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Posts posted by d4mo

  1. The other night I was watching my Poison DVD and it really got me thinking. For those of you that are poison fans(or alot of 80's metal bands for that fact) alot of their videos are clips from concerts and whatnot. Those concerts looked like some of the most fun, kickass concerts to go to, and then when I started thinking that I will never get to experience something so great in my life. I'm 20 and my favorite music is 80's hair metal, so even if I do get to see some of these bands in my life( I have seen Gn'R thank god) it will never be the same experience of when these bands were in there prime. Those concerts and music for that fact were all about having a good time getting trashed and just plain ol' enjoying yourself.

    And that leads me to todays music. What the hell is wrong with it. Seriously today's "rock" is utter trash. There is nothing to it, just a couple of douche bags that get together that can play moderatly well, and make shitty music. The whole rock industy has pretty much gone to shit. Everybody these days prefers rap or that pop/rap hybrid shit. Maybe it's because noone in the rock industy has done anything new or interesting in the last 10 years but still it's ridiculous. The only way I get get my new music fix is by listening to Death/Black Metal. Now don't get me wrong...I love this music but a Black/Death Metal concert jsut isn't my cup of tea. People beating the shit outta eachother in a mosh pit isn't the most fun thing in my opinion.

    So anyways something needs to happen and it needs to happen soon. Because the fact of the matter is that every year that goes by, my beloved 80's band are getting older and older and is a really depressing thought that I will never get to experience one of those concerts in there glory days.

  2. And people said Donington was a BAD gig? :huh: That was amazing.... like Legendary Guns N Roses! it had everything.....Kerrang! doesn't have a clue. I find it actually quite offensive that they had the nerve to give it 0/5 when it was quite clearly a fantastic performance of classic songs from the world's most dangerous band on top of their game. Ah well, Axl obviously doesn't care so the petty insults printed in Kerrap! dnt really matter:D.

    Axl sounds so good. His voice reminds me of the UYI days. Sebastian kicks so much ass.

  3. I was listening to the Alice Copper nightshow on friday night and they played PC. After that Alice was saying how he wanted to have Axl on the show so he could talk to him about CD. He said he thought that Axl would come to talk to him(just because he's alice basically lol). He said he wants to just talk to him about CD and not ask why it's taking so long or anything. And then he said something about we're all expecting it in the next few days or something like that.

    if he means he's expecting CD in the next few days, im just gonna laugh at him

    From the way he said I think he meant we are all sick of waiting for it and want it to come out soon.

  4. I was listening to the Alice Copper nightshow on friday night and they played PC. After that Alice was saying how he wanted to have Axl on the show so he could talk to him about CD. He said he thought that Axl would come to talk to him(just because he's alice basically lol). He said he wants to just talk to him about CD and not ask why it's taking so long or anything. And then he said something about we're all expecting it in the next few days or something like that.

  5. Axl was mentioned on Late Night with Conan O'Brien last night. They were talking about the new US stamps that were comming out and they had a series called white trash holding white trash. The first was Kevin Fedderline holding some paper towels. Then it was Axl holding empty milk jugs. And the last was Axl and Kevin holding anna nicole smith.

  6. New people are turned on to Guns N' Roses everyday. People have been spoon fed the hip hop culture, and the music for so many years, and rock music has just went straight into the toilet that it's either, listen to 50 Cent, or listen to Nickleback.


    People are dying for something new, that's why you see a lot of people getting into that pop punk garbage like All American Rejects, Good Charlotte, Sum 41, or whatever.

    People WANT to break away from Hip Hop, people want some Rock N' Roll. Guitar solos, meaningful lyrics, hypnotic vocals. The hunger for Rock has always been there, it's been there since The King. It's here now. Sure Axl Rose is 44, but so what. If the music is good, then that doesn't matter. People will latch on to it, people will cheer it, people will buy it.

    I have let a few of my friends that are into hip hop and pop punk listen to the new leaks, and it's blown them away. They come over sometimes just to listen to the new songs.

    Maybe some of you all don't understand the firepower of these songs, because you grew up with the old guns, and all you can think about is how this is NOT the old Guns. But to people who are hearing GNR for the first time it's that same ole "HOLY SHIT" reaction, like the first time you heard Welcome To The Jungle.

    Chinese Democracy will be the number one album in America regardless of how the music industry has changed. Greatest Hits is still on the charts, and people could just as easily download those songs. Chinese Democracy is going to be the biggest album in a VERY long time. Will the album have any number one hits, who knows, and who really cares? The album is about direction, inspiration, passion, it's about Rock N' Roll, and Rock hasn't ever been about awards, and number one hits.

    Rock has always been about the fans, the music has always been about 'getting out what everyone tries to supress, and keep inside'.

    When real rock returns, the people will embrace it.

    Chinese Democracy will save Rock N' Roll

    That is a great post. I have thought the same thing for years. I've always said the best music came from the 80's and early 90's. But everyone listens to rap because they are almost forced to per say. Basically what is played on the radio is what will be popular. And as people have said before, new rock is terrible. It really easy. As for myself, other then all 80's music I listen to, I listen to Death Metal/Black Metal. Bands like In Flames, Dark Tranquillity and Dimmu Borgir have more talent in their little fingers than Nickelback and the like. I just want rap to die, these people have little talent. 50 cent is one of the most worthless pieces I've heard. I'm sick of everyone needing to pretend they are black. I don't think one album can do that, but I really hope it can help.

  7. Well this is supposed to be an Axl quote, I'm not sure though, maybe someone can confirm or deny it:

    "I discovered that I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a Great White or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot."

    Also on that quote where you said he felt like slash, when he said building a model, does that mean like a model car or something....or am I confused.

  8. Anyone go to this concert besides me.  It was the greatest thing I've ever done/been to.  It was so awesome to see GN'R in concert.  They have been my favorite band since I was 3.

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