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Posts posted by Rdeyahlxp

  1. This is just another throw-away comment in a long line of continues lies and bullshit. These guys can record their asses off, but only Axl has a say when it comes to a new album being released. Please stop polluting D&N with every pathetic little quote that points towards a new album. It doesn't say anything and it's not coming unless Axl says so.

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  2. Will somebody record it? they go onstage at 4 am over here, I have to get up early tomorrow so I can't watch it live.

    It's the age of the internet and mass communication now, dude. Trust me we dutchies won't have any shortage of coverage tomorrow. I'm wondering what the big surprise is the Golden Gods staff kept japping about (don't think it's Gn'R related, still hoping for something cool).

  3. I made these AFD/UYI banners in the previous thread. I made a darker,grittier one, like the current one and a light version. Will change it to accommodate the feedback of the previous thread in it as well as the restrictions of this contest.



    Will try to work on a logo and that little subforum thing next, but not really sure what to make of it ATM.

  4. The douchy promo photos for season 6 killed it for me. I liked the first 2 seasons, season 3 was good but novelty began to wear off. Hank began to grow into a little bit of a pretentious doosh in season 4 in my eyes. Didn't understand a fucking thing of that pseudo intellectual "witty" bullshit he was spewing to his lawyer all the time. Only redeeming characters of the show were Runkle and Stu for me at that point. At least they didn't act like pretentious wannabe ALPHA characters like the rest of the male cast of the show and had a shed of humanity left within them. Probably the only decent written characters of the show with at least some common human flaws. Didn't really bother to watch season 5 the douchy rapper/hiphop theme killed it off for me.

  5. It must be mentally exhausting for him to constantly have flocks of fans harrassing him for pictures and videos for their own personal enjoyment. People have no respect for someone else personal space these days. I wouldn't care much about my appearance either and would try my best to stay as low-key as possible if I were him. Can't imagine the amount of stress being famous must bring.

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  6. genuinely curious. why is it that south american fans all seem to know who beta is? i just imagine that when Guns tours through North America, outside of the Internet fans attending shows, probably nobody would have a clue who she is. Yet she's borderline a celebrity over there. It's interesting to me, but also perplexing.

    Probably because that Thank You-speech at the end of RIR III has solidified her as the savior of GnR in the eyes of the Brazilian public.

  7. I would love to hear these recordings.

    But man. That letter is extremely unprofessional.

    It absolutely is.

    This guy is a lawyer? Would you want him representing your interests in something important to you?

    "I don't care what the actual law is, here is my interpretation of it and how it should be". Are you fucking for real with that?

    His friend/brother who hung himself was a lawyer. He is clearly boasting himself in this letter and not in a good way.

    "Uhmmm.. these recordings are all mine, soo.. i'm gonna release them... and you c-c-can't s-s-stop me from re-rel-releasing them!!"

    That said, hope this will see the light of the day, I'm sick of Axl's antics and lies in interviews by DJ, Tommy etc. etc.

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