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Posts posted by emybdc

  1. 6 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    It sort of shows you cannot handle yourself and are a coward. Also a bit poncy - that you believe you're Elvis or somebody.

    You're clueless about the status of this band. They're one of the very few bands left that can fill stadium - world wide that is. They cause commotion. Just because you're not interested in them anymore, doesnt mean other people aren't. I do get your skepticism towards them, but saying they wouldnt need personal security, specially in SA, makes zero sense.


    5 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    At the end of the day, Chuck Berry does not have a bodyguard. The rest of the conversation is hot air.

    He doesn't need to. His audience is very different from GnR's. He doesn't have the popularity Guns does (I think he should but that's another story, I'm not talking about merit, it's just how it is).

  2. Just now, BorderlineCrazy said:

    Yeah, I'm assuming/hoping they'll lower the prices a bit here in South America but I'm sure that jacket is still going to be out of reach for me. :cry:

    I've been saving some money just for the jacket cause I've been obsessed over it! But if I will be able to afford it still depends on how much it'll cost. Where are you from? I'm guessing in Brazil it'll be around R$700 (+- U$220)

  3. Just now, BorderlineCrazy said:

    I think he wrote "BURBANK TO BOLIVIA" 'cause he thought it sounded cool but then clarified they're actually going to Peru.

    I love that jacket too but I think I would have to sell a kidney to be able to afford it and I already sold one to pay for the tickets 


    I know, it's crazy expensive! But I'm hoping maybe they'll adjust the prices for SA cause there's no way they're gonna sell a lot of merch with US prices.

  4. Just now, DieselDaisy said:

    I simply associate them, private planes that is, with the worst excesses of Led Zeppelin - a band I truly despise on just about every level - and other bloated acts of the 1970s who think they are superior from everybody else, and do cannot bring themselves to travel with normal people. Pomposity. Egotism. Fits the band who have nothing left to say in 2016 and basically resigned from creativity years ago. Hope they have a electrical malfunction. 

    Well who knew we had something in common? I hate Led Zeppelin too. I'll leave it to that.

  5. 11 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    He uses domestic flights like everybody else.

    (Although these days he is not doing much touring because of age.)

    Planes for bands are absolutely absurd. They represent the height of pomposity in this defunct genre.

    You didn't have to explain, I was joking ;) the thing is, if they can afford to travel more confortably why wouldn't they?

    it's amazing how people see things in different ways. The way I see it my favorite band is doing so well after so many shitty years they can afford a private plane for the band. I'm happy for them.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, jafeijo said:

    CAN'T FCKING WAIT FOR THIS LEG I'm going to the Porto Alegre show on 8/11 and 

    It's gonna be on my birthday and at the stadium of the team that I've been supporting all my life and had some great moments there. 

    I'm certainly waiting for the very best day of my life, and if there's gonna be a new song, well, dunno if my heart will resist :heart::wow:

    Hopefully you'll be much happier at the show than you were at the past GREnal :P 

    Just kidding, I'm really excited for this leg of the tour also! I think every new leg will come with new expectations. Hopefully we'll see some changes - not that that's necessary, but it's always cool to see something new.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Archtop said:

    Hi Emmy haven't noticed you on here in awhile. ?

    I assume they have standing tickets, so they are camped out to get on the barrier early?  

    Do 2-3 people take it in turns to keep a place?

    like I said earlier, I love the dedication, but find it a little mind blowing - maybe just to old:P

    Yeah, I haven't been posting a lot, but with the upcoming shows the hype starts again and I can't keep away lol

    Exactly, people line up so they can get to the rail, which is pretty crazy. The only time I made it to the rail in a show in Brazil a security guard had to pull me over the barrier cause I was getting seriously smashed. And it wasn't even a big concert.

    I would never stand in line for days cause I can't stand sleeping in tents and not having a decent bathroom, but like you said, gotta give it up to them for the sacrifice.

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