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Posts posted by WFA

  1. how do i do it......doress pthe ps3 thing work?t a 40pound fine as soon i left...... thanks man for the brrief shinning beacon of fun

    I think this is your first post without caps lock. History has been made. :cry:
    Nope, its happened before. Throwback to '06: http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?/topic/82371-better-the-first-single/
    The fuck? Did you happen to have that on standby or immediately search for it? I'm not sure which is worse. :lol:
    That's the 'mercks assistant' thread, which is in the Hall of Fame in Civil War.
  2. We need WFA to hit the archives and post some shitposts in here to talk about.

    There's been an awful lot of shitposts since I returned in July. A few off the top of my head, with the poster's name in parentheses

    big mouth "black" [...] Those monkeys were never caught [...] We are in the 21th century, yet some people still have hatred towards people of a different color (Val22)

    Gilby could have written a Guns N' Roses song (Miser)

    You're qualified to review a blu-ray based on a concert you attended that was during the same time period (NGOG)

    People will like Rapidfire, if for nothing else, historical significance (KevinLawerence)

    I didn't drop out of school, I just hated waking up in the morning, so i dropped out to go to night school and never went to night school. (Broskirose) [ Happened in The Ritz (Chat), so unfortunately no link :( ]

    I realize that this is the Civil War section, but this is just blatant thread/topic derailment. (Broskirose) [To the cheapasses out there who aren't supporters, Broski posted this after several off topic posts, without a hint of irony]

    i'll post some more later when i dig through some old threads from this year.

    • Like 3
  3. i'm sticking with my original votes.

    Best new member (Joined in 2014): satanisk_sklat

    Best old member (Joined before 2010): lithium

    Best low-tier poster (Less than 1,000 posts): dr doom

    Most underrated regular: dr doom

    Most missed member: bba

    Most improved member: usemyillusions

    Best-looking male member: highvoltage

    Best-looking female member: patience4axl

    Best thread-starter: thomas meadow

    Most intelligent posts: groghan

    Strongest personality: dexter

    Best debater: groghan

    Most divisive member: queenie

    Biggest hooray for tolerance!: black sabbath

    Most knowledge of Guns N' Roses: recklessroad

    Member most likely to be Axl: dexter

    Most respected member: dr doom

    Funniest member: facekicker

    Most unintentionally funny member: broskirose

    Member who drunk-posts the most: zosorose

    Most like to meet: DR DOOM

    Best member fight: WFA, Groghan, Diceman, DR DOOM vs Broskirose

    Most mysterious member: fucking little schemer

    Most transparent member: bumblefoot

    Honorable mention: magisme

    Most unbiased: nosaj thing

    Best political views: downzy

    Best provider of concert updates: /jarmo

    Best podcast guest: len

    Best posters in... (Male/female for each)

    Discussion & News: maynard/p4a

    Anything Goes: diceman/p4a

    Seen That Movie Too: nosaj thing/p4a

    My World: russtcb/p4a

    Supporter Section: DR DOOM/p4a

    Thread of the year: Goddammit WFA

    "Too much drama" thread of the year: Goddammit WFA

    Best thread title: Deep Thoughts with Thomas Meadow

    Best signature: gabriel_tit

    Best username: facekicker

    Member of the year (Male and female): facekicker/p4a

    i forgot to add the shitposter awards.

    shitposter of the year: Damn_Smooth

    honorable mention: redhead74

    shitpost of the year: some big mouth "black" [...] those monkeys were never caught [...] We are in the 21th century, yet some people still have hatred towards people of a different color

    Dammit Damn_Homo, quit trying to give my vote to Redhead.

    it's just gut reaction, you know? I do it without thinking. Fixed the post tho

    • Like 1
  4. i'm sticking with my original votes.

    Best new member (Joined in 2014): satanisk_sklat

    Best old member (Joined before 2010): lithium
    Best low-tier poster (Less than 1,000 posts): dr doom
    Most underrated regular: dr doom
    Most missed member: bba
    Most improved member: usemyillusions
    Best-looking male member: highvoltage
    Best-looking female member: patience4axl
    Best thread-starter: thomas meadow
    Most intelligent posts: groghan
    Strongest personality: dexter
    Best debater: groghan
    Most divisive member: queenie
    Biggest hooray for tolerance!: black sabbath
    Most knowledge of Guns N' Roses: recklessroad
    Member most likely to be Axl: dexter
    Most respected member: dr doom
    Funniest member: facekicker
    Most unintentionally funny member: broskirose
    Member who drunk-posts the most: zosorose
    Most like to meet: DR DOOM
    Best member fight: WFA, Groghan, Diceman, DR DOOM vs Broskirose
    Most mysterious member: fucking little schemer
    Most transparent member: bumblefoot
    Honorable mention: magisme
    Most unbiased: nosaj thing
    Best political views: downzy
    Best provider of concert updates: /jarmo
    Best podcast guest: len
    Best posters in... (Male/female for each)
    Discussion & News: maynard/p4a
    Anything Goes: diceman/p4a
    Seen That Movie Too: nosaj thing/p4a
    My World: russtcb/p4a
    Supporter Section: DR DOOM/p4a
    Thread of the year: Goddammit WFA
    "Too much drama" thread of the year: Goddammit WFA
    Best thread title: Deep Thoughts with Thomas Meadow
    Best signature: gabriel_tit
    Best username: facekicker
    Member of the year (Male and female): facekicker/p4a

    i forgot to add the shitposter awards.

    shitposter of the year: redhead74 Damn_Smooth

    honorable mention: damn_smooth redhead74

    shitpost of the year: some big mouth "black" [...] those monkeys were never caught [...] We are in the 21th century, yet some people still have hatred towards people of a different color

  5. Most unintentionally funny member: WFA

    To: MyGNRForum, MyGNR Staff, and Whom It May Concern,

    When the nominations for the MyGNR Forum 2014 Awards were first announced I had mixed emotions but, in an effort to be positive, wanting to make the most of things for the fans and with their enthusiasm, I was honored, excited and hoped that somehow this would be a good thing. Of course I realized as things stood, if I were to win an award, it'd be somewhat of a complicated or awkward situation.
    Since then I've listened to fans, talked with members of the forum, communicated with and read various public comments and jabs from former members of MyGNR, had discussions with the admin of the forum, read various press (some legit, some contrived) and read other posters' comments weighing in publicly on myself and the board with their thoughts.
    Under the circumstances I feel I've been polite, courteous, and open to an amicable solution in our efforts to work something out. Taking into consideration the history of MyGNR, those who plan to attend along with those the Forum for reasons of their own, have chosen to include in "our" awards (that for the record are decisions I don't agree with, support or feel the Forum has any right to make), and how (albeit no easy task) those involved with the Forum have handled things... no offense meant to anyone but the MyGNR Awards doesn't appear to be somewhere I'm actually wanted or respected.
    For the record, I would not begrudge anyone from MyGNR their accomplishments or recognition for such. Neither I or anyone in my camp has made any requests or demands of MyGNR. It's their show not mine.
    That said, I won't be attending MyGNRForum dot com 2014 Awards and I respectfully decline my induction as a member of MyGNRForum into the MyGNR Hall of Fame.
    I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorized nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf. Neither former members, media and brand representatives nor the forum should imply whether directly, indirectly or by omission that I am included in any purported induction of "Unintentionally Funny Members".
    This decision is personal. This letter is to help clarify things from my and my camp's perspective. Neither is meant to offend, attack or condemn. Though unfortunately I'm sure there will be those who take offense (God knows how long I'll have to contend with the fallout), I certainly don't intend to disappoint anyone, especially the fans, with this decision. Since the announcement of the nomination I've actively sought out a solution to what, with all things considered, appears to be a no win, at least for me, "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario all the way around.
    In regard to a reunion of any kind of either the WFA/Volcano62/Damn_Smooth or WFA/Volcano62/Damn_Smooth/Brainsaber/MSL lineups, I've publicly made myself more than clear. Nothing's changed.
    The only reason, at this point, under the circumstances, in my opinion whether under the guise of "for the fans" or whatever justification of the moment, for anyone to continue to ask, suggest or demand a reunion are misguided attempts to distract from our efforts with the current linup of myself, Maynard, Nosaj Thing, Damn_Smooth, and DR DOOM.
    HRS came out with us a few times back in '13 and I invited him to join us on the board again. MSL was allowed back on the board later in '14, where he was invited back only to be rewarded with his subsequent interviews filled with lies. For me, with the exception of HRS or Brainsaber joining us online if they were so inclined somewhere in the future for a post or two, that's enough.
    In closing, regardless of this decision and as hard to believe or as ironic as it may seem, I'd like to sincerely thank the board for their nomination and their votes for my award. More importantly I'd like to thank the fans for being there over the years, making any success we've had possible and for enjoying and supporting my posts.
    I wish the Forum a great show, congratulations to all the other members being inducted and to my fans I look forward to seeing you on the board!!
    P.S. RIP Armand, Long Live ABC III
    • Like 2
  6. i'm sticking with my original votes.

    Best new member (Joined in 2014): satanisk_sklat

    Best old member (Joined before 2010): lithium
    Best low-tier poster (Less than 1,000 posts): dr doom
    Most underrated regular: dr doom
    Most missed member: bba
    Most improved member: usemyillusions
    Best-looking male member: highvoltage
    Best-looking female member: patience4axl
    Best thread-starter: thomas meadow
    Most intelligent posts: groghan
    Strongest personality: dexter
    Best debater: groghan
    Most divisive member: queenie
    Biggest hooray for tolerance!: black sabbath
    Most knowledge of Guns N' Roses: recklessroad
    Member most likely to be Axl: dexter
    Most respected member: dr doom
    Funniest member: facekicker
    Most unintentionally funny member: broskirose
    Member who drunk-posts the most: zosorose
    Most like to meet: DR DOOM
    Best member fight: WFA, Groghan, Diceman, DR DOOM vs Broskirose
    Most mysterious member: fucking little schemer
    Most transparent member: bumblefoot
    Honorable mention: magisme
    Most unbiased: nosaj thing
    Best political views: downzy
    Best provider of concert updates: /jarmo
    Best podcast guest: len
    Best posters in... (Male/female for each)
    Discussion & News: maynard/p4a
    Anything Goes: diceman/p4a
    Seen That Movie Too: nosaj thing/p4a
    My World: russtcb/p4a
    Supporter Section: DR DOOM/p4a
    Thread of the year: Goddammit WFA
    "Too much drama" thread of the year: Goddammit WFA
    Best thread title: Deep Thoughts with Thomas Meadow
    Best signature: gabriel_tit
    Best username: facekicker
    Member of the year (Male and female): facekicker/p4a
  7. Nominations is a stupid idea. Just one vote is all that's needed. Whoever you sent in, that's your final vote. Whoever gets the most votes wins the award. Simple and easy.

    Also Bacardi go ahead and tally up one vote for redhead74 for shitposter of the year

    Fuck you, you promised me that vote.

    Nominations is a stupid idea. Just one vote is all that's needed. Whoever you sent in, that's your final vote. Whoever gets the most votes wins the award. Simple and easy.

    Also Bacardi go ahead and tally up one vote for redhead74 for shitposter of the year

    Instead of calling it the "shitposter of the year" how about a more catchy name......The Broski?
    :lol: I like that idea.
    • Like 2
  8. WFA has changed lately. Not surprised.

    if it turns out i'm wrong and axl doesn't release anything than he will forever be the artist with the most wasted potential. i know after chinese democracy that most people don't believe him when he says he's working on stuff, but for some reason i really do think it's coming next year. i'm excited to hear the second half of my favorite album. we know the songs exist, we know the songs are done, and if universal was ok with putting out an awful dvd that for some reason unbeknownst to me sold well, i think universal will want to put out a new studio album.

    CD part 2 starts now.

  9. if anyone here can name me an album by an artist over 50 that was on par with their more youthful material, let me know.

    Van Halen - A Different Kind of Truth

    RATT - Infestation

    Dylan - Time Out of Mind

    Neil Young - Psychedelic Pill

    Rush - Clockwork Angels

    Alice In Chains - Black Gives Way To Blue

    Mötley Crüe - Saints of Los Angeles

    Mötley Crüe - Sex

    Aerosmith - Just Push Play

    Aerosmith - A Little South of Sanity

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