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Posts posted by giuls

  1. 7 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    Even if they hadn't talked directly yet, their "people" were negotiating about Coachella. Either they were playing with us or there was some kind of misunderstanding between them because each or one of them thought that the other camp had leaked info about the reunion.

    I want to believe is the first option because it makes me laugh they coordinated for maximum passive-aggressiveness to hid that they were talking again. :lol:

  2. 17 minutes ago, dgnr said:

    The best part was: the moment they got Gilby and Duff on stage, crowd started chanting 'GUNS N' ROSES, GUNS N' ROSES' and a passive agressive Slash said 'You need to get that out of your system' or something. One year later the bitches were playing Coachella. :shrugs: Not in this Lifetime, yeah right :wub:

    I'm not clear on the timeline but if they've already talked like @Blackstar suggested, i wonder if the first talk didn't go well or if it did and they were doing this to hide the reunion (but i also like @Blackstar little dialogue) who knows :lol:

  3. 16 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    It was a paper with a drawing of a male chicken, it had a hole where someone stuck their testicles, so the balls looked like the wattle of the chicken :facepalm:

    Why, Axl, i'm between :rofl-lol: and :facepalm: because you know how something is so in bad taste you laugh? exactly

    The "don cry for me, Argentina" tweet was hilarious, thou, great passive-aggressiveness

  4. 4 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    Nice interpretations of IRS, @Frey and @giuls. I guess people here would like it to be either about Erin or about Slaxl (and to some both would do :awesomeface:) and no one would like it to be about Stephanie :rolleyes:, but it could be. I think it's more likely about a woman, either Stephanie (I'm inclined to that) or Erin, or maybe both.

    Yes, i agree is mainly about Stephanie but i can see a little Slash slithering in there, if only a bit, you know, the "i tried everything to make you stay but you didn't and now i'm pissed/bitter" deal can apply to him too :lol:

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  5. 11 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Kinda weird he didn't ask Duff for Slash phone :question:

    I guess it's because he didn't want Duff to triangulate their interaction and wanted to talk to Slash on his own term even if Duff has both Axl and Slash's best interest in mind

  6. 1 hour ago, Slash787 said:


    IRS is basically about Stephanie.



    I agree

    39 minutes ago, stella said:

    I remember Sympathy for the Devil, but that's not originally GnR anyway. And there was another guy doing vocals with him.

    I actually like the GNR cover but i rarely listen to it because Axl sing "politics" instead of "Politesse" and it irks me that he sings a wrong word, he knows the Stones, he could have asked someone to write him the right lyrics on a napkin or something :lol:


    ETA: i read about MSL, is he the one that leaked ChiDem? but you talk about him/her as he is not reliable? I know nothing about insider, sorry

  7. Okay, IRS, let's try.

    IRS is the taxes agency so him calling the IRS tells me he thinks the person "stole" money from him or they're profiting out of Axl in some way.


    Wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong
    Wouldn't be the last I'm sure I've known
    With all the rumors I could tell
    Somethings didn't work so well

    He was wrong about this person and they left him for better things but rumours said it wasn't going so well (him thinking Stephanie was the one and her legal troubles or Slash, the famous "I'll still be your friend" and his drug troubles, him relapsing during VR?)



    As when you first told me you were gone
    So long ago but I still held on
    Through all the motions the love and the sex
    And that's the truth, and here's the worst yet

    Would it even mattered the things that I'd say
    You made your mind up and gone anyway
    And there's no use now in dragging it on
    Should've seen it coming all along


    This give me Stephanie vibe, even if the last verse could apply to Slash, let's not get carried away :lol: t's Stephanie, she cheated, she could have said more than once she was going away but it wasn't meant to be and she actually left Axl no matter what he'd say.


    Gonna make this a federal case
    Gonna wave it right down in your face
    Read it baby with your morning news
    With a sweet hangover and the headlines too

    He feels like they shitted on him (the famous lawsuit?) and Stephanie has problems with substances or we can go the Slaxl route with the GNR lawsuit and Slash's addiction but i think he's talking about Stephanie.



    1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I wish he would do that again. 

    I would be very surprised if he will do an interview in a timely fashiom, a chat with us would be out of question, imo :lol:

  8. 4 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    I don't remember him saying that in a joking tone. Not that he was dead serious either, but it was just an intro and linked to what he had previously said about the other song.

    To me he sounded like he was joking but no-one is in his mind :shrugs:


    I'm taking a rain check on IRS, i want to teorize on it but it's late in the night, tomorrow is on, thou!

  9. 21 minutes ago, Kara said:

    Ladies, this may derail the convo a bit but can someone tell what the deal is with Axl's ex-wife, Erin? Like... I'm totally lost on that one...

    Nothing that we know of? Like, Erin seems like she wants back in Axl's good grace but Axl doesn't bit afawk, the only thing was his joke during "you shook me all night" and to me it seemed only a joke without any ulterior motive (i know, i know, it's a funny thing to say in this topic).

  10. 8 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    wow I can't believe this thread has 328 pages!:rofl-lol:  Seems like it was yesterday we were complaining in the Social Media thread about not being able to discuss some things freely :hahafyou: let's celebrate!
    much love:heart:


    Yay, Axl, pour the whiskey! Slash and Duff can have soda

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  11. 11 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Also please note Axl's thanks: He thanks family and friends first (meaning the Lebeises and other people because they don't get mentioned again specifically), but Sasha gets mentioned on her own somewhere down the list. Together with other people who work for Axl. Meaning Sasha is neither real family nor a friend, just some kind of employee going by that booklet :awesomeface:

    She's only the catsitter :rofl-lol:

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, john lennon said:

    I agree on Steve for last tho... and Axl first. I've a friend that looks sorta like young Axl in Rapidfire only he's blonde n has shorter hair. I showed my friends one of the Rapidfire pics and they were all like 'holy fuck, whoever that dude is he totally looks like *friend's name*!!!'


    You have a really hot friend! :lol: 

  13. 6 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    The weird thing is that from the past I don't know how many years, only Agnus and Malcolm have gotten writing credit for all the songs. 

    What did Cliff, Phill and Brian do in the studio? just sang and played what Angus and Malcolm wrote? how is that possible? 

    Yes? A lot of bands has principal songwriters, not everyone has the talent to actually write songs.

    @john lennon sorry, my personal chart goes: Axl, Slash, Duff/Izzy (it depends on the eras) Steve for last

  14. @tiutso The wigs aren't THAT bad :lol:

    @Frey I like the theories, they're plausible, actually, it DOESN'T have to be romantic but this choice could have come from the same place that caused Slash to go "we're not soulmates!" when they aren't linked to that turn of phrase as other artistic pair are, the general public wouldn't think it naturally. Who knows with those two tbh :rofl-lol:

    Jesus!Axl is so a thing he would do.

  15. 9 hours ago, Frey said:

    This sounds like a new Slaxl theory waiting to happen. :lol:

    Come on, I'm sure one of you guys can explain this from a Slaxl point of view lol


    It writes itself, they'll never tell us but there's hinting :rofl-lol:

    8 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I don't think anyone here likes Axl no more haha :P

    I still like him! :wub:


    8 hours ago, Frey said:

    (But how hilarious is it that he actually felt the need to do that? :rofl-lol:)

    Very and it's one of the thing that made me go "HMMMMM" :lol:

  16. 12 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Soooo....what did I miss? How's the Izzy thing continuing? :ph34r:

    It's actually funny, people were literally pulling figures out of their asses, taking them as gospel and getting outraged over, again, invented amount of money.

    I sincerely laughed :rofl-lol:

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