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AxlsFavoriteRose last won the day on May 10 2017

AxlsFavoriteRose had the most liked content!


About AxlsFavoriteRose

  • Birthday 09/30/1978

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    coming soon: UPDATE came up with the perfect name and what the site will be about. HINT: i don't think it's ever been done before but it will be AWESOME ;)

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    Your Dreams
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    writing, working on my website, saving interesting things people wrote/say, not being as naive as i was ( like trusting the wrong people hehe they know who they are ) swimming, the night sky, astromomy. astrology (Cancer is a very interesting sign to me and i have found that someone i always thought was not supposed to be compatible is actually PERFECT. ) searching for the truth. and above all my fur kids first and foremost. thanks to my horrid ex he caused me to lose my baby (only 3 months along but that baby was MINE ) oh and then finding out that after he caused that i could never have a baby. but my fur babies are my own and they give unconditional love, don't lie to me andhave never screwed me over. ok that is more than enough...for now! :p

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  1. ok so i noticed that a few of us have interest in soaps here and have been posting them in the TV Show Thread and ran it past Gracii that maybe we need our own thread! so @dontdamnmeuyi2015 @marlingrl03 and anyone else who watches soap please come post here! my first post is @dontdamnmeuyi2015 when you mentioned DOOL that got me thinking. i used to watch that way back in the day and i always loved the Bo/Hope story line. so i was watching some episodes on YouTube and saw that BO has DIED?? i saw the part where he dies and while it was very sad i thought it was kind of weird that they were full on making out before he died cos they both knew he was dying right then! but then i thought hey, there could be worse ways to go! so anyone who likes soaps, watches them or has watched them and wanna get caught up come on in!
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