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Posts posted by mr.b

  1. Ok, i hate U2 and i even think that album shouldent be there, i also am not the biggest fan of nirvana, and i dont think that album should be there. I mean, nevermind is over rated, but at least there is some musical subtance underneath it all...

    St. Anger should definatly be on that list, everything by Osais, Audioslave and Verve. Sorry, thats just my opinion...

  2. I thought youd all like to know this so i can gloat in my cheapness right i went to Tesco after church today and my mum was just lookin at the shit clothes when i saw a new C.D bin from the cornor of my eye...I went over to see if it was any good all i saw at first were like Rod Stewart and Duran Duran but then...I saw a picture of Spaghetti...It was the Spaghetti Incident and guess how much it was...£3.95! i bought it coz mine keeps scratching and i thought youd all like to know and post how much  you paid for your album and i can gloat even more in my cheapness...maybe if i go to LidL i can get the UYI set for a fiver  :lol:


    LOl, i got TSI for 8.95 euro, which is pretty cheap, but not as good as you got it for...

    PS, am i seing double?...

  3. Ok, iv decided that im gonna buy a Bucket Album, i heard a few of his tracks, like lobotomy(?) and another one from that wedges site, plus deli creeps-demo that was put up in the download section. So can some one who knows about bucket give me some advice? Please and thanx...

    P.S. No rants please...

  4. Eurption still gives me the chills, as dose the oncore in NR. But the best is the one at the end of nightrain, i much prefer Mr.Bucketheads version to Slashs. Please Axl, get Mr.KFC back, he is so fucken class...

  5. You forgot to mention Green Day, they are/were fairly big...

    As for the topic, I don't really, i hope so. But you will always find someone who dosent like a band or will try to stir some shit, start some contraversity( i'm fair bad at spelling). Plus, there is so many different types of music, it would be very hard to find one band that will be able to cover everyones intrests, back in that time there wasent so many different types of music as we have today(correct me if im wrong), but there wasent as much, lets say, GOTH metal as there is today, back then it was just Rock N' Roll and POP N' shit...

    I dunno, this post is a disaster...

  6. my sky iusnt working, so i cant watch it.. :(

    Its a bastard when that happens isent it, ours stopped working last week for like 4 days, i was so bored... And the strange thing is that i actually dont watch that much T.V, only like 45mins to an hour a day, and i was bored...

    Back to topic, i taught Green Day only released 3 singles from each album, are they breaking the tradition or dose BOBD and Holiday only count as one?...

  7. He died way too early.

    He's alright, I'm into him. My Dad is like obsessed with him :blink:

    So is my dad, he is an irish rock god, i think he has four live albums or something, they are ment to be unbelivable, or something like that...

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