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appetite for illusions

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Posts posted by appetite for illusions

  1. Good as in "he can hit notes accurately" then yes, he is good.

    Good as in "I like him" then no, he sucks.

    Yeah, he can play a 5-neck guitar. But all that flash is just a cover up. As a guitarist, he's great, as a musician, he sucks.


    Pretty much , yeah.

  2. GNR did do a cover of theres on TSI, just incase you diddnt know. You probably DID, just throwin it in though.



    Who the hell are GNR?

    Stop bringing filth bands like them onto this forum please.

    And stop "upping your post count"

    You know what Rick? It'd be hilarious if it was actually Subs from this forum turning up for stand-up....actually Hell I'd go!


    Now that would be a show to remember rock3

  3. It's a good album, and a great way for Queen to go out.  My favorite song is "These Are The Days of Our Lives" which is just beautiful.


    Yes. Such a beautiful song

  4. Elvis - The Wonder Of You

    The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

    Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

    U2 - The Unforgettable Fire

    Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone

    Too hard to pick. How could I leave off Bowie? Zeppelin? GNR? Elton John? ETC :anger:

  5. U2 - Pop.  They delayed it several times, and it still wasn't really finished at the time of its release.  It's a shame because there's some really good stuff on there, and some songs that would be classics if they had a little more work.


    Great album.

  6. Does anyone have a t-shirt like the one Axl wore at Freddie's Tribute with Jesus Christ's face saying Kill Your Idol? I'd be interested in that shirt. It's great.


    I've seen them on e-bay quite regularly

  7. Wrote this last night.  It's not finished, for one thing I'm re-doing the whole first verse as it just doesn't fit.  Any advice would help me a lot.  Also, it doesn't have a title yet, so I'd be grateful for any suggestions

    Kiss me.

    In the pouring rain,

    Though there's nothing there.

    Touch my lips

    And run your fingers thru my hair.

    I won't feel a single thing...

    I've been through hell

    and systematic abuse.

    An empty shell,

    I guess I'm not much use.

    You took my pride

    and killed my soul

    It was for my own good

    Or so I'm told

    There's nothing you can do with a useless cunt like me

    Torture me.

    Scar my tattooed skin

    You won't see me cry.

    Burn my soul

    And break my heart with twisted lies.

    I won't scream in agony...

    I've been through hell

    and systematic abuse.

    An empty shell,

    I guess I'm not much use.

    You took my pride

    and killed my soul

    It was for my own good

    Or so I'm told

    There's nothing you can do with a useless cunt like me

    Bury me.

    It's all over now

    You laid me down to die.

    It's your fault

    But don't cry or apologise

    I'm not worth the strain...

    No, no......



    Wow and Wow! Very very good. I really like it. Specially the "chorus" (if it is the I've been through hell bit). For some reason I don't like the useless cunt bit. I just don't think (imo) that it fits in with the song. Too aggresive in a way. I know it's an angry song, but I just feel like that line is outta place. Didn't like the first verse as much as the others though. GREAT work. Very talented. rock3

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