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Jane M.

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Posts posted by Jane M.

  1. What if Izzy doesn't tweet because he has nothing new to say? I mean regarding rumors because there's none really, just speculation on our part, as always. It's not like he was the next Kim K. of twitter and went silent all of the sudden. 

    I'll smash my head through a wall on wednesday for getting my hopes up again if the announcement has nothing to do with him/appetite.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, Kris_1989 said:

    The alternative facts history of gnr timeline & on Susan's instagram stories she posted that they were flying to ireland.

    Ok gotcha but had to go through Harry Styles first. FML.

    There's a new alternative facts timeline, apparently the world ends on wednesday. 

    Whatever that announcement is I hope it puts the stupid billboard and AFD issue to rest once and for all.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, gunsfanoldie said:

    Update on Slash at Canter's:

    I'm sitting two tables away. Made eye contact with Slash (at least I think I did, who can tell underneath those fuckin sunglasses and all that FAKE hair (we all know you're bald Slash)). Just trying to get the nerve to ask him a question. I keep miming "BILLBOARD" but he just keeps laughing at me. I think we're about to become fast friends.

    You didn't ask about Izzy and Steven?:(

  4. So how about a cute funny topic for a change?

    This was posted in the original women's thread long time ago and it deserves to be here too. It's about Axl and Izzy in Mexico: 


    The only Christmas story I know of is an Izzy one, so here's an Izzy Christmas story lol:

     "Me and Izzy went to Mexico one Christmas and we were walking around, and I remember him in his white creepers and purple socks, and cut-offs, running around the rocks on the beach at this Mexican resort. Purple socks, black hair and white skin, with all these tattoos, and he was chasing iguanas. All these straight people were looking at him, but he didn't care cause he was having a great time. He didn't look like anyone else. He was totally different from anyone they'd ever seen, and he was chasing these iguana lizards."

    Izzaxl on honeymoon in Mexico. Isn't that adorable? :wub::rofl-lol:

    At the time I said I needed a time machine ASAP and I haven't changed my mind. :lol:

    Credit goes to @Lumikki of course.

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