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Eric Cantona

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Posts posted by Eric Cantona

  1. BUMP!

    Oh man, I got a fair share of these. A few years ago our band got booked to our biggest gig yet, a festival where we shared the stage with Weezer, Franz Ferdinand and so forth. Needless to say, we were pretty stoked to be on that bill. Some days before the show we had a disastrous warm-up gig at another festival, but we figured that we got the shittiness out of our systems for the big gig. The big day comes, we've done soundcheck, soaked the sights of the backstage in our minds and psyched to go play. 

    We start the show, and about 40 seconds into the first song we realize that the lead singer's mic isn't working. An engineer comes onto the stage and replaces the mic, and just as our guy starts singing, the drummer immediatly counts into the next song. Cue confusion and disorientation from everybody else in the band. ''Of all the bands in the world, this is definitely one of them''. At some point we had played about 4-5 songs, and I'd been hopping around on stage like a mad man, without realizing that the guitar cable has been wrapped around some mic stands and my leg. I made a hilariously sad attempt at a high jump, only to suddenly fall on my ass, knocking down some microphones and other equipments in the process. It made for good entertainment, but the sound people's wrath post gig left me severely traumatized...

    About a year later we got booked to a small gig way out in nowhere-land, with good pay. We figured it'd be a cozy sweaty little afternoon with some drunken village idiots, so we packed our gear and brought some merchandise along. After a long drive we make it to the venue, which practically could house the whole village several times. We come to realize that this is no ordinary sweaty bar gig, no, we're playing in a tiny gym court filled with a bunch of 9-year olds. BIt of a surprise, but we figured that we could give the kids a proper show. Just before soundcheck it's brought to our attention that the venue had forgot to supply half of their backline, which was in a city about 65 miles out. Stress ensues, but we managed to scrape together some junk that sounded presentable. 

    During this time there were severe personal tensions within the band, and there was a general bad feeling about this show. 15 minutes before showtime I got a call telling me that our family dog was just put down, which really downed me. We go on stage and start playing. Keep in mind this is a TINY gym court, with the most horrible echo imaginable, so unsurprisingly there were a few kids that ran out covering their ears. No dancing in the hallways. It was such a miserable affair for everyone involved that I couldn't help myself from laughing hysterically. At least we were paid to be there!! Next up is a song about necrophilia. Our singer, a guy with a manic disorder and whom I presume was going through some shit during that time, proceeds to explain the concept of necrophilia in an Axl Rose-esque rant to these children. Crickets.

    In the middle of the set he ran out and located this glass jar, which he attempted to smash way too many times without luck. It didn't matter if he hit his head with it, stomped on it or threw it against the wall, it just wouldn't break. Somewhat fitting, all things considered. We near the end of our set, and are about to jump into this really cool high tempo song, which we usually start playing immediatly after a spoken introduction. But our drummer just couldn't for the life of him remember the song. I had had enough and started howling at this poor dude. We exchanged horrible threats to each other during the song. Not long after that we finished our set, and the tension between everyone was horrible, not to mention the fact that we had to share ONE room with bunk beds. In hindsight I can see this show being somewhat of an absurd bonding moment between us, I guess you've never truly loved someone without ever have had the desire to kick their teeth in. 

    • Haha 2
  2. I went through a pretty devastating break up last year, and recently I’ve met someone whom I suspect I might be getting to know much better moving forward!

    It’s a great feeling, but does anyone else get a feeling of guilt when good things happen, as if there’s a lingering awareness that you don’t deserve this?

    For the first time in a while I’m feeling geniunely happy and somewhat content, but still that thought lingers in the mind.

    • GNFNR 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Pele said:

    What the hell is this?

    On Monday I attended the “MTV Movie Awards” in Los Angeles, California and was stunned by the performance of “Breathe.” I think that it is clear to everyone that the video, the staging, and all of the costumes were for the sole purpose of ridiculing, mocking and ridiculing Axl Rose. The production is so obviously a setup for the purpose of mocking Rose, that when I first saw it, I could not help but laugh hysterically.

    Now I have seen Axl Rose in person several times in the past, but the few times I did see him in concert, he was a totally different guy. This guy on the video is a fucking lunatic! I will bet that the makeup, the clothes, and all of the props are purchased, rented, stolen, or something bought from a costume store in Hollywood and used for this “performance” so that it would look like Rose was part of the cast of a major motion picture.

    I get a sense that Rose is getting some sort of a thrill out of mocking the world and I am sure that he feels good as he sees the video playing in the background on television and on a cell phone, but, this type of behavior is dangerous and it is dangerous to the entire world, because if all the world comes to be known as “just a bunch of idiots,” then what sort of an effect will it have on the world?

    Axl Rose is a very dangerous man and I have no doubt that he is going to be in jail within a few weeks because of what he has done and what he is doing to the world. I have made my last entry into this forum for the time being, but, I am going to be spending some of the coming weeks writing about how Axl Rose and his band and crew are going to destroy the world.

    • Haha 2
  4. On 12/22/2021 at 2:48 PM, IrishgunnerII said:

    Do you think Axl was being overly critical of the ritz 1988 performance on the Eddie trunk interview ? It doesn’t sound polished but imo it shouldn’t have been perfect because that wasn’t the way the band played.

    The crowd was going crazy with Axl and Slash and that made it great.

    Video already out!

    Overall I thought the performance was good and a nice change from the 2013 version. It just wasn’t the Stones, Fleetwood Mac or Foreigner caliber band I had hoped it would be. I think after that I lost interest a bit and wanted the show to end.

  5. 2 hours ago, Pele said:

    Rose barely pretends he's got an album in the works anymore - he just doesn't really admit outright he hasn't.

    It's always something.
    Here's what he said to DJ Mark Ronson recently: "To be honest with you, I don't really know if we're going to do another Guns N' Roses record. This was a sort of way of giving everyone a chance to decide what they wanted to do, and I guess we'll see."
    Rose later said, in the interview, "I'm just saying that we do like music, and if we're not going to make music, we probably shouldn't be in the business. It doesn't mean that we're going to stop, it just means that we're going to take a break from it and maybe do something else."
    He went on to say, "We all sort of...I don't know how you'd put it, we've all been in a serious rut. There's no real edge anymore, and so for us to put out something that was going to be fun, exciting, and possibly strange to the music world, it's been a while since we've really done that."
    There are two albums of unreleased material recorded during the original recording of "Appetite for Destruction" (1987) and released in 1997, called "Cocked & Loaded" and "The Spaghetti Incident?"; Rose was originally planning to release them in 2017.
    The 1987 tapes were used to create an unreleased remix of the "Not in This Lifetime..." album, titled "Not in This Lifetime... Again!"
    During the VH1 Classic series "Rock and Roll Road Trip", Rose said the last day of recording for "Appetite for Destruction" was Wednesday, April 15, 1987. He and the band were going through the final stages of completion on the album, taking pictures and dropping cans of fixative on the album to make it appear that it was black.
    On May 5, 2015, a picture of the band rehearsing with Slash, Duff McKagan, and McKagan's son Spencer was posted to the official Guns N' Roses Twitter account. It was later revealed that the group was planning a reunion with Richie Sambora as a guitarist.
    This reunion tour began in November 2016, with Axl Rose acting as the frontman.
    By this time, singer Richard Fortus had been fired, after clashing with Axl. Axl Rose fired Duff McKagan shortly thereafter due to his touring with Velvet Revolver, and Fortus, Slash and Gilby Clarke were put on hold, although Clarke returned in late 2017 to rejoin the group. At the end of May 2018, original drummer Steven Adler confirmed he will be touring with Guns N' Roses in 2019.
    • Haha 3
  6. 41 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    Yea, if GNR's next video has Axl riding a middle-finger-shaped rocket into space, it would probably get more views than a lyric video. :axl:

    James Stynes:

    I think there is a correlation between talent and being able to put a video together. To paraphrase one of the greats, Michael Bay: ‘If you have talent, you have video’. It’s no good having talent if you can’t do the deed. So, the more talent and money in your arsenal, the better the video. So let’s say it’s a hugely successful song, like the one from Guns N’ Roses. It would have to have $30 million to put together a video which, as you say, you can only control in the way you want it. That’s just the way it is.

    While much of the video budgets go on pre-shot and pre-arranged footage, you’ve shot some incredible, filmic guerrilla-style videos for your bands’ most recent albums.

    Simon Kissner:

    In the case of U2, the most memorable video they’ve done is the one in which Bono has his head on the hood of a convertible and his arms and legs on the road. It’s just funny because there was a car with our logo on the back.

    Some of your videos are shocking – like the shot at the end of the video for One Tree Hill, in which you focus the camera on the crotch of a porn star – have you ever run into any problems with the censors?


    It’s not something we’re too aware of. I feel that, like everything, censorship is a slowly creeping thing. The last couple of videos I’ve done were quite crude, but nothing too egregious. 

  7. Really enjoyed this! 


    Was slightly surprised how much screentime Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield got, I thought initially they'd show up in the end for a few minutes to save the day. The performances of Andrew Garfield, Willem Dafoe and Tom Holland really stuck out with me, it's not often a Marvel movie holds actual emotional weight. I'm also pretty happy with the dire consequences that Peter Parker faces, which hasn't been too apparent in the Marvel movies (even though he literally died once :lol:). 

    The story, despite having five villians and three superhero leads flowed pretty well. Those 2+ hours flew by really quickly. Honestly, my only gripe with the movie was the amount of callback lines, ''I'm something of a scientist myself'', ''The power of the sun in the palm of my hand'' and ''My back''. They felt forced, but didn't take anything away from the movie.

    Also, just the fact that I grew up with the original Sam Raimi Spider-Man films, and being a total fanboy of the character just made this movie so easily enjoyable for me. I loved Absurd, so even if the whole movie was the three Spider-Men chilling and quipping their catchphrases, I'd probably still be satisfied.


  8. GN’R posted a soundcheck clip on TikTok without audio. Based on what it looks like Frank is drumming, I think it’s the intro to Hard Skool. (I know how CSI MyGNR that is, but the short snare fill he does is totally what leads to the riff/verse)


    Somebody please count the bpm on his hi-hat and match it with previous Hard Skool soundchecks hahahaha

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