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Posts posted by penelope

  1. I remember reading that  the only approach she  (Roxana) had with Axl was that time she was doing "things" with Sebastian Bach, she told him something like, " you were my crush when I was young", or something like that.

    And that was all the interaction.  She also mentions  an obsession with Nikki Sixx, so maybe it is about him, or anyone.

    (I swear I´ll  stop reading that kind of stuff)


  2. 5 minutes ago, RONIN said:


    He's not filling stadiums without Slash in tow. Axl cannot carry this band alone and hasn't been able to since he emerged from the wilderness in 2002. That was my point.

    And the attendance stats are pretty conclusive on that.

    Good point. But we could say the same about Slash, he is not filling Stadiums withouth Axl.... They kinda need each other, the reason this reunion thing is working is because of these two.


    5 minutes ago, RONIN said:

     Fair enough. :lol: You could say Slash is a lot more exciting to watch than Joe Perry - but like you, I don't want to speak for others however - from last night's show review:

    Dressed all in black with his signature top hat perched above his curly locks, Slash positively oozed cool. The audience clearly adored him and gave him plenty of love, maybe even more than Rose. 


    I don't know, I was thrilled to see Joe Perry, to me he is as iconic as Slash.

    And about who the audience likes more, if Slash or Axl, it is all about tastes, I have always liked Axl since I can remember, even though the only news I had from him were about his fight with Tommy Hilfiger...I like Slash too.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, RONIN said:

    The show opened with the one-two punch of “It’s So Easy” and “Mr. Brownstone,” causing spontaneous outbursts of Axl dances and fist pumps in the crowd, which was more than twice the attendance of the combined 22,000 folks who caught GNR’s last three, Slash-free shows at the Target Center. But some of those smiles turned to looks of confusion at the third song of the show, the title track of 2008’s “Chinese Democracy,” the album Rose made with his own version of GNR.


    Dude, I went to see Aerosmith last year and  when Joe Perry started his solo and his singing, because Steven went to rest a bit, everybody was like :sleeper::confused: ( not me) but lots of people were like that... 

    And when you go to a concert is not like you know every song of the artist (at least not me) sorry, I don't wanna talk for everybody.

  4. 1 hour ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

    He lost me when he played for Martha Sanchez and Paulina Rubio....:no:...that was...no words

    Moja mi corazon rock4 it's a good song.

    I think Slash went into mercenary mode with Paulina Rubio. It made no sense.

    The collab with Fergie makes me cringe, but that's subjetive.

  5. I couldn't stop my curiosity, Erin has Angela Nicoletti and Mandy Brixx on facebook....  And about Howard Stern I would say the guy is rude and sleazy but that's how he keeps his audience, I remember looking for an Izzy interview with Howard Stern because he had already interviewed the other 4, but I guess Izzy is wise and knows better..

    Also there is an Scott Weiland interview with Howard, the guy was so depressed at that time  but Howard wouldn't stop doing horrible questions...

    Idk it is painful to watch.

  6. 1 hour ago, Georgina Arriaga said:


    I'm in love with the partner in crime thing! Apparently Axl was very happy last night!

    She must have told him: ACDC!

    Love him without the jewels! Oh and shorts!


    Aww he is using a blind melon t shirt :heart:

    • Like 4
  7. 3 minutes ago, BorderlineCrazy said:

    Slash wasn't sending messages to his female fans but to ALL his fans. A (female) friend of mine -as well as many other people- got Slash's solo album sent by him as a gift. He even talked about this publicly in interviews. When he quit cigarettes, he used his cellphone (and twitter in particular) to keep his hands busy and it was a cool way for him to communicate with fans. I believe he stopped doing that after a crazy girl from Scotland (if my memory serves) started talking shit about Perla and caused problemas between her and Slash.



    I have never heard of any artist sending free stuff, that's so sweet of him.  :heart: 

  8. 3 minutes ago, purplestargirl said:

    Here's a new piece of information:  Slash flirted with all his female fans on Twitter a few years back.  I think a few private DMs were sent out as well, I don't exactly remember. The reason I know this because I got a few of those flirts myself and I thought he was just being polite. I was also young and didn't know any better. I'm honestly surprised that Perla didn't start harassing/attacking all of us back then for that.

    OMG was he sending messages to all his female fans? 

  9. 20 minutes ago, Frey said:

    I thought she was under 18 for some reason, but I don't remember that story all that well anymore.


    The one she claims she was pregnant with?

    She spent some time with Axl, got pregnant and then had a miscarriage bcecause of her drinking and hard partying. That's her story.

    I'm not sure that is his wedding ring, but either way, Slash doesn't exactly look all that young here anymore. I'm guessing VR era? So definitely married to Perla at the time.

    And yeah, Perla was pretty jealous. She attacker that plus-size woman Slash supposedly had an online affair with when she saw her at one of his shows, so...

    Does anyone here know the background story of that picture?



    What was he doing with the plus- size woman:ph34r: ?  did she catch him using an omegle site? 

  10. And no, I don't have kids, I know nothing ahout them and I don't consider myself apt to be a parent for lots of reasons. I just wrote of it because I felt it was a bit harsh to say no kid should have Axl as a parent. It was probably a joke idk, anyway, I hope no one takes this very serious.

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  11. 41 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Of course, no parenting is perfect because humans aren't perfect. The thing is that despite little mistakes you don't end up inflicting an incredible amount of pain on your children by psychologically damaging them with bullshit you drag from your own life.

    Money, servants, etc. don't mean a shit to a person if their parents are not there to help with shaping your life, your character, your values.

    I wouldn't use the Jackson kids as an example of anything. Yes, he had them because he could.... so what? In theory, everybody can have them. That's not the thing. Parenting doesn't mean giving birth or bringing people to the world just because.

    Jackson was a crazy guy and I have no idea how the children have turned out but I don't think their lives are very normal. 


    I know, all I'm saying is that if he believes, and if he still wants to have kids, it is his decision at the end. I probably didn't make myself clear...  and yeah MJ shouldn't be taken as an example, whatever, it is just my silly opinion I didn't mean to upset anyone here.

  12. 6 hours ago, killuridols said:


    Personally, I'm totally against people having children for the sake of it, just to fullfill their needs of companion, a partner or whatever hole they have in their lives. Like I said before, I advocate for quality of life and not for just "living" because someone said so. Don't bring children to this world if you're gonna be a jerk to them, cause them emotional problems and wreck them for life. We already have too many people fucked up by selfish people who couldn't stop themselves from being egotistical fucks. Axl himself is the product of two people who were not meant to have children and shouldn't have raised any child because they were totally inept.

    It looks to me back in the day he was pretty aware of this line of thought and that is something to admire on him. I don't know what is his take now. Seems like he's still on that line. We, as humans, can do much more than just reproduce ourselves like rabbits. It is time that we start looking for quality of life, not quantity.


    These words,  I agree 100% with this especially because I always see people wanting to fill the void with a kid, sometimes it gives me the impression that some people think of a child as a puppy or something that ain't a big deal.

    A kid is a lifetime compromise. 

    But returning to Axl, idk, he may not be a role model and he may have issues, but lets be honest, most of parents aren't super qualified to be parents... 

    The guy has money, lots of servants (TB)  can I call them that? ( not very professional in my eyes)  and he doesn't look to crazy to me nowadays, I can't say much about him because  I don't know him, but for what I have read in here he has his moments, but I wouldn't say he isn't apt to have a son/daughter.

    So I would say it is his decision and his right for that matter. I mean MJ had kids and they look pretty normal to me... idk that's my opinion


    10 hours ago, money honey said:

    That is an appalling prospect, mostly because it's not unlikely. If he stays single and childless, I hope he leaves all his money to animals' charities. 

    Poor guy. 

    I think so too. Nobody needs to be perfect to be a parent. He would certainly have the financial side sorted. With the benefit of years now, he'd be as good a father as anyone.

    I  hope he reproduce soon  even if it is with Sasha (at this rate it doesn't matter). 

    it is either that  or what Frey said..:scared:

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  13. 3 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    I'm sorry but the man cannot take care of himself... do you really think he could take care of a baby, a child??

    Not really, but I see lots of irresponsable people having kids.. forget what I said.

    ( I am  just in love with his young genes)

  14. 1 minute ago, killuridols said:

    Well, there wasn't........... he had Craig Duswalt but the man had to go live his life as well.

    Beta came in handy because she was willing to give up her life in order to take care of Axl. And he needed that kind of assistant. He needed more than an assistant, more than a secretary or person in charge of his stuff. This is the reason why he embraced the whole family.

    Oh God. I guess we just can wish him good then?

  15. 17 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Maybe it was Axl's idea to put them all to work for him and of course, for TB, that was the easiest path to land a job.

    Since he is a guy who started distrusting everyone (at times with reason) and needed people who would not contradict him with his vision of how he had to run the band, TB fits perfectly in the story. He sort of raised those kids, molded and shaped them the way he wanted them to be. Instructed them to do this and that and with the help of Beta, they became a team at the service of Axl.

    Any other people, serious managers and professionals, wouldn't have devoted their lives to Axl Rose. They'd want to have things done, going and moving quickly. They would have forced him to reunite earlier than this. That's exactly what people like Azoff wanted but Axl was not mentally in the place he needed to be to accept it.


    Yeah, I know it is Axl's fault too, but man....  there must some descent asistant out there for him to work with,(no matter how difficult Axl is) it is just not healthy for him having all the lebeises family tree.


    27 minutes ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

    @penelope agree with you here. Yes about her family....I read in some place that even Beta's sister and brother had a job in some capacity in GNR...in my opinion that is very exploitative....I don't know if now it's the case, but for example, Vanessa's husband....:facepalm: what he do for GNR? and you see in their Instagram "GNR family" and shit like that...and honestly I have not seen Axl in a single picture at those fancy restaurants where "GNR family" go

    Yeah it is crazy!  It is not so hard to imagine them fighting for the inheritance..

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  16. I think is not that bad that Axl has Beta, maybe she has being of help in times of emotional crisis, etc.  But what I think it's bad is that she put all her family to work for him  and it has become in some sort of family business. Idk they don't look very professional to me....  ( the last video as an example)

     It looks like a mess to me.


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  17. 1 hour ago, purplestargirl said:

    I think Slash was going for the '&' symbol.

    Re Curly Daddy: I'm one of the people here who reads Slaxl fanfiction off of various sites and in one of the stories I'm currently reading mentions that Slash has 'voodoo curls'. I kind of want to start calling Slash 'Voodoo Curls' now.

    Haha, sorry to interrupt but where can I read the voodoo curls ff? :P


    btw, I think perla's instagram message it's a little too much, we all know they have kids together... but whatever.

  18. 4 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    I watched it again and I can't believe how stupid those people are. Vanessa, she's the one who came out first and was supposed to lead Axl to the car, but when she saw he wanted to sign some stuff she walked away, left him alone and disappeared. Axl got lost (also being drunk didn't help) and thought his car was the first one. Then Vanessa comes to yell to him "Axl, wrong car!!!" :facepalm: and I hear some guy saying something like "doesn't matter, get in there anyway". The video cuts and then they make him get out of the car, he goes to the next one and I can see ANDREI already sitting at the front :fuckyou: and Axl is not allowed to get into that car either :question: and he goes to the next one and same shit!!! :wow:

    So, as you can see, he is the last one to get a fucking car while the rest of the leeches are already pretty comfortable in their car seats (which Axl pays for!!!! :bitchfight:) and that idiot surfer guy who is completely useless acts tough against the camera guy, loooool, of course they don't want fans to see the treatment they give to  uncle Axl but I'm so glad there was a camera there because this is yet another evidence of the freak show being totally incompetent :no:

    And omg, how annoying all those people following Axl to ask for autographs when anyone with half a brain could notice he was not well, pissed off and done signing :facepalm:

    Your comment is so true, watching  that video one can see the mistreatment he is getting from his employees. He looks tired and drunk among a bunch of young drunk people who couldn't care less about him. No one gave him a damn seat in whatever car he was supposed to take....  it is sad.

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