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Posts posted by Duff27

  1. Frank just joined twitter.



    I tried :shrugs:

    You gave it a shot but I don't think Frank is the man to clear shit up when it comes to Guns. Axl, and Axl alone decides when he truly ready and has the will to release more music, give updates, or move forward in any way.

    Even though Frank is in the band, he has no say on Guns matters.

    As Someone said previously, only Axl decides on what happens

  2. The 2013 reboot is by far the best in the series. It's alot more beleiveable compared to the rest of the franchise.

    Tho i am slightly pissed the new game (Rise of the Tomb Raider) is an xbox exclusive to start with

    It just means that the PS versions will probably be released as Complete Editions including any DLC and so on. Suits me down to the ground if that's what Xbox are considering an exclusive these days.

    More than likely. It just seems strange that the Exclusive has gone to Xbox when the original was on Playstation. Supose it all comes down to money in the end

  3. Did Duff even know who Jarmo was at the time?

    I'm not trying to slight anybody (and I don't know) but maybe the guy just wasn't on Duff's radar.

    If Jarmo was not present at the 2010 show in London, chances are Duff didn´t know who he was. Unless Duff checkes fans forums but I doubt he does it

    i'm willing to bet he does. Back when the VR forum was live he would occasionally post on the forum. As would his wife.

  4. Some of your ideas sound cool, but doing a "secret reunion" instead of just balls to the walls seems

    pretty pointless overall.

    A reunion of any kind wouldn't be as big as it would've ten, or even five years ago. Initial hype would be third only behind Floyd and Zep. But unless Axl magically got his 2010 mojo back, it would be considered mainly as disappointing. Which is a shame since the other guys can still play the ever living shit out of those songs.

    I'd still be more than happy to go if they did, and it'd still be infinity times better than having nu guns milk the nostalgia instead, but we're hundreds of miles past ideal at this point.

    They would need "Balls to the walls" to make it work and be profitable. Many people who were fans in the 80s/90s are probably unaware of the current situation these days. They would need alot of promotion in my mind

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  5. Why, may i ask, is the Slash forum called "Five O'Clock" when something more along the lines of "The Snakepit" would seem more appropiate

  6. He could always go Izzy route. Izzy never stopped making new music...But he also doesn't appear on magazine covers with top hat and dark shades, never was media darling or doesn't go on long tours playing GnR music...But thats what separates Slash and Izzy. One pretends to be cool rocker who doesn't give a damn about anything, other IS cool rocker who doesn't give a damn about anything...

    You're obviously pretty gullible and biased.

    Slash always had a high musical output (live and recorded), even in the Guns days he was busy all the time. He's kept exactly the same course. He didn't show up in a flannel shirt and combats in the 90's or in cargo pants and a backwards hat in the early 2000's. He's always been the man he is. In fact, he's a bit ridiculous because he has changed so little.

    And while we're on the subject, Izzy still wears bandannas around his head and shades on stage (like he did in the '80s) so your point makes no sense.

    Musically, Slash is pushing out albums like good catholic women push out babies so that point makes no fucking sense either. Izzy doesn't appear on magazines because nobody outside of these forums really is interested enough.

    Lastly, this implied bullshit of Slash not really having some right to play GNR tunes just doesn't wash; he's playing songs he fucking co-wrote, plus he's playing them for fans that he knows paid to hear them, not to be cool. I bet Slash would dump SCOM in the morning and push his new stuff instead if he could, he just isn't arrogant or dumb enough to deny the lightweight fan what they came to see and hear.

    Izzy lives as he does not to be a "cool rocker" (what 50 year old would desire such a title anyway?)...Izzy lives as best as he sees fit. YET he wasn't too cool to take Axl's coin to show up and play a fucking wedding. Would Slash do that? Maybe. But the fact is, he doesn't need to.

    So get your schoolboy view of the music business updated and more realistic and get your facts straight while you're at it.

    Slash has always stated he hates playing SCOM. But, it's what your easy going fan would like to hear. So he plays it. I bet most people on this board could think of a better song from GNR that could be played by slash. Examples of November Rain, Coma, Back off Bitch etc. But he sticks with SCOm as its more well known

  7. Do these guys go by their stage names in real life?

    When Izzy or Axl or Slash is hanging out with their gf/wife/buddies - do they address each other by their real names or their rock names?

    Id imagine they do. Hell, Axl even legally changed his name ha.

    After speaking with Duff back in 2011, I'm willing to be they do. They get so used to fans and general people knowing their stage name they just keep using it.

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