucked out of backstage for mentioning Slash.

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