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Posts posted by Gia

  1. Off the subject, but what anime is your avatar from?

    It's not an anime, there's one but it's not where my avatar is from. It's called Gantz and it's a manga. It's crazy, you should read it.

    It looks really good! Thanks! :)

    Graham Norton beats all these guys hands down.

    Can't imagine any US hosts dealing with a shitfaced Mark Wahlberg

    I love him... he's so funny!

  2. What a stupid thread.

    You and the thread seem to have something in common :)

    Sorry I hurt your feelings.

    I forgive you

    He doesn't have any children (that we know of), so either he is ultrasmart about jepardizing the life he has designed, or has a truck of trojans (probably has to double wrap in many cases).

    With the litigious society we live in, I'm sure either he self loves or uses high end girls outside of the gigs.

    So...not worried about the wife.

    It's just interesting how no backstage or hotel photos make their way out to the public.

    I think Drakestar makes a great point... why risk it with people who can (and most likely will) talk

  3. I don't think I could date someone who would sleep with current Axl.

    Credits to magisme at ya bois crib.

    I was reading your post and thought, "Wait a minute. Didn't I say that?" :lol:
    What is ya bois crib? Is it fairly active?

    You're not allowed to talk about fight club... err I mean Ya Bois Crib

    Why should it be limited to just four of us? Fuck it! He could also call Beta. The more the merrier!

    Bumblefoot needs to tag in at least once !

  4. "Catalina is portrayed as a reckless and extremely aggressive psychotic woman, who even turns on close partners if they cease to be useful to her"



    Cut me some slack, I'm going through a hard time .... :(

  5. :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

    Valentina hot sauce? Does it get you drunk and disorderly, cause you to shitpost all night and get suspended for 24 hours?

    At least I have an excuse for my shit posting ;)

    what's yours?

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