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Posts posted by AbominableHoman

  1. Milky Way




    The Milky Way is the same thing as The Mars Bar.


    Milky Way:


    That is NOT a Milky Way. That is a Three Musketeers.

    Take 5 anyone? Chocolate, Caramel, Pretzels, Peanut Butter, and Peanuts.


    Come on dude, be real. The pretzel in that is way too aggressive for any normal palate.

  2. this thread seems to be a circle jerk for the so called "skype crew", btw guys, you couldn't change my Skype password? I forgot it.

    Sorry, man, we just sold off to Microsoft. :shrugs:

    what the fuck is wrong with you guys? this isn't the late 90s!

    We sold it for an inflated price because Microsoft had a hard-on for it's "national security" implications. :shrugs:

    Don't judge me too bad though, I slowly jerked off with my own tears to this song as I signed the papers

  3. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    Once the mods realize that you people are causing fewer and fewer people to come to this site, you're all fuckin toast. Have a nice day! =)

    That's really just drops in the bucket when you consider Axl Rose is the driving force of views.

  4. Does this mean Subs and Voltage are going to make us a porn section?

    Seriosuly, we need a porn section when GNFNR goes offline. Or atleast a porn thread.


    You were probably too hot beating off while "fighting" against the oppressed that you forgot some people like the imagery of naked people.

  5. I'ma smoke a cig and take a piss then I'll get on.

    Whatever you say. I'm sure many agree with me that it's annoying though.

    It's just a GNR forum, SS. Don't take this shit so seriously.

    It is a forum though. Not a chat. A forum need some structure or else there's no point in having a forum.

    You're so fascist it makes me sick.

  6. Next time these fuck nuts start derailing threads with their inside jokes and personal grudges they should be banned for two weeks.

    I agree. I don't mind if a thread is derailed every now and then. Shit happens. But when almost every thread in the Anything Goes section has got inside jokes from a bunch of people, it's really annoying for all outsiders.

    I will spend millions to live to the point that I witness Sweden's negative birthrate amounts to a majority that over runs you and your kin.

  7. I don't know how you fucks do it wherever the Skype Crew mingle at but here, at mygnr, we don't derail topics.

    I just reported the last 5 posts.

    Sorry Ho Man.

    By reporting posts I meant take a swig of my beer and try to find the most appropriate chip for my hummus dip.

    I had Garbanzo beans in my salad at dinner tonight. And I'm drinking Jim Beam now. :awesomeface:

    Self conscious white people who leave just enough on their plate for alcohol. :heart:

  8. I don't know how you fucks do it wherever the Skype Crew mingle at but here, at mygnr, we don't derail topics.

    I just reported the last 5 posts.

    Sorry Ho Man.

    By reporting posts I meant take a swig of my beer and try to find the most appropriate chip for my hummus dip.

  9. Just received a private PM from Madison and she wanted me to relay that she has never posted on any forum under a name other than Madison.

    She wants everyone to know that she was not Saphire on GNFNR as many have claimed and she did not start the other GnR forum as has been speculated...she asked me to help clear up these misconceptions and I was happy to post her thoughts...so beleive what you will............

    I have no reason to call anyone a liar but I couldn't be less convinced Saphire =/= Madison.

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