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Posts posted by KiraMPD

  1. Just because one buckles under the pressure of an annoying individual or group, it does not mean it's non-consensual. At the end of the day it is still their decision and more importantly they were in a position to make a decision. A non-consensual encounter is when the ability make that decision is not presented or when a negative response is negated or ignored.

    One would think that one would have the presence of mind and self respect to not have sex with another just on the biases that they were being annoying and the individual in question needed a place to stay. It's certainly not something someone should be charged with a criminal offence for imo.


  2. 18 hours ago, downzy said:

    If you like the Dickey amendment, you're going to love the Tiahrt Amendment.

    Yeah, I went down that Wiki rabbit hole and... yeah. USA is fucked.

    This just adds to me resolve of never visiting that country. But alas, if I remain in academia I will probably have to attend an ACS or Nature conference at some point... :(


    6 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Do you have any idea how much it's going to cost? We are talking about metal deterctors and security personel in every single school (elementary, middle, high even college) all over America.

    Never mind the impact it would have on quality of education...


  3. 36 minutes ago, toroymoi said:

    It terms of gun violence and violence in general, I think it's important to understand in terms of improving the socialisation and societal pressures centred around men and violence. Acknowledging there's a problem is the first step, the rest come with tackling the issue.

    I think that it's widely accepted that these crimes are committed by mostly men. When you hear about a mass shooting, no one stops to ask what the gender of the shooter is. People just assume that it was a man. The same goes for other violent crimes such as murder, mugging, robbery and rape. By simply compartmentalising it to a male-only problem and using terms like blaming it on toxic masculinity (which seems like just a new way to collectively call all men assholes) doesn't really move the conversation forward. Instead, it tends to make people feel isolated and more angry.

    I guess what I'm saying is, yeah sure point it out. And I absolutely agree with you. But do you have any suggestions as to how this problem could be mitigated from a gender perspective without making men feel like they are being demonised?


    (PS: Please don't feel like I'm having a go at you. I'm just so exhausted by everything that's going on politically right now and idk...)

  4. I think its, "Yeah, it's been another-". But since Izzy has a habit of 'eating his words' (i.e. mumbling/lack of enunciation) it sounds like "nada".

    Then again it could be, "Yeah, it's been nadda!", meaning that the time spent has been nothing / meant nothing / has been non productive. Basically a waste of time. This also makes sense considering the context of the whole song.


  5. 53 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    We never discussed this before so stop looking for it :lol:

    I don't know who signed this but why is it important? ......... Im guessing it could be some Axl's assistant or someone from the crew? :question:

    I see something like an R and F :shrugs:


    I was looking through the archived threads from back in 2013 (not just WT). I'm curious about the signature because I can't shake the feeling that I've seen it somewhere else before... Besides which I guess it's just another part of the mythos of Gn'R?


  6. 53 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Where did you find it? I don't remember seeing that picture before. It seems to be old. The picture is too small. Would you be able to enlarge it?

    It was part of the stuff Erin auctioned off a few years ago. Unfortunately, I don't have a higher resolution pic...

  7. 11 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    I don't think Izzy has said anything about that. There was an incident when Niven took initiative to mix Mr. Brownstone himself along with a member of Great White. He called the band to hear the mix and only Izzy showed up (and according to Niven he liked the mix). The rest of the band was pissed and Axl in particular was furious.

    Interesting... iirc in the liner notes for the Ju Ju Hounds album Niven was credited for mixing and production for some of the songs.

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  8. I agree with @Blackstar's theory on the "feud" between Alan and Axl. I'd just like to add one thing that Alan did that I found particularly fucked up; he tried to hand Axl lyrics for their new song when Axl was struggling to come up with some. Most people here would be okay with that I guess but I find the idea of the band's manager writing material for the band to be repulsive. How is that any different from all the manufactured pop songs? Ugh... 

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