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Posts posted by Is0tope

  1. You weren't a jerk because of your motives for doing what you did.. You didn't help their with their "business skills" either though because some complex-ass lesson doesn't get through to a 9 years old kid..

    You could have given them a dollar and told them the cookies were a bit burned and you'll give 2 the next time the cookies are better... if you really had to teach them something.. that's probably the most they could have learned at once anyway..

    I guess guess I'd just given them a couple of bucks and ask if they could cook them a little less in the future... :shrugs:

    Nah, actually I probably wouldn't even have bothered doing other than thank and hand them some money :lol: .

  2. then again maybe it's just the strength of it that fucks people.

    That's exactly it. Myth has it that weed was way more potent and contained more THC back in the 70s, when in fact the shit we are smoking nowadays leaves that weed in the dust.

    Almost all weed available today are highly breed hybrids with not only high THC but more importantly low CBD :THC ratio. Not even most of the "medical" strains are how it used to be.

    • Like 1
  3. Ha, as a horticulturist (seriously this time) that's a pretty dumb statement about hydroponics there from me :lol:

    You never really know what chemicals "the criminals" use on their hydro set ups though, then again maybe it's just the strength of it that fucks people.

    WHY would they use anything else besides the normal hydro nutrients? Also, strength is more about the strain the method it of growing.. People who tend to grow illegally "professionally" tend to grow strains with high THC and low CBD count because people for some reason prefer those sativa hybrids over indicas. Not that there are that many high CBD strains out there to begin with unlike there were in the hippie years. 99.9% of people who use marijuana have probably never even smelled a high CBD/low THC strain..

    • Like 1
  4. Well, being a cop isn't easy. There have been cops getting killed for just a traffic stop. You aren't out on the streets day after day not knowing if a kid has a gun or a bomb or whatever the hell they are using these days.

    I remember once when I was shopping with my cousins and she got into a fight with another girl because she wouldn't move out of her way. The girl was just looking for trouble, so they fought. Luckily for us, a cop came along and brought us into a store to wait for a police car to show up. I remember seeing the girl just waiting outside the store and how more and more people stood out there with her.

    when the cops arrived they put us in the middle of them and took us to the police car. I swear I thought I was going to get knifed or killed, but I was never so happy to see two 6 foot cops come to our rescue.

    It's like everything else in life you have the good with the bad. That's a fact of life, but in today's world you just don't have to worry about little criminals you have terrorists who are looking to blow up planes and buildings to kill as many people as they can, all in the name of their religion or because people are different. It's a scary world out there and it saddens me to know it's not going to get any better.

    You have to have to wits about you at all times no matter where you live in this world.

    Sure it isn't easy but it's not a job that's supposed to be easy. Maybe that's the problem; letting people in who aren't comfortable with uneasy situations, pussy cops relying on their heavy weaponry and right to kill without much consideration. I would argue that the mentality too within the US' cops are different from many of their European counterparts.

    And dude, you'll more likely die out of stress of being afraid of everything than to a bomb set off by a terrorist. Look up the statistics for that if you don't believe me.

    Perhaps the problem is that men cannot bear the responsibility of the lives of others and shouldn't be allowed to.

    Well put, I agree.. a problem contradicting that though, is that there are always people willing to take others' lives so I understand why people want some organized force to counter that. Being a moral absolutist is difficult.

  5. Well, being a cop isn't easy. There have been cops getting killed for just a traffic stop. You aren't out on the streets day after day not knowing if a kid has a gun or a bomb or whatever the hell they are using these days.

    I remember once when I was shopping with my cousins and she got into a fight with another girl because she wouldn't move out of her way. The girl was just looking for trouble, so they fought. Luckily for us, a cop came along and brought us into a store to wait for a police car to show up. I remember seeing the girl just waiting outside the store and how more and more people stood out there with her.

    when the cops arrived they put us in the middle of them and took us to the police car. I swear I thought I was going to get knifed or killed, but I was never so happy to see two 6 foot cops come to our rescue.

    It's like everything else in life you have the good with the bad. That's a fact of life, but in today's world you just don't have to worry about little criminals you have terrorists who are looking to blow up planes and buildings to kill as many people as they can, all in the name of their religion or because people are different. It's a scary world out there and it saddens me to know it's not going to get any better.

    You have to have to wits about you at all times no matter where you live in this world.

    Sure it isn't easy but it's not a job that's supposed to be easy. Maybe that's the problem; letting people in who aren't comfortable with uneasy situations, pussy cops relying on their heavy weaponry and right to kill without much consideration. I would argue that the mentality too within the US' cops are different from many of their European counterparts.

    And dude, you'll more likely die out of stress of being afraid of everything than to a bomb set off by a terrorist. Look up the statistics for that if you don't believe me.

    • Like 1
  6. I dont give a shit if its 500 times worse im still doing it, you dont put me off or turn me on to something by way of comparison to a fuckin' pisshead.

    'Reports say', fuck reports, hows this for a report, I been smoking regular since i was 13, i aint impotent, i aint thick, i aint psychotic...nothing. Getting A's in my schoolwork for whatever fuckin sign of intellect that is or isn't...and never been more than a fortnight unemployed and Im in perfect health. There you go, The Len Report. Also, ive laughed my fuckin arse off :)

    That for a report? Well it implies that "independent of every other report, conclusion is that cannabis suits Len B'start very well" :lol:.

    They're supposed to find out how different drugs affect people in large demographics but the results always seem to swing from one way to other and I guess it depends on who's financing the studies..

    Ultimately the biggest danger, as far as I can tell, is death.. and I'd say it'd be 1000 times easier to achieve with alcohol than weed.

  7. All I am hoping for at this point is to find an attractive girl I can just waste my time with.

    It is a little strange coming from a highly religious family where my cousins and brother look for mates who share the same beliefs and ideologies. But what happens when you don't believe in anything? That is where I struggle.

    It is challenging to find someone with the same carefree and 'who gives a fuck' mentality as me.

    How can you find passion in anyone when you can't find a passion in life?

    It is a question that I will most likely keep asking and pondering until my dying day.

    But life has been good to me. I am grateful I can find comfort in the relationships with my parents and my sibling despite the fact that my parents won't be around forever and my brother is going his own seperate way.

    Sometimes it is tough to let things go and let life run its course.

    Not sure what is next but I'm not afraid.

    That's weird. Is it like that in all parts of your country or just your state/city? Europe is different.

  8. Yeah it's kinda funny but you know, the guy may be really fucking psychotically obsessed with it. It could be obsession with lego blocks or whatever..

    Some of you guys talk shit about Sweden how it's serving its own citizens while you got people living in extreme fucking poverty begging for a dime to buy some bread. Laugh all you want but the country is probably the most socially advanced country in the World and if you really can't see any good in that kind of "socialism" them you're probably brainwashed by your own government thinking you really deserve whatever good you're having and that the poor folks have only themselves to blame..

    • Like 1
  9. I think the scariest thing about US are cops. All these videos where they are chasing someone and if the person they're chasing is picking his pockets or whatever they go "gun, possible gun, open fire!!!". Or cases like when they shot the homeless man "armed" with a fucking knife. Why do they hire such pussies?!

    Over here when some crazy fuck goes out waving their gun the cops will first tell them to drop it, if they don't then use tazer or shoot them in the leg. There's a video of this happening actually.. A deranged guy walks around harbor area and cops talk to him and finally shoot him in the leg. I bet my balls they'd have killed the dude in the US.

    I guess not being black makes it a little less of danger in the US...

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks.

    I hope it changes. I try to fix things. I've been to many psychs, I ran away to Vegas, I have tried antidepressants, drugs and group therapy, I have tried writing journals - yet nothing ever changes. I am spiraling out of control.

    I am so fucking tired of my self loathing and I don't know where else to turn.

    By pinpointing self loathing as pretty much the long and short of your problem you're kinda two thirds of the way to solving it. Why would you self-loathe? What, cuz you're a bad person? I mean what do you really do thats that out of order man? I mean, perspective here, there's people out there with fuckin' chainsaws, how are you a bad person? And in whoose eyes and why do their eyes matter anyway?

    The fact is you're not a bad person, you have a very acute moral compass and sense of injustice and right and wrong, whats actually bad about you? You're proved you can sort yourself out with a bit of the other, which ticks one of the fundamental male issue boxes that tend to trouble lads, other than that, what, i don't actually see a problem.

    And anyway, look, lets take for granted that you are a bad person. So what? I mean what actual difference does it make to...anything? Lets say people think you're a total fuckin' bad person. Fuck em! :lol: Seriously, what is anybody gonna do about it?

    You're a totally totally normal lad, you like birds and computer games and American football and...y'know, you ain't ugly, you're a good lookin' lad *gives him a bag of sweeties* :lol: so like...where's the problem? When you're not having a moody pretty much every one on here likes you, if you were in my sphere of people that i know i wager you'd be in the top 10 of most decent folk out of em.

    I mean seriously, what is it, is it some internal repressed thing, do you fancy children or something, what? :lol: I honestly don't see nothing wrong with you, in fact I'd call you a success story as far as society goes, you're a nice lad, you're educated and that, could get a really decent job, you're not...fucked up morally as far as i can see, you have pretty healthy interests for a young lad. i mean can you find something, can you cite something in yourself that you consider a grave moral shortcoming? I bet you'd struggle to. Look at the world around you man, there's some fucked up cunts knockin' about, you're one of the good guys. How capable are you even of seriously bad stuffs? I mean if someone was gonna rob somebody or go do someone over with an iron bar or something how likely are you to be the lad that runs with him?

    Give yourself some fuckin' credit young man :)

    If it's a mental disorder he's not gonna logic his way out of it.

    You're both right and both wrong in my opinion :lol:. You can logic your way out of some mental disorders but it's not like "just stop hating yourself" but rather unlearning negative though and reaction patterns. That's what psychotherapy is for.

  11. It's kinda weird though that one would be willing to kill lots of other people only because they think they'll get "straight to heaven".. Of course there's more to it though but that's what the press seems to empathize..

    You are no fucking victim if you kill others 'cause you think you're going to a great place after that, you're a victim if you're brainwashed to think the act itself is right no matter what happens to YOU.

    In short: if the basis of your ethics is the fear of punishment then you're a selfish cunt.

  12. The only thing that will solve your problems is time - as in hoping that your fucked up biochemistry will sort itself out as you grow older - or a complete change-up and new directions - as in leaving your old life behind and devoted your time to others somewhere far, far away from the mileu where you just end up repeating the same ol' lifestyle.


    I hope it changes. I try to fix things. I've been to many psychs, I ran away to Vegas, I have tried antidepressants, drugs and group therapy, I have tried writing journals - yet nothing ever changes. I am spiraling out of control.

    I am so fucking tired of my self loathing and I don't know where else to turn.

    Maybe you're just dragging yourself down because you're conditioned in doing so? I'm not saying you are 'cause I don't know but it's a possibility and if it sounds like it could make any sense bring it up when talking with a therapist. Negative thought patterns get us down all the time.

    she's riding the cock train :rofl-lol:

    I come to thisthread just to read Estrangedtwat's posts!

    sorry that's rofl, not rolf!


    LoL, as juvenile it was, that line made me laugh.

  13. Are there any significant populations of descents of Hispanic or of other non-Germanic tribes in the USA besides those now considered immigrants or did all other settler go elsewhere?

    Depends on what you'd consider significant, but there are hispanic populations in places like Colorado and Texas that date back to the early to mid 19th century.

    Thanks! That's interesting.

    I was thinking of populations that trace linguistically or otherwise back to their origins.

    I wonder if they ever get "this is America, speak American English!" or "go back to where you came from!" kinda comments! :lol:

  14. Maybe I'm simply attracted to the physical manifestation of a personality trait. All I know is that I like dat squat booty.

    Possible and logical too, although a bit complex to become an "automatic" aspect of physical attraction.. the way it changed for you. If you look at pics of girls with different builds like 1 second each, choose which types you like and it's completely different than it was before you started lifting, where you'd start to choose more towards the direction of well built types it's almost as if something's physically changed in your brain. It could even make sense in a way thinking about it in the frames of evolutionary biology.. or well maybe in epigenetics :shrugs:.

  15. I've noticed that with many guys who started lifting.. I guess what we are attracted to change as we transform ourselves. It's interesting really. The same way as girls tend to get into more feminine guys when they're on the pill according to some studies!

    I really admire everyone with the dedication and work ethic that it takes to build a good-looking body.

    That's the psychological part of it which is pretty simple, we tend appreciate things we like about others. But the fact that you find them more physically attractive now, probably without conscious thought (?). I think there's something more to that.

  16. Would it be more a matter of the contrast between the two of you than the contrast between her and other women?

    Serious question? :lol: It's that I'd feel like I was hooking up with a dude.

    It was, more or less :lol:, for this reason though;

    Lithium.. were you into fitness chicks as much before you started lifting or did it come with that? I've kinda noticed guys who lift seem to be more into fitness chicks..

    No, I used to dislike that defined fitness look on girls, but now I really like girls who lift. However, there's certainly a limit to how muscular they can be.

    I've noticed that with many guys who started lifting.. I guess what we are attracted to change as we transform ourselves. It's interesting really. The same way as girls tend to get into more feminine guys when they're on the pill according to some studies!

    The rule of thumb is that she's allowed to bench no more than half as much as you.

    You bench more than 140 fucking kilos?? :oB-)

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