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Posts posted by koldbeer2

  1. 10 hours ago, Ninjapie24 said:

    Apparently the Independent gave arctic monkeys 5 stars. How much you want to bet that one was also written before the concert that I have heard no good things about 

    Out of their tiny f****** minds to give that a 5 stars.

    I think its been fairly unanimous that the AM set was boring, with shocking vocals (regardless of cause,on that night its not different to Axl being from his old best) and just a total lack of energy. Yet 5 stars.

    GnR even taking away Axl issues had more energy in one song than AM entire set qnd had a very engaged crowd. 2 stars.

    Its absurd, and perhaps they need a hard skool to teach them how to review properly because that shit isn't it.


    • Like 1
  2. Just now, alstonuk said:

    No way Elton is ruining his big moment on Sunday to duet on the Saturday. McCartney on LALD is a lot more likely. That would be something.

    Yeah I kind of agree, I'd not rule out Axl playing something with Elton on the Sunday, but we will see.

    McCartney would be a huge duet for sure, though I'm not convinced it's that likely.

    I'm pretty confident we might get another foo fighters/guns collab mind you...

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Axl_morris said:

    He's quite funny but maybe I'm biased since he's fairly local to me


    It's completely my opinion but why would axl or GNR rate Glastonbury the highest? Because they said so? These guys are veterans. Played Rio, Coachella, the biggest stadiums. This is a breeze for them. 

    I'd imagine they would rank it at a similar level to Rock in Rio/Coachella, though perhaps more like the latter due to having done rock in Rio now several times whereas previously having never done Coachella.

    I think its really the final major festival they've never done. They also know this will get millions of watches just from the BBC alone, yet alone the probable 10s of million cumulative views it will get on youtube for better or worse. They won't get a bigger platform than this.

    Plus its age as a festival and history brings with it something very few festivals have got as well.

    I'm not sure if its the highest or not, but this is clearly not a normal gig for this band like your making it out to be. You don't release a 2 and a half minute trailer on youtube for the concert if it isn't a big deal.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, alstonuk said:

    It’s a cool video, but only what has preluded the other gigs on the tour. That being said, they clearly know this is a big one. Come on Axl!

    Yeah I don't think you publish that video on youtube the night before Glastonbury for no reason. They know its a big deal, we've had Duff describe it as special, etc.

    Whatever your thought are about Glastobury, its clearly a very big deal for the band.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, MildlyArtistic said:

    Not to mention that Glastonbury is very extensively televised on the BBC. The Pyramid Stage headliners will be on TV, plus they have livestreams of the five biggest stages this year. 

    It's absolutely a yearly cultural event here. 

    Yeah thats a fair point, its huge on the British media and the BBC itself is a bit of a famous institution which lends some extra weight to the festival. In many ways its an extension of the BBC itself.

    I think alot of people are only starting to now know the hugeness of this festival. It absolutely sits alongside the likes of Coachella, etc at the top elite level of festivals. 

    As much as your Downloads, Rock am Ring, etc are big festivals for the genre, this is another league up again.  

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, wendirosez said:

    Absolutely ..  @colonizedmind    plus we have Elton Johns  last performance ever.  That guy is a national treasure over  here  like Freddie  is/was.  It is important as that event  of  Mon April 20th  1992.  


    That's the last time .. causal /general public saws guns         Would you say   ?  @Oxford @waxl1974


    Rock in Rio possibly?

    Different crowd to be fair, but thats a very large festival that has live coverage of all bands. I can't think of any other on quite such a scale mind you (I guess 2011 as well but that was without Slash/Duff so it doesn't hold as much weight with the public)

  7. 25 minutes ago, Trin9498 said:

    Honest question - why is Glastonbury such a big deal?

    I'd say three main reasons:

    1: History, its been going on and off for well over 50 years now, so its a bit of a grand daddy of festivals that are still going today.

    2: Size of the festival, 210,000 people last year, it has been even bigger in the past as well (300k in 1994). Those 210,000 tickets all sold out in 33 minutes last year, before any acts were announced. For context, Download this year sold out its 100k tickets a ,month before the event. So Glasto sold twice the amount in a teeny tiny fraction of the time of a large metal festival. I'd imagine Download is comparable to most other festival gigs Guns would do globally.

    3: Cultural element. Someone was right earlier when they said its such a massive site that you could literally spend the 5 days there and not see a single music act. Its absolutely a cultural event, and is now far beyond just a music festival.

    Probably Woodstock is the best comparison I could make to it, though there are other music festivals like Coachella which are probably in the same league as Glastonbury.

    But this festival really is an elite festival, beyond the norm even for a stadium band like Guns.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

    The BBC will ask Slash, Duff and Axl for interviews....think we'll get any? Can see the former doing one, small chance Axl may do one on this special occasion....saying all thsrz we'll probably get Dizzy and Frank pushed out to do one! 

    Possible, it will probably be just a fluff piece anyway saying how excited they are to be there, etc I'd imagine.

  9. 3 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    They did Coachella in 2016 (that was the big reunion announcement ahead of the NITL tour.

    I'm talking about pre 2016, they'd never done Coachella before and they never did Glastonbury in their prime either. Whereas they had done Rock in Rio in the past.

    Obviously after this weekend they've done what you could consider the biggest three festivals in the world, at least on a reputation basis.

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  10. 1 hour ago, 6lake sa66ath said:

    Hopefully they pull out all stops due to weight of expectation, particularly for any of Axl’s short comings in this day and age, including calling on some heavyweight guest musicians including Elton, Paul McCartney or Brian May. I think this approach may hopefully endear their live pro-shot performance more to the viewing public… well here’s hoping at least.

    I'd be surprised if we don't get at least one big name guest, its kinda like Coachella in that respect. Elton John does feel like a poissiblity though as he is playing the following day appearing on Guns set may lessen the anticipation for his own gig in a funny sort of way. Still that seems an obvious choice given the history.

    ACDC/Angus is another possiblity again for historical reasons...

    However Guns are big enough name that some left of field options may well happen. We've seen the likes of Ghrol and Pink afterall come up at seemingly random.

    Regardless, this is a hugely important set to the band, probably only Coachella and Rock in Rio are probably comparable, but unlike Rock in Rio Guns have never done the other two which gives them even more signficance to the band I'd bet.

  11. 7 hours ago, rudolf1978 said:

    Thereis a big fantasy with the acdc shows please check the full show and tell me he didn use the mickey mouse voice. 

    From 2011 not even 1 great show. In 2016 he only make decent versions pf WTTJ ISE MB and you know the ones. And the rest, a complete disaster. This reunion came 10 years late. If you are going to gnr show enjoy it,but axl last great performance was in 2010.

    The difference with Axl using what you call as Mickey in ACDC is he chose for it to be that way, he could have rasped all the songs, his voice was clearly able to but for the artistic purposes chose some songs to sound like that. Rightfully so IMO.

    He was still capable of a great performance though. Listen to thunderstruck from the early European tour of ACDC  and then with a straight face tell me thats not a great performance...

    As for the clean voice in 2001, I legitimately think his voice was just an evolution of 1993, which already had a very similar timbre and feel to it at times, just with more edge to it. 

    He could definitely still do 'it' in 2001 though, a listen to Chibi in August 2001 shows that he could do it. Rocket Queen is legit 1986 sounding at times its bizzare to hear a 2001-2002 gig with such vocals.

  12. I suspect Guns won't allow it to be live streamed, though I do suspect we will see something like Coachella where a songs are allowed to be played.

    Axl just hasn't got the vocal chops anymore to sound even remotely like what the general public remember him as, even arguably his best nights from 2022 were still a shadow of what general people remember Axl sounding and on TV there will be no hiding it with effects/layering.

  13. 3 hours ago, Master Of Reality said:

    What are the chances that GN'R won't headline at Glastonbury, but have agreed to sub for Elton John? There are strong rumours that Arctic Monkeys and Red Hot Chili Peppers are also playing/headlining the festival. It's obvious that they don't get payed as much for Glastonbury as for other shows. So maybe a shorter set as the 'legends slot' band wich Glastonbury has every year and be the support act for one of Axl's heroes? With an obvious guest spot with Elton later on?

    Guns aren't subbing for anyone, especially given they've never performed there.

    If they play, they headline. A very economically successful legacy band (which they absolutely will be classed as) that has been filling out stadiums for 6 years and has headlined pretty much every festival out there by this point, isn't going to do the gig for a smaller fee and not be the main act. 

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Cosmo said:

    This is what it would take for me to see GnR live again: Axl singing like 2010 or 2006 and a dynamic setlist that differs from the usual nostalgia act.

    Then your never going to be seeing them again, because that Axl vocally is gone. 2016 was like the last burst of the old embers. 

    Listening back whilst his voice wasn't perfect with Guns (though with Ac/DC it probably was pretty close) in 2016 the difference between then and now, even when Axl sings well for 2022, is night and day, in terms of tone/rasp/range.

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