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Thin White Duke

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Posts posted by Thin White Duke

  1. & the females wanted it done as they said it empowered them.


    Fuambai Ahmadu

    Despite growing up and studying in the United States, Fuambai Ahmadu chose to return to her native Sierra Leone as an adult to be circumcised. At the age of 21, she underwent a traditional initiation ceremony in which her clitoris and labia were cut. Fuambai says circumcision is an essential part of her culture and the experience filled her with pride. She says she doesn’t feel mutilated.

    FUAMBAI AHMADU: Ritual, it's a transition from girlhood to womanhood and it's parallel with the male initiation as well where boys are also, you know, they're initiated and they become men. So it's a very big deal, it's an important aspect of ethnic identity as well and because it's associated with women's power and especially so in Sierra Leone.

    JENNY BROCKIE: Why power, because in the west it's not associated with power at all, it's quite the opposite?

    FUAMBAI AHMADU: Right, and you know I've struggled with that over the years as well to understand sort of western perceptions of the practice. Misunderstandings of the practice because in Sierra Leone I think in many other parts of Africa where these operations take place, it is very much associated with women's power and women's spheres of influence. In Sierra Leone no men are allowed to even ask questions about this operation, just like women would not interfere in men's initiation and men's rituals. They have share secret knowledge and experiences and so do women.

    I don't understand how this empowers women same as I don't understand their wearing of the burqua is empowering to some women. I guess it's a cultural thing we don't understand as it's not normal practice here in western countries.

    im not surprised she can't explain how it "empowers" her. kind of reminds me "a bird born in a cage thinks flying is an illness"

    When her clit is removed she can't become sexually aroused therefore she doesn't like having sex. So, she isn't interested in sex which means she has no use for men. This is where she finds empowerment. Pretty sick huh?

    It is made to avoid that sexual pleasure and therefore women don't feel tempted to have sex with other men. it's a way of controlling their will. But the worst thing of it is that it doesn't even work. I mean, women stil have their brains and they still can fall in love and like a person and feel attracted to a person. Hormones are still working too. So they can feel sexually attracted to men. She isn't interested in sex? Nah, she went under a procedure to not enjoy sexual intercouse, which is different.

    I am not sure I understand where you say she finds the empowerment. She is not interested in sex so she has no use for men? I don't get that. Either it means she is no longer desirable for men or, even more senseless, that the rest of the women are unable of controlling their sexual desire and they are some kind of slaves of it. They see the average Johnny Depp in front of them and they no longer have a will. Like monkeys in heat. Nonsense. In case, I see men more prone to think with their dicks than women with their clits. And still, I don't see anyone chopping their dicks off to get rid of their kryptonite.

    She herself can't explain where that empowerment comes from. It only comes from believing so. From believing that's the right thing to do because the tradition says so. Other find empowerment in porno or in making cupcakes. Trying to find an objective logical explanation is illogical.

    Edit: As I said, he was an adult, she can do whatever she wants. Imposing it to kids? NO.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't see Izzy coming back unless Axl put a big amount of money on the table. Whatever happened before the RNR Hall of Fame induction damaged whatever could be left of their good relationship. And no, I don't have any source, it's just me exercising my right of guessing and conpiracy theories.

    Gilby then? Well, Gilby could be considered the first hired hand so, I don't see much difference with what we have now.

    I am very fond of the old lineup but, right now, it's either do it 100% (that is, add Slash) or go to the studio with the guys and give us fucking music.

  3. I suppose in a way you could argue that mandarin is a lingua franca of China, considering there is a lot of different languages in China: some 30% of Chinese do not speakl Mandarin as a first language. Historically, Mandarin has operated as a lingua franca of the whole region because of the dominance of Chinese culture and trade.

    But do the French speak Mandarin too as their second language?

  4. We are terrible. Yet we invented this fuckin sport and possess arguably the best, most competitive, domestic competition in the world! It makes no sense?

    In all fairness, the top teams from Italy's Serie A, Spain's Liga and Germany's league usually stand up well against top teams from the English Premier League. They're usually neck in neck.

    Wouldn't you say that the EPL is the best in terms of overall consistency/quality in teams though? There's seems to be a pretty big disparity between the likes of Barcelona / Real Madrid and the lower teams in La Liga.

    And thats why Atlético beat them both. :lol:

    La Liga for me is more interesting. Even the middle class teams do it better than Brits as it proves the Europa League.

    You cut the part of my post where I said I didn't pretend to follow any leagues or know anything. :lol:

    Well, you're the admin. Ban me.

  5. We are terrible. Yet we invented this fuckin sport and possess arguably the best, most competitive, domestic competition in the world! It makes no sense?

    In all fairness, the top teams from Italy's Serie A, Spain's Liga and Germany's league usually stand up well against top teams from the English Premier League. They're usually neck in neck.

    Wouldn't you say that the EPL is the best in terms of overall consistency/quality in teams though? There's seems to be a pretty big disparity between the likes of Barcelona / Real Madrid and the lower teams in La Liga.

    And thats why Atlético beat them both.:lol:

    La Liga for me is more interesting. Even the middle class teams do it better than Brits as it proves the Europa League.

  6. Why are we so cack at this sport? You cannot even blame it on, simply being cack at all sports, as England broke the Ashes thing in 2005 and produced one of the best cricket sides circa 2009-2013 (alright, our fortunes have sunk since then but we will be back); we won the Rugby world cup in 2003 and still remain a moderately competitive force in Rugby Union to this day (case in point, some close run affairs in NZ recently); we beat the Australians in medals at the Olympics and even broke Fred Perry's Wimbledon victory with Andy Murray at Wimbledon. England are actually rather good at a lot of sports (especially boozy sports like snooker and darts). But for some reason, we are simply hopeless at football. Passes go stray, wobbling into the crowd. Experienced players commit complete defensive cock ups which would never happen for their domestic clubs. Natural goalscorers suddenly cannot score for love or money when that three lions top is placed on them. Managers who have won everything (e.g. La Ligues, Serie As, Champions Leagues) suddenly look like complete dickheads when managing eleven Englishmen.

    We are terrible. Yet we invented this fuckin’ sport and possess arguably the best, most competitive, domestic competition in the world! It makes no sense?

    I hear you!! It's even more senseless than having to separate your garbage!!

  7. I totally agree with that. I almost added it to my post actually. :lol:
    You can travel half the world speaking Spanish, including the US. And there are people who have studied French in many countries. So I guess it's sometimes the same reason why English people dont bother learning other languages, while people from countries with less spoken or less relevant languages tend to learn the most spoken ones. Especially English.

    I don't think it has anything to do with bothering or not bothering. I think many people who only speak English would love to know another language but the fact is unless you're in a position to actually use the language and are immersed or exposed regularly to the language it's actually really difficult to make all the hours of learning amount to anything. Some people will do it as a hobby because they're just really into it but for most people the opportunities aren't there to use what they learn and retain what they learn. It's just too disjointed.

    You're basiclaly agreeing with what Lio and I said. :shrugs: People who learn English in countries with less spoken languages have to learn them because it's useful for them. While the people from countries with more widely known languages don't have that need. They rarely will use or will be expose to languages spoken by 5 million people in just one specific country in the world.

    And of course it's matter of bothering. I learnt English and Spanish without leaving my country neither having any kind of inmersion or exposure to it, except a few classes and real interest. There are many people everywhere who bothered to learn English without ever leaving their own countries and not having anyone around speaking it. I would love to speak Korean or I would love to fly an airplane. Yeah, I would love many things too, but it's a matter of bothering to really do those things. It won't appear suddenly from nothing.

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  8. Awesome game, but I was going for England.

    Meant to be, it's the fairytale comeback isn't it?

    It's there for the winning now. Uruguay's looking wobbly.

    You have to kill Uruguay to get them out.

    I'd agree if I hadn't seen Costa Rica do it.

    what If England wins against Costa Rica, and Urugay losses to Italy? This ins't over for England yet. Italy will win against C.R.

    I have no doubt now that this is the death group.

    There is no way in hell that this group is worse than Group B was for Aus. :lol:

    I tell you. The Netherlands suffered like bitches to beat the Australians. Same with Chille. And they still can complete the gang rape of Spain!

    Edit: And that's the theoretically worse team of the gorup.

    But you have more history in this one, 3 champions of the world. "Bigger" teams, bigger names.

    But when was the last time England and Uruguay won this?

    Group B has the current champion and finalist. Chile, team that has some good players and it's at a good level right now. And Cahill.

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