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Posts posted by bjasmund

  1. This reminds me so much of my husband’s ex. She delayed and delayed their divorce for 5 years. No settlement he offered was ever good enough. She would accuse him of having more so she wanted more. Finally, his attorney did the same thing Slash and his attorney did - filed with the court a best and final. It forced her hand and she came to court to fight it. She lost even more. If Perla is smart, she will take this generous deal. Judges see through “games” that people play in divorce. 

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  2. Insane show. Axl sounded incredible. The band was tight and sounded so good. Axl's interaction with the crowd was fun. We were on the rail and I can say that the pits were more crowded and crazier than St Louis. Security did a great job down there. We had 3 guys over the course of the show that fell out. Security was able to haul them over the barrier and get them medical attention asap. Girl to the left of us decided that instead of missing Live, she'd just piss all over herself and a few folks around her. She wasn't drunk...just didn't want to leave. Security got her out, too. 


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  3. 31 minutes ago, Black Sabbath said:

    I actually started the line at 3AM (the earliest I've ever done that, and ever will). Here's me and my friends that showed up immediately after:


    I had been up for 24 hours by that point, so at 6AM I ended up going back to lie down for a few hours and ended up getting up just after 9AM or so and heading back to the line. And no, VIP does NOT take up the front. There were maybe less than 15 Early Entry people in there (5 of which were my friends anyway) when we got in and I got the spot I wanted, so it's always totally worth it to me.

    The show was great. Didn't expect any surprises, but the slightly longer set and a super happy, excited, chatty-Axl were definitely bonuses.

    Next stop is Miami for me. Can't wait.


    Axl was in a GREAT mood! I've never seen him that chatty before.  Awesome show.  It was great finally meeting everyone!  Hershey is next for me and I can't wait....

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