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Posts posted by justynius

  1. my party just got 8 total tickets for the 15th!!

    we'll might want to sell 1-2 if somebody backs out.

    I was only able to get one for the 15th and I don't want to fucking go alone (especially since I'm driving up from Maryland). If you could sell me one of your extras, I'd appreciate it. My section was MEZZ2 so that would be preferred, but it is not a big deal. PM/email please.

  2. The island of Madagascar broke away from the other continents and because of that has rare (and in most cases, beautiful) biodiversity unknown to the rest of the world.

    I think it can be equated to Axl breaking free of the other band members, and possibly even society in general.

  3. And I tend to like songs that use symbolism and metaphorical references instead of spelling out the emotions of the song.

    The metaphorical references are definitely there in SCOM. In fact it's a completely different song if you track the metaphors instead of the literal level.

  4. I think they should go with this as the skeleton setlist.....

    1 Welcome to the Jungle

    2 It's So Easy

    3 Mr. Brownstone

    4 I.R.S.

    5 Better

    6 T.W.A.T.

    7 You Could Be Mine

    8 The Blues

    9 The Catcher in the Rye

    10 November Rain

    11 Sweet Child o' Mine

    12 Patience

    13 Chinese Democracy

    14 Madagascar

    15 Nightrain

    16 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (encore)

    17 Paradise City (encore)

    This would accomplish the following:

    -offers enough exposure to Chinese Democracy (seven new songs) without including any songs that couldn't otherwise be downloaded off the internet

    -includes all of the major hits from the old band, plus the Appetite favorites

    -about one to three tracks shorter than their usual setlist, so there is room to mix in a track or two with each show for variety (OMG, Rhiad, Rocket Queen, covers, etc.)

    -leaves plenty of time for solos and Axl rants

  5. I don't know.

    To me, if there is a song (that we have heard yet) about the break-up, its gotta be 'IRS'.

    Definitely... "When you both told me you were gone" is about as clear of a reference to Slash/Duff as you can get. However, that doesn't mean that Madagascar can't be about the transition from the old to new band as well.

  6. Isn't Madagascar about the old band basically? Some of the quotes could be interperted as things and the old band.

    I'd say the last MLK quote would maybe symbolise Axl being free of the old band. "Free at last"? Just my whack job opinion though.

    AxlRocks, The Original

    I agree. While some of the quotes do related to the civil rights movement, they more specifically relate to slavery which goes along with the lyrics of the song. Also, the title of the song makes a lot more sense if related to Axl breaking away from the old band, than anything to do with racism.

  7. IMO, it is a good song and the closest in style to AFD (of the CD tracks we've heard). The guitar solo from the 2002 tour could use some improvements, but I don't think they need to do much fucking around with the rest of the song. If the speculation about the album being only 13 tracks is true, I would prefer for it to get cut - but if it is 18 tracks or 3 albums (as has also been speculated), I would like to see it on there.

    Also, I like the opening riff. It has the kind of distinction to be recognizable in the same way as the openings to WTTJ, Sweet Child, and Paradise City.

  8. From the Dallas rant....

    "And I had to realize no matter what we did tonight and how good or how bad we played, there'll probably be one person in the press here who for some reason 'didn't dig it' and he'll write about something else and he'll write some lies. At the same time, while that won't have a whole lot of effect on Dallas and it shouldn't fuck with me, it fucks with the entire fucking thing called rock n' roll in general. Because who are the main people that watch these news things and read this shit: they're all in their 40's to 50's sitting there eating their fucking bran flakes and drinking their coffee. I ain't knocking getting old, we all get fucking old. It's a fact of life: unless you fucking die before you get there, you're gonna get old. But just 'cause you get old, doesn't mean you have to deny young people their humanity."

    "I thought that's what America was supposed to be about: standing up for yourself and standing up for each other. I thought that's what the fuck America was supposed to be about. I'm sorry, I guess I learned the wrong lesson. I guess I learned that: I should kiss ass. I should exactly what I'm told to do by somebody who doesn't know shit. And I should write kiss ass wimpy puss songs so we can be successful and everybody will like it and its safe. You know, they helped kill Jim Morrison with a lot less pressure."

  9. This is the first one of the leaks where I feel it is quotable and singable. When Axl sings "When all is said and done, we're not the only ones," the way he hits the note on "ones," and drops it is just fucking awesome.

    That line makes me think of the end to "November Rain"

  10. If you look at the Appetite days, those were GREAT, classic hard rock songs...but except for SCOM, WTTJ and Paradise City, most of them didn't transfer as well to the mainstream and on the UYI albums, November Rain and Don't Cry -- epic rock ballads -- were the most successful. It's a classic gritty album and still hugely influential amongst the rock community, and it's my favorite album, but I think some of Axl's new material is going to really blow it away.

    In terms of universally-appealing, classic rock -- Elton John, Queen, The Beatles/John Lennon, Led Zeppelin, etc. -- Axl has found his place. "Catcher in the Rye" in particular exhibits such a different pattern than what we would expect from the singer who wrote "Don't Damn Me" and "Anything Goes."

    Axl once said he jumped on the hair metal bandwagon to get famous and he didn't have any real ties to the genre of music. Slash did have ties, and I think that's why we had struggles on the UYI albums between harmonious melodies like Don't Cry and hard rock thrash like Garden of Eden - one side of Axl felt obligated to deliver to the Appetite crowds and Slash wanted to do that, but the inner Queen and Elton John fan could be heard on songs like Estranged and NR.

    And now, left on his own, he's finally managed to reach the pinnacle. Axl has matured. His critics, I think, will at least be blown away by the maturity of his new songs and the scope -- these are going to reach into the mainstream and involve a whole new crowd of Elton John/Queen fans and classic rock listeners who shrugged off GN'R in the '80s.

    I'm not saying there won't be any hard rock on CD, or that we hard rock isn't good -- but I think these melodic songs like TWAT and The Blues and CITR display a new side to Axl's musical talents.

    Guns N' Roses are back, and they're kicking ass.

    Great post! rock3

  11. This is definitely a big gun, it's just a shitty mix. The drums (especially) and piano are disproportionally louder than the vocals and that fucks up the track. This is a vocals oriented song and you can barely make them out at various parts of the song. If you focus in on the vocals and strings, you can tell this is going to be a classic. Whoever comped the style to Lennon meets Queen was on the right track.

    Also, did anyone else notice where the track is messed up around 4:30? Another thing is that it obviously ends at least a few seconds before the actual ending of the song. Both of these observations should be interesting to those speculating on the source of these demos.

  12. Are Guns N' Roses Finally Coming Back? The Signs Are There ...

    Mullineaux, who said he manned the DJ booth and spun the discs for Rose, said several of the tracks reminded him of classic GN'R, with moments of uncharacteristic heaviness. Axl "kept telling me to put back track #3 — I guess that was his favorite song," he said. "He wanted to play that one over and over, like six times. He was really getting into it and rockin' out. Everybody was surprised at how good it sounded. And that third track, that was the song where his voice sounded the best; the smoothest."

    could that 3 track be "Better"?

    Who knows.... that fucker could have at least given us a track title if he was going to reveal so much about the sound.

  13. Of the songs heard so far, I like 'The Blues' for a first single. But given the shitty attention span of the average listener, 'Better' would be a better bet. More accessible. Kick ass song too... - :ph34r:

    I agree with everything you said about The Blues and Better being a kiss ass song, but I'll add that for all we know Better could be a 12 minute track so it's a bit early to say it is more accessible. :P

  14. Well Striker said he downloaded it, but my gut says KROQ was given an official copy, PLUS it was played at the height of rush hour in LA when KROQ's ratings are at it's peak for the day! AND, it's premiered not on Monday, but on Tuesday after a holiday to make sure it's heard by the largest audience possible.... just too many coincidences for me to think this is not part of a larger plan.

    None of these "coincidences" suggest it is any more likely they had an official copy than the leak.

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