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Posts posted by 45miles

  1. Completely off-topic, but I remember taking my copy of Rolling Stone with Axl on the cover to my aunt's wedding. My parents let me take it along into the church with us since I was a moody 14 year-old. When I hugged my aunt later in the reception line, she gasped and said, "I hope you weren't reading during my ceremony." (I hadn't been, but I had been pondering the possibility of Axl's remembering things that happened to him in utero.)

  2. Heart broken man

    What he wants he can never get

    All he wants is to forget

    Always wondering got his regret

    Yeah he can't take the stuff

    Running low said there is no love

    Slowly oh he can't give a fuck

    Getting high wondering why

    It hurts so much

    But life isn't fair his wife

    He can not touch

    In life you can't

    Always get what you want

    It's a bitch

    It really is

    That's sad. I feel like it would be inappropriate to respond with a haiku about anal sex now.

  3. "I wish you could see this
    'Cause there's nothing to see
    It's peaceful here and it's fine with me
    Not like the world where I used to live

    but I also really love

    "Well I jumped into the river
    Too many times to make it home"

    Very tough call.

  4. I'll admit the lyrics on CD disappointed me a little because they seem so measured or "perfected." For the most part, they seem to be purposely left open to multiple interpretations. It's probably a sign of better writing, but the thing I loved about the Illusions was the way the lyrics were so dense: there weren't a whole lot of possible meanings. I know the lyrics weren't all Axl's, but it did seem like he was just pouring everything in his head out at times and spelling his emotions and thoughts out in the clearest, most passionate way.

    I loved that as a frustrated teenager, and I still respond to it now.

  5. I did NaPoWriMo this April. This is my tongue-in-cheek re-write of César Vallejo's "Black Stone Lying on a White Stone":

    Old Lady Squashed on the Black Pavement

    after César Vallejo

    I want to get hit by a bus crossing the street while drunk
    on a bottle of Casamigos tequila when I'm about 85 years old or so.
    I want to get by a bus in broad daylight and never see it coming
    until the big bang has already kicked my ass into the next universe.

    It will make a loud noise, as the brakes squeal
    too late, and someone who never knew me will scream;
    shell-shocked people will gather and cover the little kids' eyes,
    while others take pictures with their iPhones, if those are still around.

    My nephews will sigh when they are called with the news,
    and I hope they make excuses to get out of my memorial service.
    I hope they have dates instead and they tell them, “Crazy Aunt Jessie--

    she got smooshed like a bug by one of those ancient Greyhound buses
    while wasted. She caused quite the commotion in the square
    for a couple of hours before they finally got her scraped off the road. Dessert?”

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  6. I like most of the Axl-on-his-own songs--I'm especially fond of Dead Horse and Estranged, but I agree that Axl and Izzy were a great combo. If they had continued writing together, I think they could have had a catalog somewhat comparable to Lennon/McCartney.

    I don't think so. It is clear Izzy was Gn'R.

    November Rain sucks ass. No wonder Stephanie left or whateverthefuckhername was. Axl should have given up his man-card right then and now. But never fear, that officially happened with This I Love.

    If his man-card would have been revoked for writing piano ballads, wouldn't he have just gotten it right back for all the girls that it got him? :)

  7. I like the stripes, too, but I'm not sure what I would wear them with! Most of my clothes are solid dark colors, so I'm afraid people would end up staring at my feet while they talked to me. :D

  8. Oops, here's a pic, Redhead. Very basic, but I could wear them to work since they have a closed toe.


    And I agree with Sugraylen--those shoes you posted are incredible! If you can walk in them, you should buy them!

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  9. I have freakishly small feet (a US youth 2.5 or a women's 4, I think that's a Euro 35 or UK 2) so I buy my work sneakers from the kid's department and special order most of my nicer shoes from Cinderella's of Boston.

    I've been debating whether I want a pair of these for summer: http://www.cinderellaofboston.com/Product.cfm?ItemCode=AEGEAN&CatID=20

    Since I definitely don't need any more black shoes, I would buy the natural. (I have short, pale legs, so I'm thinking that color would elongate them and still match most of my wardrobe.)

  10. I like Nilsson, but I'm a sucker for Fred Neil's husky baritone on "Everybody's Talkin.'"

    Harry was a great songwriter, though.

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