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Status Updates posted by blarkins

  1. I can't believe how many people out there don't know how the government works. I see all these complaints about the shutdown and whose fault it is, and people are making it very clear just how stupid they are with some of their comments.

    1. darknightfan


      stupid is as stupid does.

  2. 80% of 85 year old men are veterans. And 12% of 25 year old men.Something to ponder.

    1. Georgy Zhukov

      Georgy Zhukov

      Over 16 million men served during WWII

  3. FSU is certainly good, but what a shameful showing from the Terps today.

    1. SunnyDRE


      Winston sucks!!!

  4. The House of Reps is such a clown show.

  5. I'd like to thank all the Baby Boomers out there for running this country into the ground and completely screwing my generation over in the process. That is all.

    1. Vincent Vega

      Vincent Vega

      *Clap* *Clap* Completely agree

  6. M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D

  7. Definitely glad I don't work for a contractor anymore.

  8. I want to play gta v so bad.

  9. Maryland knocked these new helmets out of the park.

  10. Only halfway through Monday and I'm already done. #canttakethestupid

  11. Good lord denver get it together

  12. Cleveland will never be a good team. Ever.

  13. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd season over. Nice job fellas.

  14. One more hour come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

  15. I am so tired of getting bullshit political emails forwarded to my inbox all the time. If you insist on sending me political spam, at least fact check it first.

  16. Rapidly becoming an Excel wizard.Thanks Julie Larkins!

  17. People are sheep. And Dumb. Dumb, stupid, sheep.

  18. Getting my MS Excel on.

  19. Remember kids, 50% of the population is below average.

  20. What the hell Buck, what the hell.

  21. So the country is dead broke but the lazy ass freeloading government workers get a free holiday at taxpayer expense? Awesome.

  22. Joe Scarborough knocked it out of the park today.

  23. Had an awesome time at the Ravens-Broncos game today. Way to go Denver!

  24. Tony Romo is such an idiot.

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