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Posts posted by oneAXLinamillion

  1. I don't believe anymore rumors....I'm just waiting having this cd in my hands...

    And to be honest I don't think We are gonna have it SOON!!!

    But I still hope for this year (well for this month and half left)

    finger crossed

  2. Alright I'll cut it out. It is a long elaborate prank. I just love this board and wanted to draw as much attention to it as possible and away from htgth.

    I saw the gap in the Chicago date and figured.. wow.. wonder if they would ever do an in-store. So I started writing those elaborate posts and posting from this proxy near Chicago. After a few days when it was dying down I came up with the sign idea and casually mentioned it, then spent an hour trying to make the fucker. I just blew up a Virgin logo and made two passes on a printer. One for the logo, second for the text.

    Found a friends apartment that has a great vending machine next to a board. Posted it, set my camera on the lowest resolution and quality possible so no one could make out the cars for sale next to it. Then took about 30 shaky photos.

    I really hope no one purchased plane tickets or anything crazy. I do love each and every one of you that sent me death threats, and Merck who felt the need to do some fucking work for one god damn client. Who is this fucker.. Eric from Entourage?


  3. I saw it yesterday in a market in Rome

    it's the exact same jacket that Axl wore everytime during Civil war (the american flag one)

    but the guy doesn't want to sell it, I ofered him 50 euros for it and he wouldn't take, 10 minutes later

    I pass there again and he's got a sign on the jacket that says not for sale. :angry:

    I don't know how common the jacket actually is but this is the first time I've ever seen it....

    I took a picture of it with my cellphone, I'll upload it later.

    50 euro?!??!?!?!LOL

  4. Ok, so today I go to the BestBuy on 5th ave. and 44 st. and I ask a girl that works there if she knew when the new Gn'R cd was coming and she says "Chinese Democracy? that's coming out in two weeks, well two weeks from Tuesday so it'll be the 14th of November" and I asked if she was sure or that and she said '' I'm 100 percent positive" so I asked her how'd she know, and she said "that's what the memo we got said, 'release date the 14th, shipments arrive the 9th'." ....after she said that I cried a little I must admit :ph34r: .......but I was just damn happy! :wub: ..............of course this could only count as a rumor, but she sure looked like she knew what she was talking about. :krider:



    I didn't actually cry :huh:

    We have many rumors like this!!!

    I can't think it isn't happening! rock4

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