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Black Roses

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Posts posted by Black Roses

  1. I'm sorry, but I just don't see why we need a CD remix/reissue. And 5 years is not enough to warrant an anniversary release/reissue, at least in my book. I think an anniversary release is great if a considerable amount of time has gone by, say 20 or 15 years, and if said album really needed to be remastered or something. For instance, I've always thought Metallica should remaster their first 4 albums and release them, especially And Justice for All.

    But what Guns n Roses needs, what this current lineup needs, is NEW SONGS.

    And before I get flammed, I'll say this AGAIN, in case my flawed English kept me from making myself clear: yes, maybe a CD remix would be a nice idea, but not now. This is not the right time for that. We need new music. This band needs to put out new material, ASAP.

    If there are CD leftovers, "new" songs for all intent and purposes, then release those ALREADY.

    Someone should start an online campaign asking Axl to release new material already.

    BBF was asked about leaks. and BBF says all leaks are from weirdos looking for attention and lies. the chidem remix album is a lie. there is no chidem remix album. it's fan made bullshit

    I thought Brain confirmed there's a CD Remix album, and Better Gone too?

  2. Because Metallica's legacy was sealed by the time the Black Album became legendary. Guns on the other hand are/were one of those "what if?" bands.

    Oh and Metallica:

    1. Is Metallica, not Lars or James and Friends (note, Lars owns the Metallica name, but has never started a new Metallica or fucked his friends over).

    2. Always put on a quality show.

    3. Is playing almost as good as the Justice/Black days (Hetfield also looks his best since probably the Puppets days)

    4. Put out albums whilst Axl fell off the face of the earth.

    5. Always release DVD's etc. to keep their fans entertained.

    6. Did the Big 4 tour and squashed the Mustaine beef for good.

    7. They ultimately gave the fans what they wanted with Death Magnetic (even if it was a tad too loud).

    8. Unlike the majority of Guns fans who ultimately hate Axl and are indifferent towards the new band, Metallica fans are fiercely loyal to the point that they have shows where a stadium will have a cult like devotion to Metallica (see Maiden fans).

    this shit

  3. I'm annoyed when I see people use term " NuGNR" when speaking about current line up. It is an obsolete, inaccurate term. Current line up is NuNuGnr.

    Or, if you wanna get a touch edgy for old times' sake, NuNuGNFNRS.

    Bullshit, current lineup is NuNuNuGNR, NuNuGNR is 2006-2007 lineup :max: .

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