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Posts posted by stumbleine

  1. Probably. I mean, I still think a good percentage of the critics would say "Axl Rose broke up Guns N' Roses for this?" regardless, but I think others wouldn't look at it as such sacrilege.

    Pretty much sums it up. There's so much baggage with the GN'R name, I think the negatives definitely outweigh the positives of carrying on with it. As time goes on, I'm actually really confounded that Axl felt the extreme uphill battle was worth it.

    That being said, I'm happier with CD being the last thing to bear the GN'R name than, say, The Spaghetti Incident.

    I think you're right.CD is the end of "Guns n Roses" .there are no chinese leftovers apart from some guitar noodling and a drum roll.

    Axl seems to be at a complete loss as to where to go from here."where do we go now?".and the worst part is:HE DOESN"T CARE.

    oh well,at least it ended on a high note.CD is an Axl classic released under the wrong name.a name that invokes my alltime favourite band and it doesn't include

    anyone named Josh Freese or DJ ashba

  2. Stumbleine -

    You are entitled to your opinion. My only concern is the truth. The other poster could have easily said that there have not been enough changes in the last decade to satisfy him. I will never argue opinion. My only interest is facts. When he claimed it's the same set as ten years ago, it's something that should be corrected because it's so far from the truth it's not even funny.

    Another thing I find hilarious is that part of the reason the sets are considered to be so similar is because of cutting a bunch of songs, GNR has simply made the sets longer as time has gone on. If they were still only playing 17-18 songs a night instead of 22-25 and many of the newer songs had replaced older songs instead of simply being tacked on to the set, a set from now would look even more different than a set from 2006.

    So many of you are complaining about old songs not being cut, even though their presence has not stopped songs from being added. The sets just grow larger. Only the GNR fanbase would complain about something like that. It's literally insane.

    that's cool,man,but ,as you know,"the truth" is different for everyone.your truth isn't my truth and so forth.

    I just believe in my heart that Axl can do way better than this.it's not just a matter of semantics,we are talking about a technicality here.

    I want Axl to succeed and I want to be excited following GNR again.I'm just so bored and disillusioned with Axl and this tour.

  3. your facts does not disprove that Axl more or less plays the same set setlist

    Oh my god. You don't see the difference between "every show for the last decade has been the same fucking thing" and "more or less the same setlist"?

    I do not disagree with your statement (the setlists have changed rather slowly over the years), but the first statement is directly wrong, not only in terms of setlists but also in terms of band members, stage production, scale, show length, etc.

    hey man,ok,there have been some changes during 10 years,but not enough.in my opinion.

    I believe Axl really has the potential to not just be good,but great.I said,and meant "minor changes" over a long period of time.

    all I want is for Axl to be an artist,to be creative.I feel he's wasting his potential night after night beacuse he doesn't even try.

    hence the setlist.

  4. oh man,defending the setlist,what's up with yourself and iftheworld?what inspires this blind loyalism?what does Axl do for you that warrants this behaviour?

    Why are you getting upset that facts were posted that disproved a falsehood?

    well,I asked a question and got one back.it's all good.your facts does not disprove that Axl more or less plays the same set setlist

    night after night after night.the one that starts with CD and WTTJ,do you know what I'm saying?minor changes here and there over a decade long

    tour does not change the reality of the situation.

  5. Because every show for the last decade has been the same fucking thing.

    I went to several shows in the last six months. Here are the songs I saw played recently that weren't played when I went to the US tour kickoff in 2006:















    How is that possible if "every show for the last decade has been the same fucking thing" ?

    oh man,defending the setlist,what's up with yourself and iftheworld?what inspires this blind loyalism?what does Axl do for you that warrants this behaviour?

  6. ANY change would do for me.

    they could play the same songs but totally change the running order from night to night

    so we don't know,with certainty,what comes next.

    make it a little exciting.they could start with it's so easy like in the 80s on the AFD tour.

    then play street of dreams followed by estranged.it's sad that we ask so little of this band.

    that the board explodes when they add an old song(TWAT in Dublin).

    i guess we just have to accept that Axl isn't interested in being creative anymore.that he's just going through the motions for money.

    like a whore.CD was probably his famous last words.

  7. I'm sure everyone at the show had a good time.

    that's not the point.

    in the age of the internet we all get the chance to follow and have a good time.

    Axl is denying us a good time by playing within the strait jacket night after night after night.

    I'd like to hear them mix it up a bit and introduce new material as much as anyone but it doesn't seem like that will happen any time soon (despite DJ seemingly hinting at such possibilities). I considered heading through to Glasgow for the show tonight but didn't bother as I've already seen Guns twice back in 2006.

    If you're not at a show but perhaps you pay to get a livestream of a show then you can obviously be disappointed if they still played exactly the same thing. However moaning at the set whilst sitting on your arse in the house and getting free updates from someone who has paid to go to the show seems a little puerile.

    If you want a good time then go out and find some other new bands who will put on great shows and consistently update their sets with different songs. Surely beats being sat in front of the computer and getting annoyed with a big show happening miles away?

    you do have a point,but i fucking love GNR music!

    and I have followed Axl since 1988.

  8. What kind of setlist changes do people really want.

    The band only has 4.5 albums to pull from, and not every song is something that necessarily translates well live.

    They have 1 album of new material in the past 20+ years to draw from. It makes varying the setlist incredibly difficult.

    There is not an album anywhere on the horizon given the commitment to touring, so it's' not like they can start playing songs off the up coming release to break up the monotony.

    They already did that during the 02-06 tours and it really took away from the eventual release of the album because we had already heard it played live for years. They won't do that again.

    I want catcher,twat and prostitute every night.

    I want breakdown,pretty tied up and locomotive.

    on the top of my head.

  9. the fact is that many people just hate on axl or slash, and regardless of the situation or the reality of that situation (such as the fact that piers was the one who brought it up, and slash was visibly uninterested in discussing the topic - as he was on howard stern mere days ago), they'll continue with the inane bullshit and name-calling.

    many of these posters, such as angeles and volcano, partly do it just to rile up other posters - which is the effect it has, obviously - and by page 10 it's repetitive bullshit being argued back-and-forth that dates back many years and the actual topic of conversation is effectively buried.

    seriously, though: for popular culture and the average person, slash always will be "the guitarist from guns n' roses," and he will be asked questions about the band for the rest of his life because at the end of the day, that's all anyone really cares about as far as the average mentality goes. just like when garfunkel's selling his latest solo record, the issue of a simon and garfunkel reunion will always be at the forefront. it's not their fault - and it's not even really the journalists' fault. they're just giving the people what they want.

    I still think that we as fans should take the high road.

    be the better men(and women).

    don't take fucking sides.

    it's so childish this whole deal.

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