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Posts posted by Toxic4

  1. 3 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Curious about attendance. This is the stadium where Beyonce canceled because of low sales

    Beyonce didn't cancel, she postponed it til October and so far it is selling decently. GnR is a legendary act, while Beyonce is a relevant popstar and caters to a different demographic so they are in two completely different lanes.

    And I wouldn't worry about GnR's attendance, if you saw the map I posted a few comments ago there are only nosebleeds left while all the other sections sold really well. I actually wouldn't be surprised if it sold out completely as a result. 

  2. 44 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:


    They said Beyoncé and Rihanna are playing half empty stadiums bc of the resellers...but I feel like their promoters did the sell out thing so people would think they needed to go and would buy secondary market tickets. Yet they overestimated the market and now are left with unsold tickets. 

    But the article could be true, I just don't see scalpers just not selling their tickets for anything at all 

    I looked into this too. I checked ticket sales for Rihanna's Wembley Stadium concert the day before and it was 95% sold out. But pictures from her concert showed otherwise. The resellers thing is a big issue for a lot of big artists, but I think GnR won't have any similar situations. 

  3. I've noticed a few people on here complaining about the massive drop in ticket prices, after they just bought the seats at the original expensive price. Honestly, it is no different than shopping on Black Friday while purchasing a bunch of items that are 50% off, while other customers have been paying the original prices all year long. 

    This literally happens to EVERY musical artist pretty much on a weekly basis. Even massive pop stars like Rihanna and Beyonce reduce some of their prices when particular sections of certain dates don't sell out quickly enough. 

    GnR are headlining a stadium tour 25 years after their split. They have had no radio hits since like 1993, and there are plenty of people who still do not know that Slash and Duff are back in the band. And most significantly, there has literally been zero promo for this tour (excluding Coachella if you want to count that). Under all the circumstances, this tour is selling pretty good if you ask me. It could certainly be doing better for sure, but it is not as bad as some people here claiming it to be.

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  4. 16 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    The only songs this band should be introducing are new ones. GN'R have five albums of original material!! It is an absurdly diminished discography. Write some new songs you wankers.

    I don't mind new songs, however most fans pay tickets to see legendary artists perform their greatest hits and all of the other songs they know and love. They could care less about new material. 

  5. So far this what the second show for Chicago looks like, which is in two days. A few days ago there was like 80% of tickets still available in EVERY section so I highly doubt all of those tickets were sold. They closed of the entire top tier on the right side of the stage, I'm really curious to see how this night will turn out

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