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mr. ritz88

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Posts posted by mr. ritz88

  1. Paul sucks, he has no place in gnr. Period. He can't play, has no chemistry with slash, won't play live and by what I can tell from CD can't write a good song either. I never understood why people liked him so much.

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  2. I have been a supporter of axl,slash,duff,Izzy,and Steven for the last 20 years. All of the key players have now said they will do it, it is time. P.s. move or delete this jarmo. Not to say that everyone in nugnr isnt great by their own right because they are. DJ is awesome I get his whole deal, frank is a fine drummer but he ain't no Adler(the drug addict who is playing better than ever and is getting sober),tommy has the same roots as duff but t he ain't no fucking duff, and fortus is a great player but he ain't no slash replacement, or the best chance we have at having one.my dream is to see the real gnr before I croak and this is it. Axl, this is for you, your songs have helped me through the hardest times of my life, and even if you never sing one note for the rest of your life, you will always be the best singer/songwriter IMO which is nothing, but as a lifelong fan please consider it.

  3. Its time, I would rather have one last album from the old players than 10 with the new band. I feel like axl was just trying to get "better" players or whatever out of anger for them leaving the old band. And slash and duff were just pissed at axl for all of the nonsense that went on during that time. But both parties essentially failed at replacing anyone. This is now or never. before they are 60 for gods sake, kick ass one more time for the fans. For the fans only, not for any other reason.

  4. Scott is awesome, especially some of his most unknown stuff like the man I didn't know. I just can't help but feel like this is a huge cash grab, and the guys in the band are worthless including everyone's favorite "beard" that solo does not fit at all. Everyone at this point knows he is semi broke and looking for paychecks. Its to bad he can't make music anymore without selling out, just listen to his Howard stern interview from last year.

  5. Back in high school I was so hopeful for the band,I insisted to my friends all the time that axl could do it all by himself. This was like 2000. Then I heard the rock in Rio bootleg and I wondered wtf happened to axls voice. Then, I saw the new band in 2002 in Boston and it was awesome, bucket, a snowstorm my friends going wild it was killer. I think that was one of the last shows before they all were canceled. Then 4 or 5 years go by, axl comes back looking badass and sounding great, hope was fully restored. Then CD dropped and I wanted so be for it to be good,but it sucked. Few more years, then the 2010 tour he sounded badass, hope restored. Then I saw them in 2011 in worchester mass,hope gone. And up until this point I always had some hope axl would be awesome but, unfortunately, I have no hope left. That is why I'm posting this topic, I just don't know what it would take to make them relevant anymore.

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