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Posts posted by Rdeyahlxp

  1. Meh, he should've shown up in an oversized jersey with a fully botoxed, pale face with dreadlocks. Just a more industrialized look in general, it rocked the last time someone did it.

    • Like 2
  2. Just saw it with my dad and we had fun. Great movie, but indeed like some of you say, they went pretty cheap on the cosmetics. Some movies in the 80s did it better, Amadeus for example and that movie is 30 years old. Not only Michael Caine didn't look convincing as a frail, dying man, but that Isaac Hayes lookalike was 23 years older and he only had some patches of grey in his beard.

  3. Mark my words, Bumblefoot will still be in. This is just a genius move by Axl's hand to build anticipation for another round of the celebrated Chinese Democracy tour. The fans will be hysterical next time they see BBF and Axl together, sharing a stage again like brothers. The press won't stop writing about our 8 all-stars and their renowned stage chemistry, that is for sure. This will be the most talked about event of the decade! All hail King Axl and his grand masterplan. YES I BELIEVE!!!

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  4. The forum should get a insightful history / article / column section or something where you and anyone else who has a talent for documenting interesting facts and typing fun reads can contribute. It's a shame a lot of these interesting topics get swept and buried by the giant tidal wave of shittopics in D&N after 2 weeks or so.

    If we had an active history subforum or something, maybe people wouldn't get so much of the facts surrounding sensitive areas such as the break up or the recording of the Illusions wrong, also. And it'd give us something to talk about. As GNR now is more a nostalgia band than anything, the past is really all we CAN talk about.

    A subforum with a weekly/2 week decently written column about some random show/year/event with rare pictures etc. could work out really well.

  5. If he even released CD II, CD III should be released 3 years after that MAX. It's not like they're climbing the Mount fucking Everest here.

    Plus its been shown by posters here (and I've seen it myself on cracked.com), that "pic" of Axl in the studio is a stock photo.. it ain't him.

    Can you provide a source? Curious myself, Google Image Search didnt return solid results.

    just google search "ghost at the window", scroll down through the images and...viola..


    Ah, I was worried the photo of the studio itself was a stock. Not that concerned that he pulled that particular image from Google, since that still means the photo of the studio is genuine. Also notice that Pitman's picture has a different aspect ratio so he didn't just retweet a picture of Pitman.

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