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Posts posted by machinegunner

  1. Not to worry, Motley Crue will be retiring..... until no doubt the big comeback 5 yrs later...

    I was at the last Van Halen concert and they sounded good from where I was (about 40m from the stage) except the bass was a bit loud but they were great overall. NOt very adventurous with the setlist -- too many covers instead of deep cuts -- but solid. It was along day and Aerosmith were a hard act to follow, hence a lot of youtube haters with dodgy quality recordings. They are not in the middle of a tour so were a bit stiff I guess. Dave's voice suffers from the smokes but I'd rather hear Dave croak a bit than the Sammy Hagar screetch any day. I included the latter here because look at him now...Chickenfoot...

  2. Neither of em really, they've pretty aged as appropriate with when they are. People look at Ozzy and think OMG what has the drugs done to him but quite frankly he weren't no fuckin' oil painting to begin with and he's like...reflective of what your average ale-enjoying Brummie factory fodder looks like in it's 60s :lol: All aged pretty normally though really. Out of them lot at least.

    Do note the 'Other' option though...

  3. But that is because he is the demon.

    If we are talking about persona, Stanley is obviously the frontman. We can agree here. He is the starchild, the designated rock star and frontman (with his southern drawled intros and crowd participation antics). But if we are discussing the term 'lead singer as in, who sings the majority of songs, I think it is obvious that Gene is co-lead. I mean who is the main lead singer on an album like Hotter Than Hell (Gene: 5, Paul: 3) or Creatures of the Night (Simmons: 5, Stanley, 4). It stands to reason that a singer who has the majority share of vocals on an album can not be a secondary singer in the Peter and Ace, George and Ringo guise. I am not of course diminishing Stanley's role here, who I actually prefer over Gene. I actually see both as lead singers. of Kiss. For most Kiss albums, outside the 1984-1991 period, the ratio was about 50% each - I will admit that Hotter Than Hell and Creatures were very, 'Geney' albums. More representative are Rock And Roll Over and Love Gun: four Paul songs and four Gene songs.

    Yeah, I think Gene probably felt somewhat limited without the make up on in the 80s when he let Paul lead more. He couldn't quite perform his demon songs like Calling Dr Love or God Of Thunder like he could with the makeup on now could he...

    I am a fan of a lot of his songs that he wrote in their non-make up period, that he could write because it didn't have to fit his make-up persona.

  4. Isn't Gene a sort of co-main singer? I mean there are Kiss albums with more Gene songs than Paul songs!

    I would not say Gene Simmons is really a lead singer.

    I disagree. I will agree for the 1984-1991 when Simmons was more interested in a movie career, but for the 1973-1983 and 1992-2013 periods, I feel Stanley/Simmons have been equal lead vocalists (like John and Paul). You only have to look at the number of lead vocals on the records. Take Kiss Alive, Kiss's most acclaimed and greatest record. Paul Stanley sings seven songs. Gene sings, eight

    Nearly 100% of the time, Paul Stanley sings the majority of the songs played live. And a very high % of the singles are Paul songs... NO-one says "Gene Simmons, lead singer of KISS" because if anyone stands out as the lead singer in KISS it's Paul Stanley.

    There is no question that Gene sings a lot of the songs and they are very much known as Gene songs, but there is no way you can say he is "the main singer" in KISS. But you can about Paul.

    Gene did carry a KISS show once though when Paul freaked out with irregular heartbeats and couldn't play...

    Another time, the crane carrying Paul over the crowd malfunctioned and he was stuck and couldn't sing 'Love Gun'... So Gene sung it. He could have said "stop the show, we have to get Paul back safely", but no, that wouldn't have been as rock n' roll...

  5. This band has to make up its mind about one thing...

    IE. What to do with the so far unreleased Buckethead-era material...

    I say just purge the stuff already... Bucket is probably not coming back to the band in a hurry...

    In order for this band to keep excited they need their own fresh new material, however...

    SO, release that too! Release it all at once. They released 2CDs worth of material at once before, they can surely do it again.... Purge, I say...

    Who cares if they don't sell many CDs or if the rest of the world doesn't love them, the proof of how awesome they are will be on those new CDs... the fans will have it and know. The rest of the world, can catch up later... if ever...

    Meanwhile, they can tour on the new material and some of the Bucket-era stuff for the next few years, keep headlining festivals, keep making albums...

    I don't care if or when they might be deemed "classic"... that is only the motivation of contrived bands, like The Foo Fighters...

  6. 11. Other...

    12. Rolling Stones - related replacement (specify - why were they the best?)?

    *Disclaimer: I have left GNR-related replacements out of this poll because frankly it gets too controversial and it might take over the topic.

    SO, who were the most notable replacements?

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