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Posts posted by BOSSY78

  1. I'm excited. I have been a fan since I was 10. I think this is gonna be awesome.

    I'm happy that members have found it in themselves to move on and forgive. It's time for them to heal and move forward just as it is fans.

    When it comes to Adler don't get me wrong I loved his sound on AFD but realistically there's more albums without him then with him. I also know of the baggage he comes with and that he sued the band once. I would never wish to make the band members suffer or do what they may not want for my own selfish reasons of hearing him drum a few songs.


    I love Izzy but know he hates the tour life so why would I rant and rave about him not being there. Chances are just like before he will show up here and there. There's no need for me to disrespect him.


    I'm excited for all the fans old and new and all the members. This is gonna be a great year as a GnR fan

  2. I'm a Guns fan first but ACDC is my second fave. I think it will be awesome if he fills in for a few shows. I have been a fan of GnR from the start and through all the years and lineups. Axl is my favorite singer. I would love to hear him do ACDC especially some of the older Bon songs.

    When I heard Axl may be filling in for ACDC I was excited and told everyone who would listen however when I suspected a reunion of some sort was coming I was more excited stalking the forum daily for news. Driving everyone insane. So I'd say the reunion or regroup.

  3. As far as Steven and Izzy go I'm not upset they aren't there. We don't know all the circumstances but what I do know is Izzy don't like to tour and do shows and he has told everyone he's not involved at this point.

    Steven does want to take part but is he sober and can he stay sober probably weighs on their mind and being realistic he sued them before perhaps they think it's best he not be involved. After all if he uses again and can't perform duties it would sucks to fear another lawsuit. It's best they do guest appearances where he is concerned 

    This is GnR not Velvet Revolver. Any songs written under the GnR name will be sung. 


    Right now at Tower.... #GnFnR


    chairmen of the bored. 枪和玫瑰 中國民主

     rose garden filled with thorns
     Joined March 2012
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      i think Popcorn will whet the Appetite of those in attendance at tonights gig, but also on the menu is Spaghetti and Chinese.

      1 retweet1 like
    2.  walker Retweeted

      TONIGHT - TROUBADOUR - Not In This Lifetime... #GnFnR

      1,309 retweets2,059 likes


  5. 5 minutes ago, HollyWoodRose84 said:

    My friend Mike T who is a cameraman for ABC. Same guy who told me about the Kimmel info that I posted here. Same guy who told me about the vegas shows before they happened which I believe I posted somewhere here. I'm hoping to get some pictures from him for everyone tonight.


    Steven will be there.

    Steven will be playing. 

    I remember some of the other stuff you posted about and I have heard it all day he will be there as well. Thanks for the info and for trying to get us some pics 

  6. 1 minute ago, smoking guns said:

    Those people need their asses beat. This is supposed to be for the fans. Not a way to make money off a $10 ticket. Bullshit. 

    Is there a way to mark it as a scam? From what I have read and what was posted above it would have to be. There are many desperate out there some were even offering up their vegas or coachella tickets hotel incuded for tickets until they found out they were wristbands not tickets.

  7. 2 minutes ago, paranoyd androyd said:

    Holy crap!

    The guy from yesterday is now asking $8K for his 2 tickets tonight..



    And here's another guy selling 1 for $2K..



    They are wristbands this guy must be a scam unless I'm missing something here. Hope noone falls for that

  8. Just now, Slash787 said:

    Steven can also have a red drum kit. 

    Come on man, we need to see Steven and Izzy there. 

    This place has a lot of history with GNR, that stage, that bullet GNR logo behind, We need Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy and Steven to blow the Roof of that place!

    I'd say with Steven cancelling his own show he may come and do a song or two at the very least.

  9. 2 minutes ago, born2boogie said:

    I would guess that Del James will get a pic tonight. He's already posting cool pics from inside the event on his Facebook page. It looks amazing!! 

    I believe Leah from periscope was doing some videos until she had to turn off camaras if I'm allowed to post a link here to it I will.

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