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Posts posted by kevdo242

  1. I hear there's a new site called Google.com, where you can just search for a random keyword phrase, and it'll give you a bunch of websites that are relevant to your keyword(s). Maybe check that out?

    2/10. It's a tried and tested insult, but I preferred when you replied to stupid posts with animated gifs.

    (awaiting animated gif)

  2. Grow the fuck up. It's a tragedy for anyone to die so young, all that bullshit that 'she had it coming' is incredibly immature. Drug addiction is a serious affliction, nothing to be sblack personed at. As if you can just wake up one morning and just say "Nah, I'll give these drugs a miss."

    If a more 'rock n roll' star died from a drug overdose, there would be much less of this talk.

  3. There's no good YouTube version of this song, but on "Ballad of a Thin Man" on Highway 61 revisited, Dylan laughs during the first verse. On the line "You try so hard but you understand" you can hear him laugh as he says the word "try." Have no idea why they kept that take. It's kind of a cool creepy song and that part takes away from it a bit

    I think thats on purpose, he does that in all i really wanna do too but to different effect. I think in Ballad of a Thin Man its meant to sound cruel and nasty, like the song is, its basically an attack on "Mr Jones", calling him a loser. Thats how i took it anyway.

    Wouldnt surprise me, it is Dylan.

    Yeah, even if it isn't on purpose it does add to the song. Like the part in Maxwell's Silver Hammer when Paul McCartney laughs.

  4. Although I despise Liam Gallagher, Morning Glory was an amazing album. I think Damon Alburn really came into his own even after Blur split up, what with Gorillaz etc. What I love about Alburn is that he doesn't fear trying new things. Liam Gallagher (and Noel for that matter) seem totally devoted to this 'real rock n roll' bullshit, and I'm not convinced by it. Ripping off the Kinks doesn't make for entertaining listening, but I don't think either of the Gallaghers will make anything as good as Morning Glory,

    So yeah, Morning Glory.

  5. If you think you are a clever cupcake because you claim to be a big fan of teenieboppers of yesteryear (and the future) on hard rock forum, just remember that this is how you chose to use your spare time, as opposed to doing something constructive, such as playing table tennis, reading or assassinating a high-profile political figure.

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