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Posts posted by Is0tope

  1. thank sweet sonny jesus!!! did u say johnny and the heartbreakers? :):):) as of now, u r offically God...

    Johnny was the duuuuude!!! Johnny is the greatest guitarist that ever lived (and not cuz he's a hendrix soul child)

    but yeah, unknowns

    the vaselines

    the meat puppets

    the wipers

    sham 69

    x ray specs

    gg allin and the outlaw scumfucs

    the slits

    the raincoats

    the germs

    teenage jesus and the jerks

    the dead boys

    the dictators

    the violators

    i could go on all night...the best bands get overlooked

    and if my lovely horse is funny u should check out rory rides me raw by the vaselines


    Meat puppets! rock3

  2. Nirvana - Nevermind

    say what you want idiots, it IS a classic!


    It is! rock2


    Yeah it is a classically crap album


    Again, I draw your attention to the Motley Crue pictures in your signature. :monkey:



    But yeah, Nirvana is great and Nevermind is a classic.

    imo, so is Unplugged.


    yeah,i rate the Unplugged album even higher than Nevermind


    Unplugged In New York is my fav. Nirvana album!

  3. a band with a song like "I wanna fuck a dog in the ass" is not my cup of tea,


    :o That's one of the best songs i've ever heard!

  4. I'll just do a little overview of the band members (I'm sure many will disagree)...

    Kurt Cobain: Why is he praised as a guitar god? He can barely do a solo, people think that he's automatically a great guitarist because he was the brains behind Nirvana...

    This should sum up what I mean about people worshipping his playing...

    http://guitar.about.com/library/bl100greatestb.htm  Check #26.

    And what are so great about his lyrics? A mosquito, my libido? Come on. And, although I'm not a big fan of his voice, it works for some songs.

    Kris Nove...- He's probably my favorite member of Nirvana, although he plays pretty much like any other bassist, he wrote some cool stuff.

    Dave Grohl- I don't much about drumming, but I didn't get the impression that he was all that great.

    One good thing did come out of Nirvana (No, not Kurt's suicide) and that was Heart Shaped Box.


    i don't think you have heard all their songs... there are plenty of cool previously unreleased tracks on the Nirvana box.

  5. I love Nirvana, it's my #1 fav. band.

    they're not overrated, execpt their influence for rock music. if they were as influencive why do i hear so much crap rock?

    i love Nirvana because they have lot of emotion in their songs, hate and anger.

    Kurt Cobain had a hard life and that's where he got inspiration for his songs.

    and  :fuckyou: anyone who says Kurt was an asshole. he was not, he was good  nice guy.

    if i had to pick a person who is/was more asshole out of Kurt & Axl, i'd say Axl.


    anyone who selfishly and willingly leaves their wife and infant daughter behind is an asshole. Good, nice guys don't leave their children w/o a father....by choice.


    and you are pro death penalty... what if defendant would have children... then it's people like you to make children live without fathers...

    and you should remember Kurt was on lot of drugs, maybe suicide wasn't so consideret...

  6. I love Nirvana, it's my #1 fav. band.

    they're not overrated, execpt their influence for rock music. if they were as influencive why do i hear so much crap rock?

    i love Nirvana because they have lot of emotion in their songs, hate and anger.

    Kurt Cobain had a hard life and that's where he got inspiration for his songs.

    and :fuckyou: anyone who says Kurt was an asshole. he was not, he was good nice guy.

    if i had to pick a person who is/was more asshole out of Kurt & Axl, i'd say Axl.

  7. Ah i love Midnight Oil

    The Great Australian political band.

    Shame they broke up.

    I agree, great lyrics.

    They are similar to RATM in the way they are politically motivated and driven.

    The Lead singer is now a politicain.


    thanks for the info :)

  8. i just found this band and i really love them... awesome lyrics n music.

    Midningt Oil info

    Midnight Oil isn't the most famous or successful rock band of the 80s and 90s, but boy do they have a lot going for them. First off, you'd have trouble finding any raucuous rockers with a more consistent political message - environmentalist, pacifist, anti-imperialist, and pro-worker.

    Midnigh Oils Official Homepage

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