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Posts posted by Jeez

  1. "We went to... Me, Slash and our ladies went up to London just to surprise Axl, and to see the AC/DC thing at the new Olympic Stadium. And it was amazing....."

    "We got to see him do that thing with AC/DC. It was magical. He was out of his chair and cruising around. He was kicking the boot, like doing his kicks. It was really great to see. I guess I've never seen him play, to see him sing. And I think it really energized the band, and the crowd was into it. It was cool, super stoked for him"

    "We went, had dinner at Friday night at a fancy sushi place, went to sleep. Got up and walked around all of London and then we went to the show"

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  2. Hard to choose five... To me he was a breath of fresh air to most of the songs. But these are the five songs that came to mind first.


    1. If you want blood

    2. For those about to rock

    3. Hells bells

    4. Hell aint a bad place to be

    5. Shot down in flames


  3. 3 minutes ago, NorwegianGirl said:

    I could tell when he came out of the hotel that he was tired and ready to leave because he wasn't smiling when he first came out and he kinda looked around like "ok... so I'm signing autographs"... There were only people with AC/DC shirts there. People who'd be waiting for them to come out and then just stayed for Axl I guess... (AC/DC left for the airport about 45 minutes before Axl. he made them wait!)

    So I just wanted to basicly shake his hand and wish him a good trip. And at least I'm glad he smiled when we talked! It wouldn't be that good if he was pissed and told me to "f... off" :lol:

    edit: oh and I also have a video from another angle which my friend taped, which also shows the whole thing. And actually shows me shaking/holding his hand:heart: After he said "are we done here?" He did wave to everybody and said "bye". So he didn't jump in to the car angry or anything.

    Haha I believe you! He seemed really calm, at peace and happy. And he didn't seem to rush either, he took the time to talk to you and stuff. You're very lucky :)

    Og jeg er naturligvis veldig sjalu! ;)

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